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1750 - 1799
246 1790-1799


Aberdeen Press and Journal


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Aberdeen Press and Journal

Advertisements & Notices

... ladtie alt %Madtnic SA 'lOWING it to be their duty, as well as their J .1 \h interefi, to ufe every exertion to merit a conti. in n*i.n ce of that diltingulihed patronage which they o, 'hMw hitherto experienced froor an indulgent public, Psi ftco !1 little pleafute in being able to offer for their ml .'p'rc.ion, a flock of goods equally elegant and pr . nable, but more valuable and extenfive, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... FLAXDRESSER FRIENDLY SOCIETY OF t f PETERHEAD. i N OTICE is hereby given, that the rules and regu- C e Nlatiens of the faid becety ate lodged with the i Cleik of the Peace for the county of Aberdecnin a order to be fanflioned and confirmed by his Majefly's a Juflices of the Peace, in terms of law. . e A. W. Agent. I n ROUP OF CATTLE. : On Monday next, the 4th of June, there will be fold e by ...

Advertisements & Notices

... latditt anz '(fladtemwi T I 0 leave in the maft refipehtfl manner to acquaint 4F oheir friends and the public, that, anxious as much as Al; to diminJb h their cuftoonera, the late heavy advan- crs in price upon onoj. articles of their trade, they intend in */&tste to fell their goods upon theJmnall Profits of a ready 'osney higtlnejl th _ lowe) price is aftixedfronm which 'IA tbey 'Vitu on no ...

Advertisements & Notices

... NOTICE TO THF NEAREST OF IKIN. MARY SXIITH, D5aughter of JOHN SMITH, F !ho originally came from the county of Aber 1 de-n,, and for many years refided in Greenock, under to, th- quality of a Stocking merchant, and thereafter, job viz ten or more years ago, returned to his irative I counetry), be in life, fire will hear of fomething to her fecc dsvantage, by applying to John Buchanan, or Ar. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 0hurl of pt. gpatl'g Q;avel- A CARD. AY ch rafier having been attacked by Mr Stephen MVE Moore repeatedly in this pap er, I feel it a duty which I owe to myfelf and to the public, to offer a brief review of the fafts that have expofed me to the malevolent and unjuft afperfions of that gentleman. Mr Moore was engaged by the Managers of St. 'Paui's Chapel to tune the Organ, and make certain re- ...


... , HAIR-DRO SSFR, (in Partnerciip with Mr Cruickfhank,) Shiprow, Aberdeen, refpefl ;r fiulbtirs to the ladies, a defeription of Perukes, tf r istioned in a former advertifement) which are now Irorverfi-1y worn by t'ae ladies in England, invented bv Mr Bowman, No. ioz, New Bond-frcet, Lon- riui. All the matesials, exclufive of the hair, weigh s,!y fonr ?? without fliffuefs, they stj ckfe, firm, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Adyk;e o ?? is -0t:tW i at the Dottors houfe; -aSabore. A propet allowance to Merchants and Captains of Nhip5, giving three days notice. Juit lPniblilhed, A GUIDE TO OLfD AGE; Or, a Core fai the Indifiretions of Youth Will prevent the horrors attendant, and neither young ptifois, sion thofe of matuler years, Ihould be a moment without having it in their pofieffion, par- ticularly feafaring men ...

Advertisements & Notices

... SALI OF THE LANDS AND ESTATE OF PORTLETHEN AND OTHERS, in the Gounty of KM,,ar dine; .'ND OF THE LANDS OF CLAYHILLS, In tk County of Aflerdeen. ilia. gpon MAonday thC 24th of June curt. there will be fold by public roup, (if not previoufly difpofed of by private bargain) within the houfe of William Corddti, vintner in Aberdeen, at fix o'clock in the ii ening. 'Jf. '!IE Lands and Barony of ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TO LET. Entry at Whitfunday. clHAT genteel and cotiunodiois Dweiling Hovse, i plcafaitlly fituated at the wvcl end of the Quay, at prefent poffelfed by Air Hadden. Apply to Williamn Forbes, inerchant. (N EOZGE CRUICKSHANK, it; Lindiutot, re- G.J qneifs a meeting of his creditors, ait Mr Shirras, vintner in Turriff, upon Saturday tlhe 4th of aonuars, Iaoc, that a Date of his affairs may be laid ...

Advertisements & Notices

... M ANSION-HOUSE OF GRANGE TO LET. U te let for ?? , number of yeats as may be I agreed on, and entered to at Wbitfunday filfl, nil ?? of GRANGE, with the office- wrsfes airid large Garden belonging thereto; alfo fe- : :i &inall inclofures pf rich old giafs may be had i.siith the houfe. The premifeslit eabout a mile , :r the thriving and populous town of Peternead, s il asflwer well for a ...

Advertisements & Notices

... SALE OF ILANDS IN AEERDEENSHIRE. To bz foil hv pibl.ic ro-.p (if not pieviouliv diipofed fI oF lby ,ili ate within the Nrew Inn of i'r Ah rdl. (:I, on thte znti of O61,ober' ntxt, at fix t-iteriiou, cii 0 l Iroether or iis lots, r 5 ds In inrry of EASrER and WES. ix i 'I'R ''1YRIES, irl iil g a frce yeally rent of Fi 1. 731. 9. tcIiili. 'lihey contain 3 ?? acrcs or therehy, and are ...

Advertisements & Notices

... WORD to the WISE, as a ferious caution to A all who, from the nature of their complaints, are obliged to have recourfe to that dangerous prepa. ration, Mercury.-Mercury is certainly, if taken with difcretion, a moft noble and ?? cure for every fpecics of Veneral Infeaion; but, on the other hand, there is not an artcle in the whole Materia Medical fo replete with danger. And, if a cold oc. curs ...