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Somerset, England


Bath, Somerset, England

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LITERARY ARTICLES from the Several Publications

... LITERARY ARTICLES from the Several Publications. The AUDITOR is an the Whig Addrefs. Towards the Conclu fcon of hiYEfliry hat the following Dffinition of Whig hi* true Chirafter : *• Regard to the laft Denomination, th. AUDITOR hopes nothing fallen from ...

To the Printer, &c. I Went to Holland, about eight Months fince, and in fix Weeks affer went to Paris,

... , removtd i when that Lvent happened, they faid now was their o a l B °°? a Peace the y did at cha t Utrecht, when the old Whig. Miniftry was changed for Troy one, who having not Cre ait er.ough with the People to raife Money to carry on the War. was ...

LonDon, June 21

... rewarded with the good Things of the Englilh State, and were in open Rebellion againft it in the Years 1715 and 1745. The noble Whig, Friend to the Illuftrious Houfe of Hanover, has lately received more Vifits at Claremont, from the truly loyal, virtuous, ...

London July 30

... cil, and that Part of the City of London which refuted to flatter the Miniftry, by addrefling on the Peace.—Succefs to the Whig Intereft, and the Minority in Parliainent.— he glorious and immortal Memory King William.—Mr. Wilkes —May all Juries follow ...

London September 1

... Object the itrled State the Mip'.ftry. Some pretend jay, that tli2 'irtte'Vd'e Coalition, or rather the R ...

Political Intelligence. Whig and Torv. ON Saturday lall a Sufpenfion of Arms took Place between the Forces in ..

... Political Intelligence. Whig and Torv. ON Saturday lall a Sufpenfion of Arms took Place between the Forces in the ininifteiial Garrifon; the Flag of Truce was hoifted, and all Hoililities Hopped. The Befiegers, under the Command the great General Pitt ...

Published: Thursday 08 September 1763
Newspaper: Bath Chronicle and Weekly Gazette
County: Somerset, England
Type: Advertisement | Words: 164 | Page: 2 | Tags: none

Riiles and Maxims for promoting Matrimonial Happinefs. AddfeJJed all IVidoivs, JPrves, and Spinflers. likelieft ..

... make it fure. O'er Globes & Scepters, now, on Thrones it fv.ells, Now trims the Midnight Lamp in College Cells. ' is Tory, Whig : It plots, prays, preaches, pleads, Harangues in Senates, iqueaks Mafquerades. Here B—'s Humour makes a bold Pretence, There ...

THOMAS HARDING, HAT-MAKER, from London, AttheSignof the Hat and Leaver, the upper End the Market-Place, Bath, ..

... A CORDIAL for LOW SPIRITS. Being Collection of curious and entertainingTraCls. By T. GORDON, Efq. Author of the Independant Whig, and other Writers, Volumes, Price ios. 6d. bound in Calf. VI. The ORIGIN and PROGRESS of LETTERS. An Efiay, in two Parts: ...

Anecdote of the famous SyDNEY. [From the LONDON URING Mr. 5ydney’s Stay in Fiance, one Day hunting with the French

... fuppoied to. countenance the Mifcondué& of any Party. Of which we have have had a Variety of Inftances in Rowndhead and Cavalier, Whig ant Tory, Court and Ceuntry Parties. By this Defcription of a Party, we, by a fair andimpartial Enquiry into that have “hitherto ...

??? Printer of the Bath Chronicle

... the Dukes of Devonfhire and Newcaftle : And from ftri£t Survey, nohe of his Defendants have ever filed one Drop Blood in the Whig Caufe, or ever gave it any li;afunable Help j except little Rioting a certain noble Duke made in the latter End the Queen s ...

iionoon, $arc&6

... led aloud for Reformation. We hear a Gentleman of difti ..iguifhed Abili- tiet, who held a eonfidtrable Poft under the old Whig Miniftry, and ie now almolt the only on* who has not been provided for the Acceflioa of the pref nt, will fhortly be ...

Present State of the Nation

... for the cuftoms opinions of Wceftors, no attachment but to private intereft, rtv7l- 1 for felfim Ratifications. Whilft of Whig and Tory; High Church jj** Church, Court and Country fubfifted, the lief , as ' dlvitled arid each fide held opinion, for t ...