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A CAR D A Friend to

... cma; and and a lien J'MV. lull Di litead. Weigh Mai Ih We ILolb L- nut from ALL the PAPE*s cf Yesterday limerick, February ij. LAST Saturday Se??nnight Mr. Obadiah Hardy of Monegall, near Nenagh, fell from his or |e, a..d died A ithout fpeaking Word :He teft ...

try 'Die Thdkfc* »f tK« Canal Lottery has charged almoft the whole the Demands agdii hereby give Notice, that they

... try 'Die Thdkfc* »f tK« Canal Lottery has charged almoft the whole the Demands agdii hereby give Notice, that they will pay No, hill, in future, all Prizes outftanding, bn every M each Week, from twelve two ©’Clock. A] BACCI-itlS covet Catttth,'« thi-eS ...

Published: Tuesday 20 April 1779
Newspaper: Saunders's News-Letter
County: Dublin, Republic of Ireland
Type: Article | Words: 2305 | Page: 2 | Tags: none

Fi/ufJ *nH flnpeddiuo, , Handkctchie'i, Slnjr tvcs, Silk Co'ours, S T* fl for Porfes, Di'in *or Cloak*. Ditto ..

... Mctboii, inform fils Friends, end rlic Pul lie, that tor the mote commodious Reception of His Po pils, he has removed from Gcorge’s-lane, 10 more retired Si UMtion in Love-lane, adjacent to King-llrect, near Mercer’s- t where Youth arc infttuded in Reading ...

Published: Wednesday 03 October 1764
Newspaper: Dublin Courier
County: Dublin, Republic of Ireland
Type: Article | Words: 905 | Page: 3 | Tags: none

Mijcftv, .uent, mo*: title to tlie-CiWft than I ‘Snch, Gentlcnun, is the whole amount of *ll n>y noble friend’* ..

... Gchilemen, when I conhder uiv noble friend’s (iluulion, his open. _ unreferved tanper, and his warm and animated zeal for caule which rendered him obnoxious to fo many wicked men, daily and publicly to mixed multitudes of friends and foes on a fubjeft which affetlcd ...

Published: Thursday 22 February 1781
Newspaper: Dublin Evening Post
County: Dublin, Republic of Ireland
Type: Illustrated | Words: 4064 | Page: 4 | Tags: none


... No. 4, Brlde-flrVet, Dublin, convenient iff all the infli uftion of youth in the ENGLISH, LA IN, GR*tK. Emeu tees. !tow acquit h.m'elf witli indurtiy, ta theftriafaflion oi l>is friend, the public, and to qe.thl* his 1-upiis with all poiTihle. expedition ...

Published: Thursday 24 April 1794
Newspaper: Dublin Evening Post
County: Dublin, Republic of Ireland
Type: Article | Words: 433 | Page: 1 | Tags: none

Cork, have figned to the High Sheritfof tiiai Counlv, requeuing him to call Meeting foaic during the next to take

... thole of Antiquity.” Every Man after Fifty, gives the Preference of Virtue to the Days of his Youth, though nothing can more certain than the Days of his Youth were Days ofYictoufnefs Companion for neither the Vices nor Virtues of our Forefathers, can in ...

From the London Gaze

... Ribbon*, FigO 'fd and llripeJ di'to, H ...

Published: Wednesday 04 July 1764
Newspaper: Dublin Courier
County: Dublin, Republic of Ireland
Type: Article | Words: 2778 | Page: 3 | Tags: none

AP RY equa The CIVIL, CREED, ead QPINLONS of au INDEPER DENT 28. BELIEVE, that the whole junto “of real

... lete Partner, Dressy and Com- p any (who continue the Bufinefs) to his Friends and the Public; they, therefore, entreat 2 Continuance cf the Commands of M~. Howe's, their own Friend:, and the Public, whofe future Encouragement they hope to merit, ng. by ...

Published: Thursday 15 April 1779
Newspaper: Dublin Evening Post
County: Dublin, Republic of Ireland
Type: Article | Words: 1069 | Page: 1 | Tags: none

, . arrived two Britifh Packets, which Lord Macartney’s having peremptorily to who think ii meant, thjt Verona ..

... per Ct. Ann. (hut i{- ,pf. Smyrna without variation ; and the laft Drrettors. and melancltoly account. —A wealthy citizen ot' di» open Lou* Ana Hut f ijfletters Loin Aleppo, the 21ft alt.' Lord Macartney has, without foiling his fin- that place, byname ...

Published: Friday 20 January 1786
Newspaper: Saunders's News-Letter
County: Dublin, Republic of Ireland
Type: Article | Words: 1254 | Page: 1 | Tags: none

join in ccof their chartered and legal Refolwed we mot cordially approve of the Refolutions ef the Commons of the

... in ny fuccefs—he preferred a manly. adherence to the caufe we were envbarked in, to an unprincipled com- petition with his friend, and to his firmnefs (ewe an-exclu- five; zeatous fopport from hint. ‘the ntore honourable to his ferlings, wid an agsiof ...

Published: Tuesday 03 August 1790
Newspaper: Dublin Evening Post
County: Dublin, Republic of Ireland
Type: Article | Words: 929 | Page: 1 | Tags: none

From MONDAY, July the 31ft, to WEDNESDAY-, August the 2d, 1775

... CONDUCTORS the HIBERNIAN JOURNAL. ORIENTAL ECLOGUES ECLOGUE I Saddi and MENT R t. •the Morninij, Ardtrit! amho. in thefe Fields try th’ And Faflern Mules court on////2> (I Old Father Liffy from his (limy Whilemourns,(hall raifehis rev'rmd Head, A'?d te.»c ...


... fa-ourite deftroyed : Nbtwithltanding all poffible Alfillance, the Maid Vras feixed with the Hydrophobia a few Days ago, and died in Manner too mocking to relate and the Miltrefs is now under ihemoll dreadful Apprehenlions of fharig the fame Fate. This ...