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South West, England

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SUBSCRIPTION For the Difcharjc of the SUBALTERN OFFICERS of the ARMY reduced to Half-Pay, now languishing in ..

... SUBSCRIPTION For the Difcharjc of the SUBALTERN OFFICERS of the ARMY reduced to Half-Pay, now languishing in different PRISONS throughout England for Debt. THE Services of the above meritorious body of men are univerfally allowed, and the many embarcaflments ...

HOUSE. WANTED, in the neighbourhood of Bath,— A HOUSE, ready futnirtieJ, in a dry healthy fituition, vvith fome ..

... paticn of Mr. Edward Stillman ; containing about 180 acres of meadow, paftisre, and arable land. Alfo, a Grirt-Mill, near the fame, with about 7 acres of meadow land adjoining. For furthtr particulars, apply to Mr. Jofeph Smith, attorney at lsw, Bradford ...

Sunday's and Monday's Posts

... favoitrtd the Publit with the following-Copy of his Will ; and defires to know if it will be valid in Law.] My WILL. TO the Woman I lov'd, And my Heart firft approv'd, I give and bequeath The whole that I have ; Both Silver and Gold ; To have and to hold ...


... the hours of 2 and 4 in the afternoon. And of the Lands in Lombwitch, at the Anchor Inn there, on Wedr.t fday the 21ft day of November, between the hours of two and four in the afternoon. And of the Lands in Chilton, at the George Inn in Bridgwater, on ...

MeOis. ROSENBERG, STEPHANY, and Go. SCULPTORS in IVORY to Her MAJESTY, BEG leave to inform the Nobility and ..

... Cottages, and upwards of ,200 acres of rich meadow and pafture land, held for the remainder of a term of go years, determinable on the death of two lives*. The Houl'es are iv the centre, and the lands adjoin to one of the moft conliderable manufacturing towns ...

Sunday's and Monday's Posts

... Uc. LUCY TATTLE. The GRUMBLER, a FABLE. A Grumbler, full of Difcontent, His Humours thus began to vent. ? Wi etched Man, of Woman born, * Plucks no Rofe without a Thorn ; ' Ail the Joys he fnatches here, * Carry Poilon in their Rear ; ¦ Pleafure never ...


... Cuthbert, Wells. Lot 111. Five Acres of inciofcd Arable Land in Pols- ham-field, lying in common with cne acre now or late belonging to Mr. Frith, of Polfham. Lot IV. Two other Acres of inclofed Arable Land, alio in Polfham -field. * A Clofe of Meadow Ground ...

CASTLE INN SPEEN-HILL, NEWBURY. J. WARD returns his most grateful acknow- , lidgiiutnts to the Nobility, ..

... Acrei of Land, in a rlng.fenec, now vied tor Gardening, The whole it Tythcfrce, and renewable on moderate terms, For particular!, and a view of the prcmifei, to Mr. Barton, Warmlnlter. [n,? A LAUNDRY MAID. WANTED, an active middle-aged Woman, who ...

BATH, Feb. 8th, 1793. SIGMOND, Surgeon-Dentist, respectfully informs the Nobility and Gentry of the cities of ..

... 185 acres of exceedu.g rich meadow, pafture and arable land, lituuteat EatbiUiampton otherwife AJhlington, in the occupation or Air. Jacob Giddings, or his under- The htuation of the aT.'Tve Lands is truly defirable, being not more than three, miles from ...

BATH, 28th February

... birr, ftable, 182 a. _ r. 36 p. of arable land, and 90a. 3;p. of meadow and paf- turc ground, by admeafurcment, lying together. 2. CHAPSMILL FARM, confuting of a Hoafe, bin, ftable, 38 a. tr. 22 p. of arable land, and 13 a. ir. 1 p. of meadow and paftiare ...

STAMP-OFFICE, WELLS, Sept. ift, 1791, MEDICINES. ALL Perfons dealing in MEDICINES in the Eaftem Part of the ..

... 'allure, and Orcliard Land, fituate near the preceding lot, with a commodious Farm-Houfe and Garden, Stalls and (landing for 40 cows, and above Seventy- five Acres of Land, lett to a good tenant at will ; alio Four Acres of Coppice Wood Land. Lot 111. A very ...

TROWBRIDGE, WILTS. ABRAHAM SMALL refpeafully acquaints the publick in general, and the Inhabitants of this town ..

... Cuthbert, Wells. Lot 111. Five Acres of inclofed Arable Land in Pols- ham-field, lying in common with one acre now or late belonging to Mr. Frith, of Pol-ham. Lot IV. Two other Acres of inciofcd Arable Land, alfo in PoKham-field.— A Clofe of Meadow Ground, ...