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atrip, Sober Young Man, of reputable Patents, Apprentice to an lionnrntger, well Trade, principal JVi.irket ..

... Souter, (hall receive Twenty Shillings Reward over and above what is allowed Aft of Parliament for apprehending Defeiters. THEATRE. For the Benefit of Mrs. D O D D. SATURDAY next, February 16, will be perform'd, The BEGGAR's OPERA. Captain Macheath, (for ...

Co At Lady-Pay next, ESTATE the Manor of Laltngton, in the County of Somerfet, row in of Anthony Clement. ~Enqu ..

... Sale, For further Particulars enquire of Mr. Osborne, Attorney in Briltol; or of Mr. Es- COTT, Goathurft near Bridgwater. THEATRE. For the Benefit of Mr. TVatts y On SATURDAY next, February 13, will perforin'd, a Concert of Mulic. Between the Parts of ...

London, February 14

... # For further Particulars' enquire of Mr. Osborne, Attorney in Briltol; or of Mr. Es- cott, at Goathurtl near Bridgwater. THEATRE. For the Benefit of Mr. Watts, On SATURDAY next, February ij, will be perform'd, a Concert of Mulic. Between the Parts of ...

This is acnuainl the

... in Quality, and the Public may depend on their being fold great Bargains. N. B. Quantity of woik'd Mullin Aprons be ibid THEATRE. For the Benefit of Mr. Fijher, Box-Book-Keeper. On TUESDAY next, March the sth, will be pert'orrn'd, a Concert of Mufic. ...

Plants A who is willing ferve Single Gentleman, or Family, as Butler,' or out of Livery.-—Can (have, dreis, &c. and

... Randall, No. 4 in Trinity-Street. Roujfel, Ladies Plair-dreiler, (From PARIS) To heard of at Mr. John Lovell's, near the Theatre in Orchard-Street, Bath. ELIZABETH ROUSSF.L, Wafhes and takes Stains out of SILK STOCKINGS, making them look like new; alfo ...

.. To Mifs R—V)S,i.of fke Theatre, occafianed by the Ode, addrefs'd Mifs of the fame Theatre, pubhfh'd in this ..

... .. To Mifs R—V)S,i.of fke Theatre, occafianed by the Ode, addrefs'd Mifs of the fame Theatre, pubhfh'd in this Paper February zB. HAIL to the Bard, whofe melodious Lays Tunes tbe loft Reed to Rofeilinda s Praife May he, in Recompence for all his Toil ...

£>ol&, At the Three-Tuns in Stall.Street, Bath, A Bright Bay MARE, Fourteen Handg and a Half high, warranetd ..

... wait on them. N. B. Part of Houfe, neatly furnifh d, to Lett.—Enquire of Mr. Rusfini, at his Houfe Weft-Gate-Street, Bath. THEATRE. On Mow DAY next, April 8, will be prefented a Comedy, call'd LOVE's LAST SHIFT: Or, TKe FOOL in FASHION- Sir Wiliiam Wifewou'd ...

JOSEPH WINDSOR, Late Butler to John Ffq. HAVING taken and entered upon INN and TAVERN near the Bridge, Bath, kept

... Puddings, all Soits of Bilcuits, slid Paltry, on the moft reaionable Tenns. Pleale to enquire at John Lovelj/s, near the Theatre, in Oichard-ftreet, Bath. N. B. They drefs Dinners at Gentlemen's Hcmfes, if defir'd. J\t Warminfler, in the County Wilts ...

Bath, April 25

... the Ceremonies, will on Thurfday the Second of May. Tickets be had Mr. Derrick. We hear that inftead of Tavern, complete Theatre to be added to the Defign of the new Aflembly Room. Yeiierday was taken out of the Pump-Room Bo.x, for the UIV of the Poor ...

Arrive the Mails from HOLLAND, France, Tunis, Jan. The of the Regency received Yefterday Orders the Bey to ..

... anyforeign Coin not having an intrinfic Value. In Confequence his Majefty's of contributing to the Brilliancy of the Court, two Theatres, one for Plays, the other for Operas, are going to be eftablifhed at his Expence; for which Purpofe feveral A£tors will be ...

London, April 23

... will he on Thuilday the Secontl of May. Tickets may be bail of Mr. Dtruck. We hear that inftead of a Tavern, a complete Theatre is to be added to the De.ign of the new Ailcmbl.-Ruom. Yesterday was taken out of the Pump-Room Box, for the Iff.- of the ...

Ready-Furni(h'd, A CONVENIENT Compleat Finifh'd HOUSE, At Mr. AINS LIE'S, Lanfdownßoad, H. BATH, May », 1765- ..

... French Chicken Gloves, asufual. With all Sorts of the mod curious PERFUMERY GOODS, imported and made, in all its Branches. THEATRE. By Particular. DESIRE, For die Benefit of Mils REYNOLDS, On SATURDAY, May the 4th, will be prcfented a Comedy, call'd The ...