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East Midlands, England

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WANTED, A COOK in a Gentleman's Family in the Country She muft be a tolerable proficient in he. baft, nefs,

... have no diflike to work, nor objection tochil- dren, a refpeaable ref.i_r_£ forcharaaer. One thar has lived as under Cook ia a large Family would be likely to fuit the Advertifer. Enquire of Mrs. KNIGHT, ar the Turk's Head, Caftle Donington, Lcicciterfhire. n-« .. „ che ftfield, i s .h April, 1799. TO BE SOLD BY AUCTION, By order of the AlT.gnees of Mr. Wm. Manley, a Bankrupt, at the ...

Published: Thursday 18 April 1799
Newspaper: Derby Mercury
County: Derbyshire, England
Type: Advertisement | Words: 10913 | Page: Page 1, 2, 3, 4 | Tags: Classifieds 

To be LET at HIGHAM, AHOUSE and BAKE-HOUSE in good Repair. The Utenfils belonging to the Bake-Houfe will be fold.—

... — Likewife a Quantity of good KIDS, lying very convenient. For further Particulars enquire of Mr. WILMOT of Higham. To be LETT, AND ENTERED UPON IMMEDIATELY, A Very Convenient DWELLING HOUSE, with all ne- ceffary Out-Buildings, a good Malt Houfe, properly adapted to the Malting Bufinefs : Alfo twenty Acres of good LAND, lying contiguous to the fame,— fituate at Afhover- Hay, near the Turnpike ...

Published: Thursday 05 March 1789
Newspaper: Derby Mercury
County: Derbyshire, England
Type: Advertisement | Words: 8610 | Page: Page 1, 3, 4 | Tags: Classifieds 

BOROUGH of DERBY. Notice is hereby Given, THAT the CHEESE MEETING for the Latter- make CHEESE, will be held in

... the Market- Place, Derby, on Saturday the 20th, MONDAY the 22d, and Tuesday the 23d Days of this Inftant, THOMAS MATHER, Mayor. March I, 1790. To be SOLD by PRIVATE CONTRACT, At the Houfe of Mr. Walker, the Ren Lion Inn, in Wirkf- worth, in the County of Derby, on Tuesday the Ninth Day of March next ; fubjedt to fuch Conditions as will be then produced ;— AHOUSE, fituate in the Dal k End, in ...

Published: Thursday 25 February 1790
Newspaper: Derby Mercury
County: Derbyshire, England
Type: Advertisement | Words: 7341 | Page: Page 1, 3, 4 | Tags: Classifieds 

The Perufal of the following Advertisement,^ earneftly recommended to the P v b l i c. WALKER's Patent Genuine ..

... DROPS: Or, The D R 0 PS of He alt h and Lono Life. In Bottles of ss. and 2s. 6d. proportionable. jMOTICE is hereby given to Perjbnt of both Sexes, afflided witb Gleets and Weakneffes ofthe Seminal Vef- fels, of ever fo long ftanding, or with the Venereal Difeafe in all its different Stages, from the Jligbteft to its moft malig- nant Infiedion, that, on Friday the $ift of O&aber nee, bis ...

Published: Friday 22 April 1768
Newspaper: Derby Mercury
County: Derbyshire, England
Type: Advertisement | Words: 2381 | Page: Page 1, 3, 4 | Tags: Classifieds 

A'a AbviftTjSEMENT/™» HEATH, near' Wakefield,, in the County of V or ?? IN the ACADEMY there, all Things ..

... accompl ifti young GENTLEMEN, for the Uni- V.fRS IT l us, Army, Navy, Trade, orany other Employment of Life, are Taught by Ten of the Eelt MASTERS, in their feveral Prdfeflions ; together with their proper Affiftants,**-— - The Number of Students is fuel., that the Reverend Mr. HYDE, One. of the afoiefaid' MASTER^ is allow'd to Board the Sons of thofe Parents, that chufe to have them private ...

Published: Fri 25 May 1750
Newspaper: Derby Mercury
County: Derbyshire, England
Type: Advertisement | Words: 536 | Page: Page 4 | Tags: Classifieds 

CW ©a? # ?? ■ (Price SIX-PENCE.) AND SOLD BY SAMUEL FOX, Bookfeller in Derby, RECEIPTS for preparing and ..

... thi principal MEDICINES made ufe of by the lafeMr. WARD, together with an Introduction, &c. By JOHN PAGE, Efiji Member of Parliament for the City of Chkhefter. To whom Mr. WARD left his Book of SECRETS.' i At the above Place the late Mr. WARD'S NMrniciNES are appointed to be fold, and atthe following very moderate Prices i *'*• 1. s d WHITE DROPS, in a Bottle, containing one third' of an ...

Published: Friday 17 June 1763
Newspaper: Derby Mercury
County: Derbyshire, England
Type: Advertisement | Words: 2229 | Page: Page 1, 3, 4 | Tags: Classifieds 

J OHN SHORT, Surgeon ahd Man-Midwife, Of many Years Pradice in the Army, who was a Student at Edinburgh, and

... a Pupil in London, Takes this Method of acquainting tbe PU B Ll C, THAT he is now fettled in St. Maty-Gate, Derby, with a real Intention to fair Pradlicc, as he has had the Honour toattend fome of the Military Hospitals Abroad, when in the Army, efpccially the Grano Military Hospital in Beliifle, where he attended during the late War. Thofe who pleafe to Employ me in any Cafe of Surgery, Phy- ...

Published: Friday 25 July 1766
Newspaper: Derby Mercury
County: Derbyshire, England
Type: Advertisement | Words: 3144 | Page: Page 1, 2, 3, 4 | Tags: Classifieds 

TURNPIKE-ROAD from Chefterfield to Hern- f one- Lane-Head. WHEREAS at the laft MEETING ofthe Trustees of this ..

... -rfield the 13th Inlt. the Inhabitants ofthe Market Town of Tidcfweß, requefled to have 100 .of the Surplus of Tolls applied to enable them to carry the laid Turnpike Road thro' their Town, and offered to keep the lame in Repair in all Times to come, and to acquiefce in all Differences which have anftn between them and the faid Truftees j and the Truftees at fuch Meeting being inclined to ...

Published: Friday 21 May 1762
Newspaper: Derby Mercury
County: Derbyshire, England
Type: Advertisement | Words: 2847 | Page: Page 1, 2, 3, 4 | Tags: Classifieds 

To Mr. NORTON, Surgeon, Golden-iquare, London. SIR, Prefcot -ftreet, Aug. 24. 1770. T Should think myfelf ..

... ;ou„ * and Humanity to my Fellow-Crea.ure?, it I longer omitted acquainting the Public of the morl extraordinary Cure I have obtained by rhe Ufe of your (Marcdant's) Drops. It is twenty. two Years fince I was firft taken ill with the Scurvy, appeared in great Blotches and other Eruptions aii over my Body: 1 have had the Advice of many Phyficians of Eminence, from fome of whom I re- ...

Published: Friday 07 December 1770
Newspaper: Derby Mercury
County: Derbyshire, England
Type: Advertisement | Words: 6650 | Page: Page 1, 2, 3, 4 | Tags: Classifieds 

ADVERTISEMENTS. AT Mrs; STaTH AM's, at the Old Crown Inn* in BURTON upon Trent, Staff o ,djbire, Gentlemen and ..

... may be accommodated with a POST-CHAISE' at any Time, on proper Notice. * To be LE TT, and Enter* d upon next Midfuataer, cr Michaelmas, * A Very handfome, well fituated new Brick HOUSE 1 on Dttjfield Bank, Three Mile* horn DERBY lately In rte I'ofll-ffion of Mr. George Brentnall, with FouJ 1 Rooms on a Floor, goad Cellars, and very convenient Out-' boufes, a' neat Gaiden, well WaU r d, with ...

Published: Friday 20 April 1753
Newspaper: Derby Mercury
County: Derbyshire, England
Type: Advertisement | Words: 270 | Page: Page 4 | Tags: Classifieds 

ADVERTISEMENTS. DERBY, Mayn, 1753. A T °P AY ?? SYLVESTER's Houfe in the MoAidge r\. are Caief ,lly Taught Writing,

... Ar.thmo ick, ».*d A chants Accompts, after a piaiti and eafy Method: where -outh may Bond; alfo fuch as defi: e may be taught ab. old, ?? by David Stives Tin, f NOTICE is berety~&M~~~ mm THAT the fi'ft Meeting of the TRUSTEES for putting m Execution an Aft for Repairing and Widening the Roud fom the WeO End ,t t.c T O vL of Burton tpon Trent , in the County ot Stafford, through the laid Town ...

Published: Friday 25 May 1753
Newspaper: Derby Mercury
County: Derbyshire, England
Type: Advertisement | Words: 641 | Page: Page 4 | Tags: Classifieds