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Bath Chronicle and Weekly Gazette



Bath, Somerset, England

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Bath Chronicle and Weekly Gazette

£ THE- mornJn not evening the army Mentz Huong hold concern to their repulfc Willnmftadt their Mentz - ..

... £ THE- mornJn not evening the army Mentz Huong hold concern to their repulfc Willnmftadt their Mentz - artillery other war taken We find the Gazette the arc be The theFwnch of the Allied arms San Surprize arrived at Her cargo tooool fterling of which' ...

SUBSCRIPTION For the Difcharjc of the SUBALTERN OFFICERS of the ARMY reduced to Half-Pay, now languishing in ..

... SUBSCRIPTION For the Difcharjc of the SUBALTERN OFFICERS of the ARMY reduced to Half-Pay, now languishing in different PRISONS throughout England for Debt. THE Services of the above meritorious body of men are univerfally allowed, and the many embarcaflments ...

: -'--' POST ftaWS which visions AMfweffions dccla- 'to GOU H S D A Y Sw tJttaW£ yoonseft with army

... AMfweffions dccla- 'to GOU H S D A Y Sw tJttaW£ yoonseft with army of 16000 of Stock-it their arrival before Stockholm nrincelv riehts which revoke ef King to letters received very till army before walk defifttl of which we £udoMfuofufrlfi JH'Hpcn n M ...

MONDAYS POST LONDON GAZETTE DrefJen September 30 the hilt accounts the inft the greateit part Pruflian Majefty ..

... Majefty s army was encamped behind Schatzlar in Kohe-mia near Frontiers His Serene High-nei's the Prince of Bruniwick Liebau Landfliut the Majefty’s rear guard was attacked men 35 farther received His Highnels Prince Henry has retired of whole army His head ...

LONDON GAZETTE WHITEHALL AUGUST Dnitivc TippooSolttun A which following a cod re the Induvhoufe over land ..

... tam fuch forts places neverthelds fhall in the poffeffion of laid company and on road by which faid armies march fhall not given until the faid armies fhall floret grain &c and which are in fhall patted them on return: far poffible no delay fhall allowed ...

HOUSE. WANTED, in the neighbourhood of Bath,— A HOUSE, ready futnirtieJ, in a dry healthy fituition, vvith fome ..

... paticn of Mr. Edward Stillman ; containing about 180 acres of meadow, paftisre, and arable land. Alfo, a Grirt-Mill, near the fame, with about 7 acres of meadow land adjoining. For furthtr particulars, apply to Mr. Jofeph Smith, attorney at lsw, Bradford ...


... precaution. WARSAW, JULY 13. On the 7th inftant, the Polifh army, confifting of 25,000 men, approached the Ruffians, whofe numbers we have no accounts of. Prince Poui- atowfki was juft abfent ; thus the army wanted a head. The Ruffians no fooner appeared, but ...


... Elders rcjc.vd the fmpoft on Salt by a majority of ij. The French armies are already even' where in motion. The army ot Mentz is fuppreffed, and is replaced by three other oreat armies, confifKnp; of about er.r-i m-n each; and .ill of them are daily receiving ...

Friday and Saturday's Pofts

... The waiting woman of Maria Antoinette, find- ing that her Majefty had a defire to eat a melon, went to a woman who fells fruit in the prilbn- yard, whom fhe requefted to pick out a very fine melon, for it was for. the Queen. The fruit- woman picked out ...

■ . ***** ' *^m..THURSDAY'S POST. By EXPRESS

... attack upon Wafhington's lines, was, firit to have landed die army he brought with him from Charles-Town at Sandy- Hook, and proceed by a direft rout to Bound-Brook, where the principal part of Washington's army was en- camped; atthe fame time Gen. Knyphaufen ...


... The artillery of both armies was numcrouibeyondtny precedent. P'Arcon, one of the Members of the Military Committee, formed by the Directory for the pur- pofe of conducing the war, was one of the moll a- ble officer* of the old army, and is well known Car ...