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1750 - 1799
33 1790-1799


Aberdeen Press and Journal


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Aberdeen Press and Journal

Edinburgh, Feb. 1

... C73fittimb, Seb. i. TRIAL of RIOTERS in lFFESHlRE. acc On Monday lafl, Robt Williarnfon, [hoc nc maker in Markinch, David Mathelon, wright Vi in Coalton of Balgonie, John Drummond, *n, t.iior in Dalginch, Selah Hannah Lckoth ;Ne Greig, reliding at Brunton, and Anne Xfil- mc liamfon, refidling in Kennoway, were tried before the Sheriff of Fife, for riotoufly refill- Th ing the execution of the ...

Law Intelligence

... JLRIM ptelligellre. , On. Tuefday was tried before the Court-of King's Bench, an affion for damages brought by Mr Rickets againft Mr Taylor, M. P. for feducing the wife of the Plaintiff. This cafe was attended with feveral aggravating circumflances. It appeared the Defendant was a man hackneyed in the ways of vice, and kept a houfe for the fedunfion of tradef- men's daughters, and other men's ...


... E D INB UR G H. JytI 29. HIGHS COURT OF JUSTICIARY. . ' Thurfday, came on the trial of Patrick Anderfon, Officer of Excife in-the parifh of e Cruden, and county of Aberdeen, indi&ed I at the inftance of his Majefly's Advocate for I murder; he having, on the xpth of Decem- t I ber lafi, in a fcuffle with John Kennedy, and Philip Kennedy his brother, wickedly and t I feloniously flabbed and cut ...

Law Intelligence

... aiw- ptetgence, 7 - __ .P ?? - _ - - 1 9 GUILDHALL, London, Feb. 28. r SI7TINGS bc fore LORD KEN21oN armd a SPECIAL YURr of MERCHAN. a The KING V. SINCLAIR. This profecution was instituted by M. de Calonne, late Minifler of France, againft Colonel Gordon Sinclair, for wilful and cor. rupt perjury. In the year 1792, the Profecutor and De- fendant were at Coblentz, in the fervice of the French ...

Edinburgh, Dec. 12

... eDiliburffl), Dec. 12. HlGII COURT of YUSTICIR2- Monday, came on before the High Court f Jufticiary, the trial of Andrew Holmes, ~..; ufed of breaking into the fhop of Philip j tylor, fpirit dealer, Lawn-market, on or . ;ut the night between the 9th and ioth of arch laff, and flealing from thence 701. in caih and notes-of breaking into the fhop of Alexander Livingflone, grocer, Crofscaufe. ...

Law Intelligence

... Eatu 5ntelligeler, COURT or KING's BENCH. COMBIONATION Or SHOEI\I.KEtS. Monday laft, an adion tvas tr-ed beforr Lord Kenyon, wherein feveral swafter lhoe- makers prosecuted their journeymsen for sn- tering into an illegal combinati6n to force as, increafe of wages. It was flated that there were 30,000 journeymen in this fociety.- The combination was fully proved againft the defendants in this ...

Edinburgh, Dec. 19

... U cuilw, v , , Dec. I 9. I -go -iiaiiG .ouD'Iiof )IrUsTIc~i1.R2 .jIondlay, came on the trial of Jai ILeiih- r: , William Hoffack, Alexander Boyclck, lxoander IMartfhall, and Robert Oliver, * afveymian tailor;. for a combination to rnifc j'ames LeiPLaan was outlawed for not ap- U5 ;ring to fRand trial. rfter hearing Courifi:d on the relevancv of i'C libel at confiderable length, a majority o; ...


... ED INB URG IT. COURT oF SESSION. Ion The Lords of Seffion, in their capacity of he Commiffioners of Teinds, have lately decid- Po] ed a queftion of very general importance, tee both to the landed intereft and the clergy o fG this country. f In a variety of proceffes of augmentation f Bnd locality of ftipends before the Court, the de two following queflions had occurred, firl, al where rents at ...

Law Intelligence

... I Lawb3 potlleigee Of- I W; ------- - - COURT or KING's BENCH. otn the Both inft. Mr Jullice Grefe pro- .-,Ianced the fentence of the Court on Mr G. :-'7akefield, for the publication of a libel . osito aued in a letter to the- Bilhop of Landaff. - vtt was orderedtobeconfined-twvoyears in z' '.. bewer gaol, and to give fecurity for 3,- lbehaviour for five years, hi. H'ef io-500l. - zwo ...


... z ftJ.. . V tL& A± I ' 1 '. J taJ~ALJ . 1. Seiozrday, Dec. 20. ,: - Jsan Prevot, a Frenhi',;boy;y appa1e tic .not more than 17 -or l8 years of age, wasgin diiaed, for that he, on the ifi day ofA4ugt*t 1797, oq the high feas, Within the joritic? tion , the Admiralty-of -England;-'fMni .ivifly, and of his malice aforethought,- did. kill, and murder James Wilcox, Cap'tain tf, the Lady Jane Shore. ...


... COURT oF COMMON PLEii. I'l'Wednefi/av, December S. d* WSILSON V. POWnITCn. al- This was an a&ion of damages for a brearl ; of ofpromife of marriage, at the fuit of av .;un 7th Lady of Newcafile, agaiift the Capt. in (d, 2 Baltic fhip. re . From the evidence of the plaintiifs mu hei aen and brother, and fromi the defendanls per ters, it appeared that he h1d paid ha his dreffes to the lady fo ...

Edinburgh, Feb. 8

... etififourgi), SO. 8. to HIGH COURT of ?? to Monday, came on before the Court, the ofstrial of Thomas Coltherd, late fervant to r,- John Brodie, tenant in Wittiugham Mains, or- for murder or culpable homicide, in having re- driven his cart over fome children on his re- pri- turn from Haddington to his wuafer's houfe, it by which Janet Bertram, a girl about ten is years of ago, was killed. hat ...