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It we. rab , : itt, Par-layt at their ream, tad off !, it is Thai anhap:Wad !ins sly fu&

... Emptror Grand Duke of Tufcany, as their Sovereign; which they comply with, unlefs the Britifh Couit gives them Leave. The fine Theatre of Sienna, which was confiderably dam-g fome time ago by Fire, and replied by a v , ilunrary emtribution uf the Nobility, ...


... other Places, from paying any Taxes to the Apottolick Chamb r thefe three Years to corm. His Holinefs his hkew order'd tli Theatres to be (hut, 411 ti ell publikk Spatacies arc forpendcd cn count of there dreadful Calamities. 1. 0 N D 0 N. Sett. i i. On ...

To he SOI.D,

... and put the Bailiffa to Flight. We hear that the Tragedy of Phzdra and Hippolitus will be revived this Seafon at Drury-Lane Theatre, in which Mr. Garrick wit perform. This Tragedy was written by Mr. Smith of Oxford, and though it is allowed to be one of ...

N. 3536.)

... Round- Houle of Newington Para. Saturday Night during . the fecond Scene of the Entertainment ter the Play, at Drury-lane Theatre, the Audience war tr alarmed by a Noire from behind the Boxes, occafioned by two ticmen quarrelling and drawing Swords, which ...

'cake, 3, • rfttr• to ' , lto I s iid , s to to the Cora• xtorni• Temrm'd io

... firit found out the Ci.culation of the Blood, uthers, and deltroy'd deters People. was fpuken by Sir William Browne in the Theatre; after which Stockholm, attober r 2. The Ceremony of the Interment of th e there was a grand Entertainment on that Occaliun ...

LOND 0 N, Oft. 26

... 16th of Auguft laft ; a Perfon grealy regretted. Friday Night Mifs Macklin played the Part of Jane Shore at Covent-Garden Theatre with univerfal Applaufe. Latt Thurfday, about Five o'Clock in the Evening, Col. Leighton, Lieutenant-Governor of Portfmouth ...

On Sunday Wren? tin L blew JI t! , e Leaden Figure' rime the Top of tl.e Printing Hoag at

... lamented his many good %antics. One Thing is very remarkable, that al . land, Prince Edward, and Prince's Amclia, went to the Theatre - though he left Frarce about fifty Years ago , he ne v e r c o uld learn the ' Royal it Drury-Erne ;hi Mr,ji.fty by the Marquis ...

[N% 35;-.)

... [N% 35;-.) Ey a COMPANY COMEDIANS, AT the Theatre in CANTER euRY, on It.onday the zGth latant, will be prefcntei a Comedy, cAll'd - The MI S E R. Lovtgold, Mr. Smith; Ckeimenr, Mr. Brooks; Fr,d,ick , Mr. ‘Villoughby ; 81art/4100k, Mr. Braley ; Rmiie, ...


... By a COMPANY Of COMEDIANS, AT the Theatre in Canterbury, on Monday the 6th Inf. will be prefented a Comedy, call'd _ _ Tht Celllant Cook : or, 4 Trip to tie 7ubiltt : Sir Harry :Pi/lair, Mr. Smith ; Standard, Mr. Brook,; Beau Clincher, Mr. Peters; Young ...

liar, ihelseles Cazsitt, 7..7 4. r-k7:l: l Ar:•r.c:ric, Dec. 4. Ihe Cuntnits Dirietcper, h I! vi.c in City and ..

... Death of Prince-. Thuriday Evening the Duke of was at the Theatre in Drury. lane, to fee the I':visiy of the Orphan; being the irl tinnt. of his Royal Eligiinets's ,! at either ut the Theatres 'lace h..f.:' We Ad% from a Holiand, thet at ...