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Somerset, England

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BATH, Wednesday, June 16,

... yelterday in his way to Bri (loi, for the reprefentation of which city his Lordihip has been nominated by the citizens in the Whig Intereit. The Marquisof Worcefter has been nominated hy the White-Lion Club. And Mr. David Lewis declares bis intention ( ...

SI LK-WE AVER'i WARE-HOUSE, (Corner oj Gallaiuay'iHu.l./ingi, Sorth-Parade.) B A TII, Drc. 16, 1770. VAN SOMMER ..

... at cvoy Atheilt is a Whig.' Now a Whig cont-iids for civil and r,l. fiia, l.lsctty, tlit forial right, wt human. ly, which imp 1. 1 the Kli.-f of .ri ?? sml moral ohligsikms, ssd hrnre of a 1 .is 1 ?? oo Aifo*.ft ran be s Whig -, fat Athr.un est lu ...

and Foils in the Qjiecn Charlotte line afire-ftips in joined morn now confilte of the line fide frigate fire ..

... themoi'n- l-Nsy I accordingly Briltol Jix at Clancelldr’s on ix Dublin our impaniality direfts us to notito that fines been of the Whig of Ireland and to draw up Vindication of the club been and in which the Chancellor’s fully inveftigaled The report of the committee ...

> i,'\ '■' v,: 'v ■,-n\Y~a '*) y ' ; '''lo ,^,4\ i- ♦>■ •’ v ' • Printed by

... thecoun- to the ruin of our trade and manufactures ? Were [all thefc, and many more real evils, brought upon [by the outed Whigs and their party ? Ami (hall Engliflimen who are their fenfes, be perfuaded to reinitate fuch creatures into power again ? Ko ...


... efu; paid un their 111 ears, and witlicrrewrliiir nunc! from ihe Whig Club. William Baldwin, efq; alfo withdrew hit name. The Duke of Portland and his family have not been prefent at the Whig Cult dice the iiitmth of March, 1791,, at the time the {/and feceffion ...


... what do 1 talk of three millions of peo- ple, (lay his Lordilsip) many more; Ireland js with ihem to a man ; and as for every Whig in thii country, the rights of America are fo con netted with hit own, that his hand and heart mult co-ope- mn* wirh their ...

LonDon, June 21

... rewarded with the good Things of the Englilh State, and were in open Rebellion againft it in the Years 1715 and 1745. The noble Whig, Friend to the Illuftrious Houfe of Hanover, has lately received more Vifits at Claremont, from the truly loyal, virtuous, ...

London July 30

... cil, and that Part of the City of London which refuted to flatter the Miniftry, by addrefling on the Peace.—Succefs to the Whig Intereft, and the Minority in Parliainent.— he glorious and immortal Memory King William.—Mr. Wilkes —May all Juries follow ...

THURSDAY’S ROST By Exprefs From D O N GAZETTE 28 THIS Count Ferdinand oc the Aulic Council periun of great

... Third North-Fa of Queen’s-Parade inhabited Rev Mr Enquire Mr Vincr Brock-tlrect Bath Mr Printer to fecond the views writer A Whig” your lift and heartily in recommending the into this city for the public lervice have very laudable example before us the ...

London September 1

... Object the itrled State the Mip'.ftry. Some pretend jay, that tli2 'irtte'Vd'e Coalition, or rather the R ...

JfrfDa? ano fejamrßap'fl fßoßtf

... Earl of I.onfdale has been created Viicount ami Baron Lowthir, of Whitehaven, in addition , to liis former titles. Tuefday the Whig Club dined at the London Tavern, and they a very numerous meeting, Mr. Byna in the ch.vr. The day was fpcat with the utmnft ...


... pittance, the i -hciie ot tl.e mdi pendent ?? ol Wclhnin- ll:i. By the Kill of till 'gham, The M.irquii of Rockingham, and the Whig i ; ten It throughout Entland. The Duke rf Ihv.inihin ; and may the re- pul'.ntt-.ivei of an ancient no dlity dtr ye tlitir ...