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Cumberland, England

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... WHIG CLVB. Thi. Socielv dined together on Tuefday at Crown and Anchor tavern, J- C * N’PP ~le' ’.M’ in the chair.—After dinner Mr. Alderman 5a bridge called upon the noblemen and prefent to pav a tribute of thank, Mr. Fox upon this occafion, and moved ...

The Reverend Dr. WHIG Hi’s

... The Reverend Dr. WHIG Hi’s New .m) Complete Life 1 S T. Beautifully Printed Crown Folio, Writing Paper, and elegant, ve, new I’jpes, caft on Purnufe, by the ingenious Meflis. Fry Co. Being the moft elegant and complete Work of - the KinJ, every Helped ...

London, O Sober 17th, 1788. AT a numerous and rcfpeftable Me ting of the Member, the Whig Club, holdcn thia

... Member, the Whig Club, holdcn thia Day at the Crown and Anchor Tavern, the Strand, RICHARD BRINSLEY SHERIDAN, Efq. in the Chair. RitoLVio, That Mr. Hall, the Secretary, be defired to fend a fpccial Summons to the feveral Members of the WHIG CLUB, earneflly ...

Tht RIVOLtmOIf. WHIG CLUB, INSTITUTED 1784. THE next Meeting of the Wmo Cut* win oo TUESDAY, the Fourth ..

... Tht RIVOLtmOIf. WHIG CLUB, INSTITUTED 1784. THE next Meeting of the Wmo Cut* win oo TUESDAY, the Fourth Novimixi, *t the Crows and Anchor Tavern in the Strand; Hit Grace the Duke of PORTLAND the Chair. STEWARDS, * Earl of DERBY, Earl of STAMFORD. Lord ...

meeting of the Whig yef lerday was hiahly’ rclpctlable. In II T die I.ord Eitzwilliam, |I l|j Lord William Rullel

... meeting of the Whig yef lerday was hiahly’ rclpctlable. In II T die I.ord Eitzwilliam, |I l|j Lord William Rullel look die Chair, and the day was fpent 111 die utmofl conviviality. I lie I luh is now full, and no new members can be admitted. It confids ...

—'l hey arc

... political charartcr., may divided into the five following clafles 1. Rank Tories.-—a. Moderate Men. —3. l im'd Whigs.—Furious Whigs.—;. Staunch Whigs. I. The Rank Toriet are advocates for unconditional fubmiilion to Great ilritain. hey rejoice in everv misfortune ...

POETRY. *f i ff/CS ;

... 4M drcibun it another proof _/ (Jm mini* of CrenvilU*i bill. The ComittM* cwifrfled tnicfly gentlemen known for riliir lO Whig intereft, and they Imvc doeaded againft*the ir political friend*. ixctss. bVJMr JbtoMrf Ifcfugb the C EaVAw t t SAL T. 1, j ...

Deaths. Saturday se'

... fpirit, and with to avoid harfli language. is comparativelv little coni'equencc whether the national bufinefs be intrullcd to Whigs or Tories j but it is the greatell importance to all us, that Ihould diretfed by men of undoubted abilities and integrity.*Perhaps ...

Central Sir Ralph /Ucnremiu »nd }ii» furte are '�irived from Ireland. Yefterdav morning, »t half ..

... harbour of Lâ??Orrent. . , It hat been rumoured (be fame diyi, that tome mark of confute the Crbinei, the condod of Mr. Fo* the Whig Clnb, and the report turned out to true. On Wednedday lad, after the Levee wat over, Board Privy Council waa held Sr. James ...

C'apt. Spcdding, the Margarel, left Greenland, on loth July, the Amphilrite, Miller, of this port, who had got ..

... letters further adv.te, that the profs of leamen has been very furccfsful there, and dill continues with unremitting ardour. ihc Whig Club met to public notice. A commiltce was airjKrinted, in order to correfpond with other lonetics through kingdom, duiing ...

dangerous fituation of affairs, the neceffity vigorous and prudent mcafures being purfued, and the ..

... he was himfelf a Whig in principle, and that he had held uniform language ever fince he came into Parliament, and his condudt had been liridlly conformable to Whiggifm, ex cepting only the American in which he had differed from the Whigs. That moll, if ...