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Cumberland Pacquet, and Ware's Whitehaven Advertiser



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Cumberland Pacquet, and Ware's Whitehaven Advertiser


... its part*. It was the which Mr. Fo* made bis Uff effort in the preceding fief Eon Parliament, 1 will bow a* the united of the Whig Club— A Reform in the Representation of the People in the Parliament Great Bourn.— Thu was loud •ad appbufe. AAcAfeog Mr. the ...


... in defence of its religion and liberties, and who had difpUycd, in the llrongell manner, their principles and adherence the whig intireli, a time when the King, who then reigned had, at the Tolfey, in Glo> celler, declared himfelf a friend to the principles ...

and they all enjoyed in common the rights of men. In refpeft to innovation, he mull make the obfervation of

... gloried in the idea—he was attached to it from Jearching into their principles, and finding them (Iriflly confonant to thole Whig principles which had been treated as a fubjefl of ridicule by others; he was proud to acknowledge their fuppor;, and happy ...

wcreJeS, a.i 3 tTTelty was enveloped very clouds. The 19th announced a perfeft tempeft, with conftant hail, and ..

... hurt by the difrefpeft which has been fliewn to it by the Americans, and the Queen jocularly obferves, that the was always Whig her heart, the United Stales, in their rage for appointing Envoys and Ambalfadors, might have favoured her with a vilit. Perhaps ...

and Pofts, Fro:n tkc LON DCS GAZETTE, Ai.nirally-cfict, June tB. Utter from Adminl Sir John Jerri* K, ll ..

... (eat at Bulftrode.—On Monday evening Spencer returned to hit boute tba Admiralty from Bath. an extraordinary meeting of the Whig Club, bold Monday, the fum of 5001. from the funds of An elub, was voted so Filmer Uomejmood, Efq. in confidoratinn of hi* ...

'ifdom found, and unrepfnting Choice

... prevent the necelftty , w Kiec m every of war —Tltc Duke ol Portland and the 4 a,, duty tmlodeel; Ut oWerve th.tti.e Whig Interrd throughout .i| Vonftnwr. * pan Club Ireland.—The n*«t was p n irh ,i r A fa.o, tompointed to Itei.l at the ...

1 > I *.* 'v> . i *1 I'. and Orittti, fltainlifs, o. PMMIOM •' Tliis was a tried at

... waretioufe, view, of ihc prophecies, and ihtee letters Mr. Pilt.—l’orkel ol Britain and Ireland, the impenetrable fetrei, and the whig-club.—lndependent treehrilders, fail for Philadelphia, and John Huntei's infallible preventative.—l oieign wines, fe.-bathing ...


... offered violence woman, which was refented by yeoman, who the fellow on the fpot. Mr. William!, late Secretary to the Whig Club here, has been with notice trial, in conlcquence of his refufmg fien the inAnmicnt for voluntarily tranfporting himfelt—Mr ...

v Ye'lerdivii one o’clock iTTe'Mn* HeTd w,»vrp 'vli;eh,Heing fdUy l, did not break ujSrtill t vo o’clock wlicn ..

... a held of hay was cut down a*. Cowhill, Veftcrdav the Duke Norfolk,gave a grand dinner to teveral (tnon Memheis. Monday the Whig Club, vo'ed their litanks to the Duke of and Mr. on. OD&fjr H„ BIRTH D.iY. B V 11 1 m > Pr*, Ei'q. Fjil Liareit. ROUSED Klm ...

L O M D O N, March 21,

... prefent year, amount! to near A MILLION. The average furplm it ftited to be abont Niks Thoviand Poonds a year. The character! of whig and tory are now fo and confounded croft breeding, that it ii •rapoflihle to fay which which. So they wandrr through the political ...


... left tli* place. . M The income of the Deanery Durham i moft valuable of any in England, not excepting St. Paul’s. , . , . The Whig Club are properly to take the lead in the celebration of the century of the glorious Revol ition in this country. A fplcndid ...

LONDON. DactMita 4

... principle. Mr. Wickham is arrived at Munich, where lie pnrpofcs to puis the winter. The fecond meeting for the feafon of the Whig Club England, was held yellerd.iy at the Crown and Anchor Tavern, the Hon. Thomas Erlkine in the chair. Ext raft of a letter ...