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South West, England


Somerset, England

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-_.©ii._*t-> -Defftnbtt 23

... of the County of Hereford, when the Addrefs from that County was nrcfented. Tbie Evening hit Majefty goes to Drury-aL*ne Theatre, to fee the Hiftorical Play of King Jobn. We hear tbat the Man who is in the Cuttody of one of his Majefty's Meffcngers, and ...

__...tfi, auouft *h

... Southampton and other Parts, conftantly grace the Room with their Prefence.— They add, that a Company of Comedians from the Theatres in London are ar- rived there, and perform twice a Week, vit. WednefUay and Saturday. A few Days ago, one of the French Prifoner ...

lfr-fl., December 3

... young Gentleman it arriv'd from London, to perform feveral capital Charac- ters in Tragedy and Comedy, at Orchard-ftrttt Theatre ; and that he will make his firft Appear- ance in the Character of Romeo, on Monday next, when he will fpeak an occaudnal ...

Hon&ott, SDetrmtuv i

... acccouut of fome Sufpicion relative lo the late Fire in the Hoik Market. We hear tlut Mr. Rich, late Patentee of Co- ?? vi'en Theatre, has left his Eil'ech, and the Profits arifiug from the Patent, to be equally divided between his Children ; and that Mr. ...

I HUMAN LIFE Compared toa.Masquerade

... I HUMAN LIFE Compared toa Masquerade. POETS and Philufophers, both ancient and modem, have compared this World to the Theatre, and confidcred human Life as the grand Drama thcieof. A ...

be fecld, T1 leHoufe in ueen s-Square Adjoining to Dr. Oliver's, And now in the PoffefTion of Mrs. Brown, at

... Mr. Salmon, Linen-draper, attbe Crok-Bath; at the Parade Coffee-Houfe; at the White-Hart- Inn, in Stall-Street; and at the Theatre, where Places for the Boxes may taken. Between tbe Parts of the Concert nvill prefented', Gratis a Come»y, callV LOVE for ...

London, February 16

... Powder-Mill on Hounflow-Heath was blown up, but happily no Lives were l«ft. Sams £v«iings ago, while their Majeft' at Drury-Laue Theatre to fee the Winter* J Mr. Garrick was repeating the two fr' Lints the occalional Prologue that s ' Piece For you, my Hearts ...

The Chemicals, Galenicals, Drugs, Books, Houfhold Furniture, Of ISAAC CAB ELL, the City Bath, APOTHECARY: ..

... Harper SATURDAY Evening, February 20, will Concert of Mufic. » Tickets be had at Mr. Harper's, in Bell-Tree Lane ; and the Theatre, where Places for the Boxes may be taken. Between the Parts of the Concert will be prefented, Gratis, Comedy, call'dtbt PROVOK'D ...

Published: Thursday 18 February 1762
Newspaper: Bath Chronicle and Weekly Gazette
County: Somerset, England
Type: Advertisement | Words: 603 | Page: 4 | Tags: none

King s-Head-Inn and in Bridgewater, r*beft In Somersetshire, ssl - io' i ftomed in the Town, lett 01 Term of

... Manufcript Lib'.- um bulkius, preferved in theQtudftj ' \ y' continued. A Defcript'on CQri Review new Books and Pamph[Ofy ' The Theatre. Original Pieces j zes . propofed for next Month. 4| me^'c Occurrences.' Births,Mari S> ® toc ks, Books, &c. Kb,°»» V> • ...

Published: Thursday 25 February 1762
Newspaper: Bath Chronicle and Weekly Gazette
County: Somerset, England
Type: Advertisement | Words: 604 | Page: 3 | Tags: none

Mrs. R O S CO, At her or. St. Bristol, this Method of acquainting her Friends, That (he continues her

... Bumbulkius, prelerved in . nuukian Library, continued. A Defcript'on of Martinico. A Review of new Books and lets, continued. The Theatre. Original Pieces of Poetry. Prizes propofed for next Month. Foreign and domeftic Occurrences. Births,Marriiges, Deaths, Srocks ...