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$th lull Prince Henry an Army of 4 000 were Hill at Land(berg on the Frontiers Poland with an Intention

... $th lull Prince Henry an Army of 4 000 were Hill at Land(berg on the Frontiers Poland with an Intention not to face the Ruffians but likewife to all their Magazines Neighbourhood of Pofen &c On the 25th ult they had violent Tempeft at Prague during which ...

Published: Tuesday 22 July 1760
Newspaper: Gloucester Journal
County: Gloucestershire, England
Type: Article | Words: 2194 | Page: 3 | Tags: none

the Rupee to late Trouble Wife having Word Woman laid of Firelock her fired with Woman miffing her two of

... the Rupee to late Trouble Wife having Word Woman laid of Firelock her fired with Woman miffing her two of her auold Woman happened to wa Accounts ftom Softs of very particularly Hop greateft Quantity Wool in living fold for d left it a very bad both in ...

Published: Monday 02 October 1752
Newspaper: Sherborne Mercury
County: Dorset, England
Type: Article | Words: 1360 | Page: 2 | Tags: none

whick Ltifac£ the French army the other we learn that the Pruffians employed the irruption into the Hates of the

... whick Ltifac£ the French army the other we learn that the Pruffians employed the irruption into the Hates of the Empire amount to 15000 10000 more are detached to reinforce them London December 1 6 MISCELLANEOUS Yefterday arrived a fecond from France ...

Published: Monday 20 December 1762
Newspaper: Gloucester Journal
County: Gloucestershire, England
Type: Article | Words: 2500 | Page: 3 | Tags: none

LONDON, Tuesday, June 6. W of a letter written by Prince Galitzin, commander jn If of the Ruflian army, to

... Auguft 4, at Brifiol. On Saturday lull was married at Whitehaven, old man, aged qz, to old woman, aged 85. While the ceremony was performing, a daughter of the old woman’s came into the church-yard and attempted to hang herftlf, being diflatisficd with the ...

the army rer iKMlh of General Jw ’-— he wrote following heard & Stormont exultation Miniftrrs the to the ..

... part or parcel of the of Lifkcaid) conlilhng ol good fartn-houfe out-honfes acres pafture aiable land in good heart and full ot dr 140 of unimproved land adjoining a very bottom whole is well and watered and conveniently (ituated for improvement but two ...

Published: Monday 11 August 1777
Newspaper: Sherborne Mercury
County: Dorset, England
Type: Article | Words: 3399 | Page: 2 | Tags: none

£ THE- mornJn not evening the army Mentz Huong hold concern to their repulfc Willnmftadt their Mentz - ..

... £ THE- mornJn not evening the army Mentz Huong hold concern to their repulfc Willnmftadt their Mentz - artillery other war taken We find the Gazette the arc be The theFwnch of the Allied arms San Surprize arrived at Her cargo tooool fterling of which' ...

declare that Operatipns of an Autumn Campaign are already concerted Marlhal Bellille is Army affcmbling the ..

... declare that Operatipns of an Autumn Campaign are already concerted Marlhal Bellille is Army affcmbling the Notwithtianding laudable Secrecy ob in conducing at important much they havefuffered to to tranfpire to Admiral Hawke that will execute Defign ...

Published: Monday 18 August 1755
Newspaper: Sherborne Mercury
County: Dorset, England
Type: Article | Words: 2170 | Page: 2 | Tags: none

1 -1 ''' throughout army (AfifurM wrc in raptures treaties The ( the particulai manner and warm the trea- -—

... 1 -1 ''' throughout army (AfifurM wrc in raptures treaties The ( the particulai manner and warm the trea- -— of united General Wafhington’s army was - f reinforced that forbid the Northern join him j ordered aflembic General All American troops neccflai ...

Published: Monday 20 July 1778
Newspaper: Sherborne Mercury
County: Dorset, England
Type: Article | Words: 3512 | Page: 2 | Tags: none

SUBSCRIPTION For the Difcharjc of the SUBALTERN OFFICERS of the ARMY reduced to Half-Pay, now languishing in ..

... SUBSCRIPTION For the Difcharjc of the SUBALTERN OFFICERS of the ARMY reduced to Half-Pay, now languishing in different PRISONS throughout England for Debt. THE Services of the above meritorious body of men are univerfally allowed, and the many embarcaflments ...

: -'--' POST ftaWS which visions AMfweffions dccla- 'to GOU H S D A Y Sw tJttaW£ yoonseft with army

... AMfweffions dccla- 'to GOU H S D A Y Sw tJttaW£ yoonseft with army of 16000 of Stock-it their arrival before Stockholm nrincelv riehts which revoke ef King to letters received very till army before walk defifttl of which we £udoMfuofufrlfi JH'Hpcn n M ...

Princefs Amelia were at Leicefter-Houfe at No Their Royal Highneffes the Duke of Cumbe land and mn. His Majefty ..

... Great Mogul ordered! his chief General with a powerful Army to march againit him 5 which he accordingly did, and came up wich him near Pondicherry, when a bloody Fattle enfucd, wherein the Nabov’s Army was defeated, and with his feat- tered Men, obliged ...

Friday Mr Carrington Majefty’s Mefiengers arrived in Town with two Officers five Men a Woman had been concerned ..

... fame Severity as if he was actually guilty of the Crime ALL Occupiers of Land in the foes and Nafh in the County of Monmouth are defired to Sums of as are for the Agifiment of the Land which they hold or have held in thofe Parijhes at the Houfe of Mary William ...

Published: Tuesday 28 November 1752
Newspaper: Gloucester Journal
County: Gloucestershire, England
Type: Article | Words: 2355 | Page: 2 | Tags: none