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1750 - 1799
246 1790-1799



Aberdeenshire, Scotland

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Advertisements & Notices

... 1- : To the Noblemene and Gentlemnen, Commjiffioners of Li, Supplyfor the County of Aberdeen. rs My Lords ard Gentlemen, rs jS 4ue intenzd to offer ourfrelves joint candidates for id * s thc off e of Collecor of the Land. Tax, &e. for le this county, on tne 3oeh of April next, Sciog the day ps of elerior 'we beg leave to intreatyourfupport on the Id ocwaflon. t f rue are fo happy as to obtain ...


... ERDEENSHiRE. r; be fold by ?? roup (if not pevesioufly dilprfcl f by pivatce bargain) within the New Inn oif h.berdeu, on the soth of Odtober next, at fix 5ternoon, either altogether or in lots, 'HE Law ls and Barony of EASTER and WES- T ER TYRIES, yielding a free yearly rent of t- 38 . 9 . leelring. hl`ey contain 31F6 acres or thereby, and are wvith- -: 3 miles of Frafitburghl or Rofebearty, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... i2RSONAL LEGACY DU ?? Stao p-O;ffice, Sept. 7,1798 *1 ATHiERE AS by an AQ paffed on the z6th day of V V april, in the thirty-fiyth byear of the reign of 1;. prefent laljrlly, it is errafted, ' That upon every Legacy, fpecrifi or peeltnulry,of the value of L soor rrore given by any will or tcflamentary infliument of any perfoin wito iaill die afttn the paffing -f the D * fie at, out of the ...

Advertisements & Notices

... On Tuefday the 23d Of Oqolner inftant, there will be ?? by public roup at Culter, T A Pair or two of Wailk -Horrfs, feveral Holfes fit faor the faddle, arid fome young Horfes; alfo 7 or g fine Cows, and feveial Queys and 3tots, all of an excclent broed. Anid, no Wednefday the 2$tb of Ofober, there will begin ln iw old by cop, the FURN'l'URE of L the HrraifeofCui.Tca:, cinsfilting of a arge ...

Advertisements & Notices

... SALE OF HOUSES. Upon Thurfday the zifI dlay of June curient, betwixt the hours of fix sad feven afternoon, them will be expofed to faic, by public rmop, within the houfe of George Moir, Vintner in Aberdeen. , 'HAT tenement of Foreland, with the two next . tenements or houfes at the back thereof. lying on the Welt fide of the Gallowgatc of Aberdeen, which fometime belonged to Robert Joyner, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... CULLEN BLEACHFIELiD, 1799. US\tJNGO RANNIE continues to bleach all kinds IVI of Linen in the beft manner. at the following rices, viz, all plain Linen, 3.4ths wide and under, at a penny hdlfpenuy per yard, 80o reed, at twopence 900 and rooo, at twopence halfptnny xioo, atthreepence 20oo and 1300, threepcnce halfpenny 1400 and z5oo, fourpence x6oo and 1700, fourpence halfpcnny. a Soo and above, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... XINCARDINESHIRE FARMERS. A a mteeting of Farc.;,rs in the county of Kin- . ardiu e payilag I.. o pet an iall of lRent, !)y publie advierif 'ccr ts, aII lild' at B ireiu, a ill ;tcemlber 1799, iar the Plul'okfe of eolifidetil g i:. f::, ~;itheyle ay be atfiedcc br tile propofed TAX 1 IfCOME. Aier staxmining all theinforma!ion they had been : piocuic oil n lit fiabjelt, thcy came to the fol- ...

Advertisements & Notices

... in 711OM$ONS & C4' ol ft L ! i rk y oh ee;o *F o g ~. A8 Z= i, it Mrgl J- TMItarg .n,659i14 1irrhe, 114,6 a n Brie& BL eriesd are adreif in great cdiV Q t g numbers. Z TNu IIsH STATr TE B SH STA'TE . LorTfuRY L0rLo RYr ' BeginsDraving Nov. IR. neginisdrawig Mltdi 3P c >_ 799- tS0. le RseneV. ttSEt ( P_ Prixer. Vai e. 2ota. i Priwes. Aea tIA k &tI 'OOi504 7 %L,3,WQ PG t Z 10,000 20,Q0 3 ,0,0Zo ...

Advertisements & Notices

... REMAR'KABLIE LETTERS, Unparalleled in the Hifory of Medicine, t4' 11..rED from the recent Teftimorfics of feveril _ , 1londred tefpeealble Petfons, and fubmitted to ?? citri llof the avlidted with RHEUMA'IISM, : 1i, RHEUMATIC GOUT, LUMBAGO, V S Y, NUMBNESS, COMPLAINTS of the Sfo- At! CH, &c. siR, Borden, neal Sitthigbourne, Jan. 12, 79iS. d'otr fice I was twenty ?? of age, I have been ed with ...

Advertisements & Notices

... DUTCH FLAX. I IMPORTED in the Diamond, James Bothwell lo Imaftcr, from Hamburgh, s parcel of DUTCH ie FLAX, and to be fold by James Calder, in matts of is twenty heads each. es Sosreraa, 4th NXcsem'l, 1799. id TEAS, SPIRIrS, &e. - fs G EORGE THOMSON, head of the Shiprow, begs be G leave to return thanks to his friends and the pub- lic for paft favours-takes the liberty of acquainting them, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... CHNAPNISS UVNITED WITH ELEGANCE. Is the Prtes, and will be publifhedoa the firft of May, NiUMBERJ 1. NIEW AND BEAUTIFUL EDITION ROLLIN'S ANCIENT HISTORY; CO 55P I tx siNDI N G Tsa HISTORY 1F THE EGYP 'IANS, CARTHA- GINIANS, ASSYRIANS. BABYLONIANS, MEDES AND PERSIANS, MACEDONIANS, AND GRECIANS. CONVCNTS. A Defcription of the feveral Parts of Egypt, with its moft remarkable Curiofities, as ...

Advertisements & Notices

... JuRt Pubfified (Price Is.) tzy A. BROWN, Boce/'ller, Aernleen; Jf. Og',. Edin- barg/a; awd F. 1? C. Rivitmton, London, A CRITICAL DISSERTATION ON THE t XXII~ib OnaPter oftbe PROPHECrOfISAIAIIJ ; In which the Predictions contained in that chapter are Ihewn to he accomplilhed in f The Events of the PRESENT TIMES. The fablifance of which was preached at KINELLAR, on the *-th November 1798, the ...