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... THEATRE -ROYAL. Next Saturday 'will be performed a Comedy called THE WONDER; a Woman keeps a Secret. Don Felix, Mr. Cooke; Colonel Briton, Mr. Kcafberry; Don Lopez, Mr. Edwin; Don Pedro, Mr. Summers; Frederick, Mr. Pync; LifTardo, Mr. Didier; Gibby, Mr ...


... THEATRE-ROYAL. Saturday next will be performed, a Comedy called THE FOUNDLING.—BeImont, Mr. Lee; Sir Charles Raymond, Mr. Cooke; Sir Roger Belmont, Mr. Edwin; Col. Raymond, Mr. Guion; Paddle, Mr. Kcalbcrry; Villiard, Mr. Brookes; Servant, Mr.WatU. Rofctta ...


... BATH THEATRE. AMONG other millers of novelty with which the feveril Per- formers hive rnfiriiined thfir friends in thr courfe ef fhe prelent Benefit , the Interlude of the GENTLE Laird has met with it! fhire of approbation, md from its intimate ?? with ...


... HATH THEATRE J he new pantomme of Bryftme is as great a favourite here as it llhltol, the ftenery being fo well executed that every eye recognizes thereprefentation. On its fecond performance on Tmirftlay the forty, ol God (m the King was judicioufly ...


... BATH THEATRE. Lift night our Theatre was honoured with the prc- fe-tlct' of tils Senile Hlehlllfs the SlAn I llntlil R, wltfl the PaiNcr and Pu itit-sss of OitAHcis; when alter the comedy of the Wbeti tf Foitune, 1 new miifieal enter- tatnmrnt, In two ...


... HAYMARKET THEATRE Thurfday Mr. Henderfnn, for the fii 1 time at the Hay-marltrt, performed the part of Sir Jobn Falflaff in Shakefpeare'i henry the Pourtb. The characters drawn by moft dramitick writers, when com- pare, to thofe of Ml.lkrfpe.ll c, appear ...


... THEATRE-ROYAL, BATH. To M .riov. (Thu-fw*)) Venic* HieK-ivd, ?? the Rivl C, rattrJiy, ih, C'.rel./s Hull. mJ, -ith t' * R ler-O'f, ?? Tuelday, (b.v Jilue) the W't.l li.ji.n. vsiih 1-icW ile.-it.a ...


... THEATRE.ROYAL, BATH. Thuifday (by defire) the Revenge, with the Medley. Saturday, a new comedy, (netcr performed there) called the Run-Away, with the Trip to Scotland. Tuefday, the Merry Wivei of Windfor, with Daphne and Amintor. On Mifi S—vm—!■-., tf ...


... THEATRE-ROYAL, BATH. Saturday, Th* School for Wivei, with the Deferter. Tuc -Jay, will be revived tht comedy of the Drummer orthe Haunted Houfe, witb the Pantomime of the Medley. ...


... THEATRE-ROYAL, RATH ON SATURDAY next, the isthof JUNE, Will be piriform 'J * 'l'r lgnly called VENICE PRESERVD, or, a Plot Difcover'd. JulTi.-r Mr. DimonJ, Priuli Mr. RosvbothtaD, Bcdamar Mr. kulheriy, Renault Mr. BliU'ct, Duke Mr. Siddont, Salnofj Mr ...

! THEATRE, Consent-Garden

... ! THEATRE, Consent-Garden. Tiiefl.iy evening, a comedy of thnee nets, called Animal Magnctifm, was peiformed for the liilt time, translated frum u)e French by Mrs. Inchbald, ?? dilioveiics in medicine are made by empyricks, and not by the faculty, is ...


... THEATRE-ROYAL, BATH. Thuifday, the Mourning Bride, with the Chiplet. Saturday, Merchint of Venice, *nd th* Medley. PRICES of CORN, (per Sir.) at the folkwinr Places. Wheat Barley Oats Beans Bear Key 36s to 41s I szs to t ...