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Riiles and Maxims for promoting Matrimonial Happinefs. AddfeJJed all IVidoivs, JPrves, and Spinflers. likelieft ..

... make it fure. O'er Globes & Scepters, now, on Thrones it fv.ells, Now trims the Midnight Lamp in College Cells. ' is Tory, Whig : It plots, prays, preaches, pleads, Harangues in Senates, iqueaks Mafquerades. Here B—'s Humour makes a bold Pretence, There ...

SI LK-WE AVER'i WARE-HOUSE, (Corner oj Gallaiuay'iHu.l./ingi, Sorth-Parade.) B A TII, Drc. 16, 1770. VAN SOMMER ..

... at cvoy Atheilt is a Whig.' Now a Whig cont-iids for civil and r,l. fiia, l.lsctty, tlit forial right, wt human. ly, which imp 1. 1 the Kli.-f of .ri ?? sml moral ohligsikms, ssd hrnre of a 1 .is 1 ?? oo Aifo*.ft ran be s Whig -, fat Athr.un est lu ...

BATH, Feb. 8th, 1793. SIGMOND, Surgeon-Dentist, respectfully informs the Nobility and Gentry of the cities of ..

... Oxford papers, and thcr Times London paper. \ By order of the Chairman, 97**S>} JOHN BQWDI.EK, Secretary. WHIG CLUB. AT an extraordinary Meeting of the WHIG CLUB, held at the CROWN and ANCHOR Tavern, in the Strand, on WEDNESDAY the 20th of February, 1793, Rt ...

S U N DAY S CIIOO L S. AT a General Meeting of the Sunday School So- ciety, held ot

... ßatll ' S; 1 * ?? MOUNTAIN and IBB^RSOiCuIT** * w (^ BothCriachescallat tl.o Wi.itc-Bear, I' cod^f^ l*« whig cluTl=7T^ S MP HE «« Meeting of the Whig Club\i^ M» Earl of DERBY, ' I Earl nf | TAMfOIID Sh Lord JOHN RUSSELL, Urd WILXIAM ReV S Lord JUI IN CAVENDISH ...

The HISTORY of SOMERSETSHIRE. THE Subfcribers to the lliflory and Antiqui- tit.t of the County of Somerfet are ..

... 5 per Cent. int&e*ft tin Free- hold Security, tbe refpective SUMS of 7001.**— 800 I . —and 1 coed. Apply to the Printer. WHIG CLUB. London Tavern, March 5, ?? CEORGE BYNG, efq- M.P. in the Chair, A LETTER to the Secretary was read, figned by certain ...

PHOENIX FLINT GLASS-HOUSE. WADHAM, RICKETS, and Co. at the Phcenir Flint Clafs-Houfe, without Temple-Gate, ..

... ancient collection from Abbots-Leigh court, late the Hon. ' Mr.TraifiWs, Secretary to Q^ Ann, and autluir ofthc IpdcperJent ' Whig, among Which arc above 100 undoubted Original Piftures. At CLEVE H I L L, ' : , A HOUSE for the reception of.the INSANE. R ...

At CLEVE HILL, A HOUSE for the reception of the INSANE. R HENDERSON, obliged to quit his late refidence •

... ancient collection from Abbots-Leigh court, late the Hon. WAuTrtnebardi, Secretary to O^Ann, and author of the Independent Whig, among which ore above 100 undoubted Original Pifturcs. To LETT on BUILDING LEASE J':r an atfolut'e Term cf Ninety -nine Tears ...

To the LADIES. JAMF.S and PETER FERRY, at the Comer of Galiawav'i BuiioiMOi, Bath, (tbimi ./ Tridi) Gi* I Noi

... fevrral lageniom peßticll Stric - ture* ea lb* Chtiadtri and Virwi of different King* tod M.nifttrt, Ac ; IrueCbtraAer of the Whigs botb m A.fmi- mftr it ton inri Oppofit .on ; Confideration* oa th* Liberty af the Pref.; with fevcral curiou* Letlcrt to th* ...

Nau Long Rom, lhiftol-lbttveJls. ' THE next PUBLICK PROMENADE will be on THvasnAV the ioth inflant. . And the ..

... ancient collection from Abbots-Leigh court, lite the Hon. Mr.iTreiicbard's, Secretary to Q^ Ann, and author of the Independent Whig, among which are above 100 undoubted Original Piftuies, At CIEVE HI LL, ' A HOUSE for the reception of the INSANE. R HENDERSON ...

No. 9, Vineyard*., oppofite Paragon-Buildings, Bath. MISS LEE, and Sillers, ?? addrefs their terms to P-ient*- ..

... fupport of the public, and that it is a common hope and wifl), that the Members of the Corporation, who glory in the name of WHIG , will now unite, to crown with fuccefs a caufe, which with their intereft cannot fail of a public triumph* Refolved, Unanimoufly ...