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Kent, England

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It is thought that fome of the Hooks on London Brieg., it not fpeedily taken down, will fall of themfelves

... Body of Troops of the Elettorate of Hanover have already received Orders to hold themfelves in readinefs to join the Pruffian Army, when thereto requied by that Monarch. One Reafon, among many others, given for fending for the Ranoverians and Heffians is ...

Ov _6. AT the CGuit at kersfirittarr, the 61h ot Agvili 17;4, Prefent, The Kina's mutt Excelltnt Majelly io Count

... Behaviour was apparently penitential ; the Woman's Face was covered all the Way to and at the Place of Execution. The Mob, who generally tole the Seale of the Crime in its Punithment, in refra to this Woman, afted the contrary Part; for inftead of Pity ...

Frem 11.-e Loam Gazette, Nev. 14. Dulndor Ott. 29. The heavy 'tains, we have lately hid, hive tenetred the Rod,

... that it is with DJlictiky a Whiel-Carrive panes, arid have obliged Prince Souhize to Army lislo Qaatters of Canionnunts about Eflcn. The Dill )- cation ot me Army *III be (,on made, sod the Reg.ments will not .ve far io march their Wireer (tpolers, as ...


... of which was not llipalated. The Commiflioners of the Temple at Paris have placed a woman, in the capacity of a houfe keeper, to attend on the Royal Family. That woman calls the late Qjeen Toineite, and Madame Elizabeth, Baket fhe calls the two children ...

Published: Friday 15 March 1793
Newspaper: Kentish Gazette
County: Kent, England
Type: Article | Words: 1208 | Page: 3 | Tags: none


... AilVmhly. A woman two months gone with chiM had into.her hiifoamfs ear, who inlfamlyexphed. The tulprit made the molt ample cbnfertioii, and excuiitd herl’elf by faying, that the loved her ttlulerly, but that (lie could not retilt the inclinations woman in her ...

Published: Friday 03 August 1792
Newspaper: Kentish Gazette
County: Kent, England
Type: Article | Words: 2513 | Page: 2 | Tags: none

This Day It pailghed, (Price Six-pence)

... Forces landed.—By the Information of the Defends Cherburg is in no Pofition of Defence by Land, fo we expeCt to take it loon, and at a !mall Expence. The Richmond was the Ship firft ordered to anchor near th • Shore to Cover the Men in their landing, which ...

(N*. 4678.3

... and f or Pieces of exceeding Up land, Arable, and Meadow, fuf. for rbe Employment of Two Teams; and alio, together with ten Pieces of, very well water's'; and one Piece of Wood. land ; all which (aid Lands contain together in the Whole, by ...


... it appears shat three Freach frigates, waa¢compaoied by any. sranfports, appeared in the bay of illala, on the 22d inf. aod landed aboot 760 mta, who immediately t ook pof- (efBon of the towe of Killals, and made 3 {mall party of the Prince of iencible ...


... September We have heard nothing here the approach Pniflian army much talked of, for the relief of Holland ; but it appears certain that General MollendoifF is preparing to advance with an army of or 15,000 men fuccour the Auttrians neat the Lower Rhine ...

Published: Tuesday 14 October 1794
Newspaper: Kentish Gazette
County: Kent, England
Type: Article | Words: 693 | Page: 2 | Tags: none

Friday, December 20

... revenues are daily Squandered away among his inactive armies, he has not yet received a foot of Poland to indemnify his military expences. The King of Prullia alfo, weary of the expence which his llanding army drew from his coffers, has thrown the burthen on ...

Published: Tuesday 17 December 1771
Newspaper: Kentish Gazette
County: Kent, England
Type: Article | Words: 2127 | Page: 4 | Tags: none

On Oe of February, the S!o17, I On a Cruize a CCeron, eatumed with a Letter of MArq le

... 8. On Saturday arrived at bpithead leveret Tranfports from I.e-land, with the Co!onels Ruffane and Morgan's Regiments; they are to be employed on our Expedition, and ate to be landed here co Wildly, and to be cantoned within ten Miles of this Garriton ...