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Somerset, England

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M O N D A Y's POST..LONDON, Saturday, April%

... are ?? , 7 rm ten, January t. ell Escellency Gen. Walhington ftriflly for- bids all the officers and ?? of the conti- nental army, of ttte militia, and all ree rutting parties, plundering any perion whatfoever, tvbetbt-r ttriet te tthers. Tht effetts cf ...


... only the detachment Britiffi Troops which forms a part Army quarter Several Officers belonging to the Guards fet off Friday to join Grand Army in Holland A Hoftilities to taken place the contending Army— not the effect inclination but of mutual convenience ...

Published: Monday 15 December 1794
Newspaper: Bath Journal
County: Somerset, England
Type: Article | Words: 3114 | Page: 2 | Tags: none


... Jacobins is to place the nobles and priefts in front of the Republican army, to fifht againft their Emigrant brethren, and many of them againft their fathers and fons. Dumourier _ army at the battle of Jeiamappe, coniifted of two delciiptions of men; cne ...

Concerning Gleets and Seminal Wcaknedes,

... debate j and the wrath of parliament denounced againft meafures authorized by the law the land—* Refolutions of one branch the legiflature, fet as the law of the land, being a dire& uforpation of the rights of the two other branches, and therefore a infringement ...

Poftl OA2ETTE bis hlefy in Inland i Drag from i captain-hcu- tenant Strat on ttanfipioitt' five eiitire on from ..

... Spaniards at Toulon ' General Jourdan Commander North vacant the dellitution of Houch Fcrraud command the army of Ar--denncs of Rhine Morcau army of Mofelle llouchard victory Dunkirk having taken no Dunkirk threatened mueh mr and tle I MrWvatt auo fine ...

THURSDAY’S POST By Exprefs Ficm LONDON GAZETTE (Copenhagen February 13 50HE dilleinper among the cattle has now ..

... on was dignus vin-dice country feats gentlemen were in the land-tax them Gothic built prodigious number of were confequently very : feveral were yet contributed to value of lands and of land-tax it was therefore to to the committee whether no country-feats ...


... Camp-Marlhal Mollen- dorf, Commander of the army oi his Pmiiian 'Majefty on the Rhine, publilhed the followi-i** de- claration to the foldierst 'J'hat as there had been circulated in that quarter, and in the army, an un- founded report that the a 'inywas ...


... relieved, Were in i'nll march to re-inforce the Arrhdukr. Tin- Archduke Charles, in tl.c important viiilnry over the Ercneli army at Llinburo, on the i6tb nil. killed, wounded, and made prifoners, 6coo ol the enemy, They loft all.. 40 piece, of cannon; ...

Friday's and Saturday's Posts

... Defertfon,uxmd*for the better Payment of the Army andUheir . ( • The for better regulating his Majefty's Marine.Forbes when on Shore. The Bill to.rectify Miftakes the Names of the CommifE6ners appomted by the Land-Tax A6t, the kit and prefent SefTrons. - ...

91b 1797 NOTICE hereby given that the COURT-IEET County of Somerfet will held Houfe Howton being the Angel of ..

... HOUSE Brewhoufe Stable and Garden with Acres Pafture LAND delightfully fituate pleafant within Thickwood aforefaid ?The Malt-Houfe is calculated to ugrters per week Houles are-in complete and with the Land be let either or together 1 For viewing the for further ...

Published: Monday 16 October 1797
Newspaper: Bath Journal
County: Somerset, England
Type: Article | Words: 2566 | Page: 3 | Tags: none

jfriDap ami ©atutrjan's pjfls..LONDON, Sept, 1

... horfe, and the flank companies of the Dublin garrifon, (confifting of nine regiments) have marched in order to reinforce the army in the South. Lord Lutterell is to have four regiments of light cavalry, and eight regiments of infantry con- ftantly with ...

1 ' ' LONDON MONDAY OCT Lord-Mayor in prefented to the $ddrcfs on the happy termination of war India which

... Paris its elegance the fuburbs are burned and of St Etienne almolt Duke of Brunfwick Verdun the Advanced guard of the French army within two of it K of Prufiia gone Berlin General taken cities of Worms In the atrack of Spires the Auf-trians to loft 800 ...