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North West, England


Cumberland, England

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For the BENEFIT of Mr. CLARKE and Mifs M‘ GEORGE. the Theatre in Whitbnavek» Fn the loth Day of January,

... For the BENEFIT of Mr. CLARKE and Mifs M‘ GEORGE. the Theatre in Whitbnavek» Fn the loth Day of January, will he prefented Comedy called The Provok’d Hufband Or, A Journey to London. To which will added a FARCE called High Life below Stairs. With a favourite ...

ctraucn. uuc'iint creat’d cij’.liiecn months ago, which, ulclf coals from pit 50 deep, at the one rate as thc, ..

... hello, at Theatre In Smock-alley, in the winter cf 17-;S--and '.fie next (ealun was introduced by .Mr. r.'ne London liage, where his attontdiing powers produced him the higheft reputation. tile year ■'l7j3 he and Mr. Woodward fretted a new theatre in Crow ...

For the BENE T Mr. and Mrs. M‘ G E O R G E, At the Thc«trc in Whitehavfnj on

... Form, the Model the Ancient Creek Tragedy, (Written the Rev. Mr. MASON, M. A.) And Performed with univcrfal Appiaufe at the Theatre Kc)al, Covent-Garden. Elfrida, Mrs. G E R E. To which will added a Com 1 c OrtRA Three Afis, never perfornicd here, called ...

—— Friday and Saturdays Pofts. From LONDON C.'\ Z E T E. Conjlan'inv/tle, December 3. K N ?oili November Sir

... lion. John Home, Linden, fiq. Mr Wall it, Mr.Manleveref, Mr. Portctis. and llr. Atkinfen. Several of the gentlemen of both theatres joined the procclEon the entrapec to the Cloyttett. and to exprefs the gieatelf concern fisr the toft their fellow perlormer ...

LONDON, March 13 The

... called the Song of written by the late Chance lor . and fet to made by Mr. Linety, jun was performed lart ni t ht Drury lane theatre fur the firrt time. It was received with uniter lit .-.pphiufe. Hops fold this morning in the Borough, bags from 11, 16 s ...


... for ney, Plate, Watches, Writings, dec. unlcfs ente:cd and paid for as nor for any parcel above the value of 15!. AT the Theatre in iioper-Jtrcct, WHITEHAVEN, Friday the 4th April, 1777, will be peifjrmed CONGER T «f MUSI C, Jinxes 2S.— Pit is. bA,---Gallery ...

Ext raid a letter fr

... appointed miller the Lynx Cruiaer in the fervice of th Cull .'in houfe, in the room of Mr. Daniel Fearon. Friday lall, the Theatre in t!is town, the young gentlemen (pupils M.-m-s. Ward and Tordiff) perfonneJ the Tragedy Cato and th Farce the Gholl, > very ...


... H E S T R. THE Theatre Royal, in Cheftcr, will op?:ieJ on Monday the sth May the Firtt Day the Races) by Meifrs. A S N and Company, with a New Pr:lo£uf on the Occ.ili ...


... Favours will be gratefully acknowledged their humble Servant ROBERT TOWN. NcwcaJlle-ufon-Tyne, May 6, 1777. Ran off, from the Theatre, Newcajlle, On the Firft inflant. JOHN CLARKE, who was Keeper of the Stage the latter Hart of ch« Seafon, and is fulpeAed ...


... performed at Court, and other polite Assemblies. The Prices will be 10s. 6d. per Quarter, and 1 s. Entrance. Ran oil, from the Theatre, Ntwcq/ile, TO be Pcreiiiptorily Sold to tlie bed Monh.w Day Aoot»i next, the Svn, in Cock-.rin .v¦ A, c ...


... Ycfterday a grant of licence unt > >!in Townfend, the city of Cherter, Efq. and his afligns, for years, enable him crcdt a Theatre or in the faid cuy, palled the Gieat Seal . Orders have been received Chatham ufe the utmoft diTpatch in fitting out the ...