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... LINEN -DRAPER as Corner of REDCLIFF-STREET, near the BRIDGE, N MOST respectfully acquaints his Friends and the Public, that he has a very extensive Assortment of LINEN-DRAPERY, curious India and British Muslins, both worked and plain, at Prices much lower than were W ever known; the belt Farbics of Irilh Linens and Sheeting, _ imported; excellent Callicoes as usual, at Is. per Yard; Muflinets ...

Advertisements & Notices

... To THE PUBLIC. At the Commencement of periodical Publications, it is not unsual to make large Pretensions and Professions; but we shall content ourselves with producing, in Behalf of our Paper, evident Facts, to which Professions as we are impelled to make by a Sense of our Duty to the Public ; to a which Professions we propose, to the best of our Abilities, in- variably to adhere. For a ...

For 5SA LE lby A U C

... TION , ?? AXCHANGE-COFFEE-HOUSE, on iA 'llTl;SDAY next, the 2d of March, at One o'Clock, F An NT I RE CARGO, confiffing of : oout 200 Burlhcls of AMERICAN WHEAT. 400 Barrels ot Finre FLOUR. 2500 Barrel STAVES. Some L.UMBER and MATS. L-- SAM PT.Es of the Wheat and Flour, to he feen at the OrCr3 Office, and tile Whole at Mr. PHILIP GeoRaas' \;rt-roule, ILcwi n's-Mlcard. T. WINWOOD, Broker, For S ...

Advertisements & Notices

... T H E C I T IZ E N. NUMBER I. VUtr haxc fi.bliis, fpatinfa fidelis, amaoea Dulcis , i eri r a, b'rnigna, nitens :7ura, Drur, Regesr, Regionem, Crimina, Piscem Servat, adorat, omat, pr'tegit, odit, babre. lBriftolia, lofty, fpacious, faithful, fair, Swvect, famous, old, kind, neat beyond compare, Maintains the Nation's rights, her God adores, Her Sov'rcign loves, proteas the Britifis Thores. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ; ~~~CAUTI6g. - , WHt 511; 7XIEREAS a Profiecstioa was intended to I ha - ve been commenced againit ms, JCYHN .E JHUBBERT,e'rvant to Mr. WtLLrAM Has us, at-the RI lB ack Svwan.inh in the Cityeof 'inchefer, for having' car 6een found drivingaway ;ro the barracks of the faidwh city a-quantity of coal, the property of Government: mc which h;A been unlawfully fold by the .foldiem at ttis fqb ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Afreih fc~ppl~ bya~li ?? ?? l~-L YI ?? d' 'riouth d ?? P4~v's, Pori~ff~a - '\1'ff tip -At'L tS4't0 N Efi3ALJC'pgA'rE, G i l ?? r ?? ~s2c~Ias-X Sn e Legs Scorb1iic 'll- |inlours, ate and lpfiamned Eyes, Ulkerl, &c. S'Soi 'D ' a L oief 1i c efceripiipns; irm whatver caufe, r o * s ever fo long ifidihn' are cured in a faepleafant, eafy, T: aid ?? innne without thi' laft confinemrert: i* is ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ?? AYtNIULY. rT HE SUBSCltIBERs are E ARNESTLY requeft- Z ed to meet a, thir CrOWN INN, 011 TUESDAY W]EXT, thie Eltd int. at Twelve o'Clock, to examine the Treefurer's Account, and to determine how the Surpius .oncy in his hands fhall be applied. Oc. 9, sr/gqg. Oa.~~ .9 .f9 ANNUITY.' ANITFO to. PURCHASE, an AN- W NU !L Y from sooL. to +ocl. for the Lives of a Ge~ntlrnan adged j3z anc. d Lady ...

Advertisements & Notices

... PORTSMOUTH ASSEMBLY. AT a SECOND MEETING of the SUBSCRI ?? PORtTsMoUTIr AsszxmniynTuef- dtv laft, at the Crown Inn, it wis refolved, as there was not a fufficient ntunber of Subfcribers prcfent to *,z-trnmineupoon the appropriation of -the Balance of, Mlonicy fi-. in tlhe Treafurer's Hinds, and to enter on' R-iuLes re-'~ihng an Affernbly forlthe enfping Winter,' That toe Treafurer fhouid be ...

Advertisements & Notices

... W HEREAS apa.ntitqyof Stores bel6ngif ' to His Ma)j's 9l 7i I MPREGNAhBL , wrecked near 14eyling Vlanudcas been embezzild and carried away, it is ;neceffary to cautign the-public -asgaf't purchafing any of thei above, or anybtoher frtes . belonging to Hi5sMajefty; andtlf any perfon or pcrfoiis ,will give information to Mr. J. C. Mo r re.iE In- fpedor for Embezzlements, Hi;th-ftreet, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... N ''ERVOUS PATIENTS - ARE generally i4irere& :rh, Stia1rJ A . and afflifted vwith lofs of.appetitc,- dry coughs, weaknefs of the vo'ce, hoarfenefs, 1hozkn'efssof breath- upon the leaft exercife, -a'nid -a'ielaxation of the wviole nerv'ousfyftern. Some'are afflited with -coofider- able lofs of ftrengstht palerlefstlforrietimes -a ilihtjain, dice, pimples o ten appear mr- the face,.and ...

Advertisements & Notices

... t1,, sNOV- 1. 1799-_ T-a MEETINGNB VBSCRIBERS,-it A wa3 refolved, Th'a 4, mbly fhall be lid cor the enfiiing Sealfc6 4 on., Allowving Nights. No. ;t. Thurfday, l Moon-light. 2. Tisuri'day',. S. Thurfday, i e d ht' MP 4. Thurfday, *jtto. fo e 5.Tlurfdy ~ uyeoi b. Saturday, .x ?? Birth.dayw. fort fh cs, being the firll Qruartcr, F ftecn S s ; Ided Admiffion to Non-Subfcri ~s Three ...

Advertisements & Notices

... FORAGE AND DUNG. BARRACK OFFICE, Nov. 2, 1799. X TQTICE ;t hereby g te.r'o tlt l.Pes s -Nni ieg'i t Jrito ly Ha,, jSra-w, and Oatsfer the for ralrf ra pord, 01 t, 1eflafrhmnd, it thb reeral Barracks-.I ao Gwr,.t Britai, for rarve/vt tonrh., to comncnce on the a2 5b tie, ?? l-eoc- next, that Propofals in Tiriting, faled up, :eill rece- d b-; tie Barraek.-ailer-Gcne t:d, or hefote the ?? 3cth ...