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1750 - 1799
33 1790-1799


Aberdeen Press and Journal


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Aberdeen Press and Journal

London, March 10

... -atiaflon, -AarcI - CHAIRGE of HIGH TREASON. Yefterday evening, at feven o'clock, the Privy Council again met at the Duke of Port- land's Office, when two perfons of the names of Claris and White, who were brought to town late on Tburfday evening from Canter- bury, were examined, and Mr White was difcharged; but Claris, who is in the wine trade, was remanded into the cuftody of the meffenger. ...


... COURT oF COMMON PLEii. I'l'Wednefi/av, December S. d* WSILSON V. POWnITCn. al- This was an a&ion of damages for a brearl ; of ofpromife of marriage, at the fuit of av .;un 7th Lady of Newcafile, agaiift the Capt. in (d, 2 Baltic fhip. re . From the evidence of the plaintiifs mu hei aen and brother, and fromi the defendanls per ters, it appeared that he h1d paid ha his dreffes to the lady fo ...

Edinburgh, Dec. 19

... U cuilw, v , , Dec. I 9. I -go -iiaiiG .ouD'Iiof )IrUsTIc~i1.R2 .jIondlay, came on the trial of Jai ILeiih- r: , William Hoffack, Alexander Boyclck, lxoander IMartfhall, and Robert Oliver, * afveymian tailor;. for a combination to rnifc j'ames LeiPLaan was outlawed for not ap- U5 ;ring to fRand trial. rfter hearing Courifi:d on the relevancv of i'C libel at confiderable length, a majority o; ...


... ED INB URG IT. COURT oF SESSION. Ion The Lords of Seffion, in their capacity of he Commiffioners of Teinds, have lately decid- Po] ed a queftion of very general importance, tee both to the landed intereft and the clergy o fG this country. f In a variety of proceffes of augmentation f Bnd locality of ftipends before the Court, the de two following queflions had occurred, firl, al where rents at ...

Edinburgh, July 5

... coillbu-41)f ytp 5. HIGH COURT of YUSTICIARE On Tuefday, the Court had under confi- deration two references from the 1aa Circuit Court at Jedburgh. The firil was that of Janet Rarnfay, in- dweller in Eccles, Berwickfhire, accufed of child-murder. In this cafe the jury had re- turned a verdi&, all in one voice finding the pannel Guilty on her own confqfziov, and on that account they recommended ...

Edinburgh, Jan. 23

... VEI? CbMItr9i), 50- 23- HIGH COURT of _USTIC11R r Stvne time ago, Thomas Muir, day ia- ctlurer in Dalkeith, was tried upon a charge 0' rsu'der, and the Jury returned a verdidt iioengr him Guilty of L'ulpable Homicide.- ?? this verdid it was pleaded in arreft of judgment that no fentence could be paffed ttlced~n, as culpable homicide was not charged in :hct indiament. To this it was anfwered, ...

Edinburgh, Dec. 26

... Mubug), Ore.26. HIGH COURT oj YUSTICIARE Monday, came bn before the High Court ofaJ ufticiary, the trial of James Davidfon, late a gentleman's fervant, accufed of pick-. 'ing the locks of drawers in three public lh~u f;es, and flealing therefrom fundry articles. i ne libel was refiriaed to an arbitrary i ?; ibmerit. tvo other gentlemen's fervants, Mitchell I Sutherland, were flated to have ...

Edinburgh, Jan. 18

... ClUnbuffl), 3fail. i S. HIIGH COURT of YUSUCIYRY. Monday, came on before the Court, the trial of Angus Cameron, archite& at Weem, I- and James Menzies,jun. merchant there, ac- a; cured of fedition, rioting, and mobbing.-A 2 After hearing counfel, the Court found the o4 libel relevant, but on account of the time it A was foppofed the trial would take up, it was adjourned till Wednefday forenoon ...


... z ftJ.. . V tL& A± I ' 1 '. J taJ~ALJ . 1. Seiozrday, Dec. 20. ,: - Jsan Prevot, a Frenhi',;boy;y appa1e tic .not more than 17 -or l8 years of age, wasgin diiaed, for that he, on the ifi day ofA4ugt*t 1797, oq the high feas, Within the joritic? tion , the Admiralty-of -England;-'fMni .ivifly, and of his malice aforethought,- did. kill, and murder James Wilcox, Cap'tain tf, the Lady Jane Shore. ...