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On Monday last the Members of that highly laudable institution the PORTSEA BENEEICIAL

... : -OCTOER .12 . . On Monday lai the Meinbers f, ibat-hioghly laudable hiftitution the 6iRTSgA B'RtFIcF:4 SoctETY,. . lnhleA t th};rIO1 : SOcztrT, aeinlable d'at thir Half' rito'ld; ,Rope Walk, from which place they twent in procelion' -to Sit. :Geore'-slCha' `* -a molt excellent and- apprdpri-te 'errhon .as preacbedlby the Rev. Mr. Hoyle.- after which they returned to their Hall, and about two ...

Published: Monday 14 October 1799
Newspaper: Hampshire Telegraph
County: Hampshire, England
Type: Article | Words: 461 | Page: Page 3 | Tags: News 

Naval Biography

... Jbal 33iograpDp. INTERESTING MEMOIRS a OF THE GALLANr t CAPTAIN MILLER, OF 2'E THESEUS. t The Public having been much intcreacd in the unfortunate termination of the-Ihort, but e brilliant career of the late Captain RalP'ib Wil-n lett Miller, we have no doubt but it will be gratified by th'e following few particulars of his life we have been able to colleCt. He was born in Newv York the 24th ...

Published: Monday 02 December 1799
Newspaper: Hampshire Telegraph
County: Hampshire, England
Type: Article | Words: 1507 | Page: Page 2 | Tags: News 


... 5ii tso ?? Suxi but a It is reported that Maffena, after g effn Gener~1 Hot e's army marede aganlS u ...

Published: Monday 14 October 1799
Newspaper: Hampshire Telegraph
County: Hampshire, England
Type: Article | Words: 1273 | Page: Page 2, 3 | Tags: News 

It is said that Government has been applied to for passports for a Parson in an Official

... PORTSMOUTH. SATURDAYV NOVEMBER F3 ?? I -. * It is faid that Government has bein applied Ihrto for paffiports for a Perfon in an Official IC'hnrn~tl-r-u-r - - ;c bv I IsI ft ir 0 a t] b 1i a ii 01 la ti' a' T fr 11 Chara6tir who is expeifed to arrive foon from ia Paris. An Americafi Mail, brought from Halifax woand New York by the' Marquis of Kildare Packet, Capt. Dodd, was received on Tuefday ...

Published: Monday 25 November 1799
Newspaper: Hampshire Telegraph
County: Hampshire, England
Type: Article | Words: 977 | Page: Page 3 | Tags: News 


... BJS1TISJjt 4DMib@LSiP'ci aOMx~sOk. * , ?? a U W-1'N .:i ?? 'TiT S.. Xt,. z dttYj: Rear-drm;4 16Hoil .t~ee- 1 Bscstrs oir..AdmSirR;iL' Fbahmth. Le BL.NKZTT, Rear.AdrfitaL J. m -Eal l'Adies. d B BRIDP ORT, Admiral Lord - annet. COL L INC Gwoon), Rear-Admiral C. -Cannel. 1? COT TOZ;, Rear-Adm'iral Sir C. - --Gannell. .#CYRTS, Vice-Adha. Sir R. Bt. 'Capeojf God Hope. Dicksox, Vice-Admiral A. - - ...

Published: Monday 04 November 1799
Newspaper: Hampshire Telegraph
County: Hampshire, England
Type: Article | Words: 2299 | Page: Page 3 | Tags: News 


... I Ift, .. 'PO II el apot -? 'V .,uedffgA troop .twe t out - The vari&y of tmporftart intelligence whic -. occupies the greateft part of ithis week's Te-' legraph-obliges us to -keifti-o&' retrfdfiae' obfervations, within limits mnuch more circum- 1 . idbed~thanwe flould, .otheiviiha ted.. We ffall, therefore,. conneourfi tv6 to theI; . prominent feaiures of ?? al'politics, in| order.. to ...

Published: Monday 02 December 1799
Newspaper: Hampshire Telegraph
County: Hampshire, England
Type: Article | Words: 2854 | Page: Page 2, 3 | Tags: News 

Naval and Military Journal

... a t 7 a: aI I of t. -; PORTSMOUTH, n of -Np. 3--.4His Majefly's fhip Goliah, Of 74 :e. guns, Captain Foley, lately returned fsomo !nlt the Mediytlatly etrne famn ial t terranean, is come into harbour tP be t] fopaid off. AlD fl Thurfday failed the Cormorant,.of 2z guns, f Ic- Hon. Captain Boyie, with a fttore-fhip under a convoy, for Gibraltar. F ,nnd Same day failed the Camilla, Capt. Larkan, ...

Published: Monday 02 December 1799
Newspaper: Hampshire Telegraph
County: Hampshire, England
Type: Article | Words: 1363 | Page: Page 3 | Tags: News 

Naval and Military Journal

... -Q.t ?? I s uim I ?? lt*e -f -PoR2jSMOUzH- O~cT T9.; ?? lar night, rand early. this muorning, tvelve merchant ihips from LLi(ton, which failed from thence under con- vov of His Majelty's (hip impregnable, of 98 guns, Capt. Faulikier, and Excellent, of74 guns, Hon. Capt. Stopford; the ltter of which parted company a few days fince, in chace of a fufpefed vel.el. NWe are very forry to flate, ...

Published: Monday 21 October 1799
Newspaper: Hampshire Telegraph
County: Hampshire, England
Type: Article | Words: 926 | Page: Page 3 | Tags: News 

h-end), P. trfmp I v

... gpfajo. j? e The rnaffacre, early in the late fprin ,of two of of the Minifters Plenipotentiary from the fi French Republic to the Congrefs at isafla4t, and feq the fnppofed miraculous efeape of the thirds; . arc faas fufficiently alive-in the recollepion of en our Readers to render a recapitulation of -the hl affli&,ing narrative unneceffary; but as the no world, from the very extraordinary ...

Published: Monday 28 October 1799
Newspaper: Hampshire Telegraph
County: Hampshire, England
Type: Article | Words: 4105 | Page: Page 4 | Tags: News 


... I_ _ * _ S _ ?? 3g N ? It is 'with confiderablie pieafure tha'twe have to ttrecur, this week, to events moft aufpictous to the mc crdt e of thia s Country and its Allies. The fuccefles wi id- that. -haveattended the Auftrians in Italy, and on the me Rhine, promife the, molt advantageous fituation to th( ch: the Belligerent Powers, for. negoriating that peace which the prefent Government of ...

Published: Monday 09 December 1799
Newspaper: Hampshire Telegraph
County: Hampshire, England
Type: Article | Words: 3392 | Page: Page 2, 3 | Tags: News 


... i -k y me I- me n y d e d h d d in T C' ~ftrdy, the followi-ng . fietni~a4ie 1charaaers ,among the Unit T'riih >'!eb~u inre t icdy from Ca#Ilebai'to, to-i ...

Published: Monday 02 December 1799
Newspaper: Hampshire Telegraph
County: Hampshire, England
Type: Article | Words: 645 | Page: Page 4 | Tags: News 


... Jane. As the Goveriensitjuq eftablilhed by the t M ce Revolution jofJ tthe totli inftart, has con-M mence -thle 'exercif'e-f'i6'its Executive and n g, Legiflhtive' Powers, 've 'have fele.dthe -fol- ful iowing important e-xtra&s from 'reir'p'oceed- tw to ings. ih Z ?? firft proceedings of the Intermediate:' Legiflative Coinmiffion were on th. i ds in qu the Councilof Elders, rel 'fli ...

Published: Monday 25 November 1799
Newspaper: Hampshire Telegraph
County: Hampshire, England
Type: Article | Words: 2650 | Page: Page 2 | Tags: News