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BATH. TO be LETT,— A HOUSE of two Rooms on • floor, ficitted n*ai the Batht, and within a fixpenny

... remarkable Cure pc-iiormeu by DEEPING* ANTISCORBUTIC DROPS, Only Four Shilling, a hollle. Prepared byJosrtH Husims, latt ?? in Golden-fcjuare. THE following being the third moll extraordinary cuie finte matle public, will he a convincing prool 01 it* Efficacy ...

Cheap Hat, Hoficry, ad Glove Wnre-Houic Near the Paruii-Room, Bath T 1? n a acquaints' the Nobility, fl? ,t £*b

... and other Chocolates, Cocoa, $cc.; which, with all kinds of Grocery, he fells wholefale and retail at the lowed prices. ?? MAIDSTONE GENEVA. THE Proprietors acquaint the public, that by an Aft of Parliament palled lad Scffioni, they have an ewlu- five light ...

JEWELLER y. A Moft elegant and curious Aflortment of Lockets, Bracelets, Ear-rings, Pins, 'two.-. Knive*, ..

... and Retail, by R. CRUTTIII in Si. James's-Jireet, Bath, (next t he CiirA) C L I N T 0 N's Imperinl Royal Golden SNUFF and OH THIS Imperial Royal Golden SNUFF Wi nun I by thoufands of pcrfonsto be tbe ?? dy for taking away al! pain; and aches out of the ...

M AINWARING, JEWELLER, GOLDSMITH, and TOYMAN, Oppofite Mr. Gyde's Kooms, oa the Lower Walks, Bath, BEGS leave ..

... diftributor* oi this paper. Of vjb-eirt may bt bad, by tit King'i Pattnt, CAKES for making Shining Liquid BLACKING for Shoes, Boots, tec. which make with the utmoft cafe, with the addition of Water only, a moft excellent Shining Li* quid Blacking, much fuperior ...

BAT'ii, March Jolh, j-It, SPRING GARDENS' ARE now OPENED for the Seafon, with Break- 'iiling and Afien 11011 Te 1,

... rent ol i I. per annum, who willfhcw the fame, jc o) . ii.ay remain on mortgage. \i Iv lo Mr. Davis, Cliapel-court, Bath. ?? GOLDEN LION l~cT\, HORSKiSTREET, BATH. SAMUEL SAUNDERS, from the Hare and Hounds, Wid, mbe, beg, leave to inform bis friends a, I ...

ADVERTISEMENT. AW in the Prtfs, and f pte diiy -xvill bt publijatd, In a neat I'ocket Volume, fmall Oftavo, THE

... Attic Story; wit ti four Garret t, two SerV4iits Halls, Butler's Pantry, Vault., lee. Ice. Plenty ot both Sortsof Water ; ilie Kent gel. ;>er Annum. Alfo, A HOUsi. and SHOP, in a mod defnalle Pan of tlij.' l own, fit for any Bufincf,. Pleafe tocr.quiic of ...

DEVIZES ASSEMBLY WILL be at the Tm-T.-Hall on Monday the 26th of March. To begin at fix o'clock. ?? A

... drawing of mine intended for a frontiipiece of Emma Cmbctt, is execated entirely to my futis- faction. ANGELICA KAUFFMAN. Golden -Square, Feb. 13, 1781. Proof imprelhons of the drawings may be had at R. Rieards's, in Bond-ftreet, Bath ; and at Ryland ...

BAT H TO be LETT, and entered upon immediately, A Lirer jn,l Commodioi, HOUSE, f.tuat* on thr fouth fide of

... Bath, thit he has appointed Mr. Cotiell, fhoe-maker, in S.all- ffreet, his fole agent for the file of them in Bath ; by whom Boots, Spatterdalhes, Galofhes, and LaJirt' and Cenllemen't Shoes, are made in the beft an I mill ftlhionable manner. TROWBBRIDO ...

DEVIZES. TO be LETT, and entered upon at or before Mi* chaelmat next,— A large and commodious DWELLING- HOUSE, and

... attended to. A Main if Forty-live Cocks each fide, to be Fought at the houfe of Mr. John Lovill, known by the fign of the Golden Lion, In Wrington, neir Briftol, Somerfet, between the Gentlemen of Devon md Somerfet, for Five Gnineit a bat- tit, tnd 1 ...

SPRING-GARDENS, London, 30th Sept. MR. ANSELL, AuSionetr, begs leave to inform the Nobility, Gentry, and the ..

... oils and colours. [!fc6J> D E v i! z X s! CARRIAGES to he SOLD. A neat four-wheel CHAISE, with bi-il plate glafl'ei, a large boot to the carti. age, belt London finings, rot in vie- mere than nine months. Alfo, a Iti mg four-wheel CHAISE lit for poll work; ...

CITY OF HATH. r rili' Mayor and Justices of this City, having L taken into their ferlou.s eoiilideratlnn the gieat

... they nuy lie lupplied with all io-ts of Boots and Shoes, particularly fuch as arc W.\ 1 1 n*l»uoor,and fo much approved of by his Royal ?? the Duke of York, lor his Campaign boots.-— Ail fortsol l.ailicn Boots and drefs Shoes inatlc as tifual, and Water-Proof ...

No. 7, WESTGATE-STREET, BATH, lOHN IIAILEY, fucceffut toMoxtjAK, theOii- J eiml OLIVER IllSClJir BAKER, thinks ..

... to ten guineas each, of beautiful colours and leigtlu -Jli/kpfgate-Jlreet, ?? London, J OHN Jjgt COLE S, Atthc ORIGINAL ipl Golden Canifiir, No. 7, North-gate- ■sjjsß Street, near St. MICHAEL 1 !- B- IP CHURCHjBATH, ?? informs the publick in general, that ...