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Advertisements & Notices

... in to -,AMES MABSSIE. of January 3e, !79ยง. Tmy Not to he repeated. the CHEAP FOOD. AT the cellars on the quey, under the Theatre, - A are felling large HERRINGS at 3d. per dozen, &c. and a fmatkr fize, Sine and fat, at Md. per doten. The im- country will ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Joisn Gilbert's Truitees and othrer, ilr tire fol- lowing Lots, viz. I. Comprehending there Hoofes, fometirre rifed as a Theatre, and at prefent in tire pofeflon of the Bowmen of Mar, and Windfor Forefters. Tbis lot may at a fmall expence be converted ...

Advertisements & Notices

... numbers adiatted were feveral of the heroes of the Nile During the reprefentation of the play of Mfacbetb, at a provincial theatre Sonae nights fince, an incident occurred, which totally dificoncerted all the gravity of the Tragic Mtfe. In the banquet fccne ...

Advertisements & Notices

... LANDS OF ABERCATIE, In the County of Aberdceree Alto of ONE SIHARE in the ABERDEENSHIRE CANAL-and ONE SHARE ill the ABERDEEN THEATRE, e Bcing pairs of the Sequcflrate Subjects of ..j joI DUa-,;o, Advocate in Aberleen. , lI-!A'I upon Mo1ndIay the 4th day of ...

Advertisements & Notices

... LANDS OF ABERCATIE, In the County-of Aberdeen Alfo of ONE SHARE in the ABERDEENSHIRE CANAL-and leONE SHARE in the ABERDEEN THEATRE, Being parts of the Sequeftrate Subjeds of JOHN DURNo, Advocate in Aberdeen. . HAT upon Monday the 4th day of March e T 1799 ...

Advertisements & Notices

... LANDS OF ABERCATIE, In the County of Abeideen I Alfo of ONE SHARE in the ABERDEENSHIRE CANAL-and ONE SHARE in the ABERDEEN THEATRE, Being palis of the Squefitrate Snubje&s of JOHN DURNo, Advocate in Aberdeen. THAT upon Monday the 4th day of March it 1 1799; ...

Advertisements & Notices

... LANDS OF ABERCATIE, In the County of Ahetdlcen. AAIo of ONE SHARE in the ABERDEXNSdlRE CANAL-and ONE SHARE in the ABERDEEN THEATRE, '1eing parts of the Sequefirate Subjets of JouN DuBNo, Advocate in Aberdeen. T HAT upon Monday the 4th day of March T1 799 ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 6 o'clock afternoon, X r1TWO Building Areas on the Wefihide of Marif- cbal-flreer, extending from the Theatre to the R Qbay: the area next the theatre confifling of 3a, feet, and the one next the quay, of 34 feet in frrfnt-I width of both 30 feet. l The ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 'TWO Building Areas on the Weftfide of Macif- 1 chal flreet, extending from tbe Tl'eatre to the Q' Quay; the area next the theatre conftling of 3z feet, ' and thie one next the quay, of 34 feet in front- ed width of both gr feet. to TIhe fituation of thefe ...

Advertisements & Notices

... of April next, at 6 o'clock afternoon, , ~WO Building Areas on the We(fifini of Marif- 1 ichal flrcr., cxtcnding fiom the Theatre to the Oqay; thie area txt the ticatre coieringof 32 feet, arid thc one next tire quay, of 34 feet in front-- width of both ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ForefLers, Jolm Gilbert's ruftees, and - others, in the following lots, viz. 1. Comprehending thefe houfes, fiometimes ufd asa a theatre, and at prefent in poffeffilon of the Bowmen of Mfar, and Windfor Forefters. This lot rmay, at a fmall I cxp ence, be converted ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Forefters, John Gillert's Trusftees, and others, in the following lots, viz. 1. Comprehending thefe boufes, fometimes ufed as a theatre, and at prefest in poffeffion of the Bowmen of Mar, and Windfor'Forefters. This lot may, at a enall expence, be converted ...