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1750 - 1799
25 1790-1799


Hampshire Telegraph


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Hampshire Telegraph

Advertisements & Notices

... ?? AYtNIULY. rT HE SUBSCltIBERs are E ARNESTLY requeft- Z ed to meet a, thir CrOWN INN, 011 TUESDAY W]EXT, thie Eltd int. at Twelve o'Clock, to examine the Treefurer's Account, and to determine how the Surpius .oncy in his hands fhall be applied. Oc. 9, sr/gqg. Oa.~~ .9 .f9 ANNUITY.' ANITFO to. PURCHASE, an AN- W NU !L Y from sooL. to +ocl. for the Lives of a Ge~ntlrnan adged j3z anc. d Lady ...

Advertisements & Notices

... N ''ERVOUS PATIENTS - ARE generally i4irere& :rh, Stia1rJ A . and afflifted vwith lofs of.appetitc,- dry coughs, weaknefs of the vo'ce, hoarfenefs, 1hozkn'efssof breath- upon the leaft exercife, -a'nid -a'ielaxation of the wviole nerv'ousfyftern. Some'are afflited with -coofider- able lofs of ftrengstht palerlefstlforrietimes -a ilihtjain, dice, pimples o ten appear mr- the face,.and ...

Advertisements & Notices

... NORTriAM BRIDGE AND ROADS. Db T)URSUANT to a Refolution of the Com- xva . mittee of Proprietors, at a Meeting this Day held 4 at the h.svlit-Houfe, Notice is hereby given, that at fuch Mtetinta call of Ten Pounds per Share and Half Ch Share was made'on the *everal Proprietors who have ?? to aclyance, over and above their original Shares, Co0 n additl na Share or Shares, or an additional Half ...

Advertisements & Notices

... FOR READY MONEY ONLY: u To FAMILIES, DEALERS, AND OTHERS. V (ONGOU TEAS, 4s. 4s. 4d. and 4s.8d. h _ per lb. Green Tea 4s. Sd. per lb. capital 5s. per n lb. Souchong and Green Teas, every leaf genuine ti Souchong, and TWankey Teas, and equal to What is c now fold at 6s. per lb. capital 6s. per lb. Hyfon Tea, every leaf genuie Hyfotn Tea, and equal to what is now fold at 7s. and Ss. per lb. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TAX' ON INCOME. COMMtk.IAL COMMISSIONERS OFFiCt : - he. I39,Hih- eet,Portfmnouth.;. rrsHE COMMERCIAL COMMISSION' 1 ?? PORl TShoUTHi, PO3RT^SEX, (1OSPORd and its vICI\TITr, do bcrdbygi-e Nh7otice, that the FOURTH, g IA~s7,,4LrLmENAT obill bejonse D-De ocn five 5trb Day of d DECEMBEk NEXT. ii is therefore rcjirned, that all. Jnfrallrcntsi then due Le imitediately Paid; atid the Recer';s fir fed ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ; ~~~CAUTI6g. - , WHt 511; 7XIEREAS a Profiecstioa was intended to I ha - ve been commenced againit ms, JCYHN .E JHUBBERT,e'rvant to Mr. WtLLrAM Has us, at-the RI lB ack Svwan.inh in the Cityeof 'inchefer, for having' car 6een found drivingaway ;ro the barracks of the faidwh city a-quantity of coal, the property of Government: mc which h;A been unlawfully fold by the .foldiem at ttis fqb ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Copy of a Lette~rfrom Robert Dryhorn, B. t . T i: ?? N6.d Ne W idge-Iret,'3- friars. , c lcGafe0ow, My , d : 3 -y7 .s jT3AVING-. ?? -heax. uof the -r& 15i* & ar}3able cuxer your Leadle's Pateit 4Pills have ' ,s f'ered, ,I wraa ind~uded to apply {or ?? i3~ ,Yende - , intthis t6Wn, and I havce-iowvtiie pka1ke of informalms IS ir thartfrom altate alnioft ?? (being fo debi- tated by airingcourfe ...

Advertisements & Notices

... BUTTER. ryi LARGE Qi.antity' of GOOD BUTTER, Gt fmail Cafks, to be fold at ioAd. per lb. at ir do PARVICX:,'s Store, W~hite-0art p,.v-tPortfmouth. GI FAREHAM, HANTS. TO BE LET, H- A GENTEEL Convenient' HOUSE, well b furnifled, in the moft eligible. part of theor Town. The Furniture is all epcomely good, and the Houfe ailords every convenience for a genteel a Family. Immediate poffeffion ...

Advertisements & Notices

... FORAGE AND DUNG. BARRACK OFFICE, Nov. 2, 1799. X TQTICE ;t hereby g te.r'o tlt l.Pes s -Nni ieg'i t Jrito ly Ha,, jSra-w, and Oatsfer the for ralrf ra pord, 01 t, 1eflafrhmnd, it thb reeral Barracks-.I ao Gwr,.t Britai, for rarve/vt tonrh., to comncnce on the a2 5b tie, ?? l-eoc- next, that Propofals in Tiriting, faled up, :eill rece- d b-; tie Barraek.-ailer-Gcne t:d, or hefote the ?? 3cth ...

Advertisements & Notices

... VOR THE BENEFIT OF THE UxDE1RWUTERS.i TO BE SOLD BY AUCTION, h At the Star and Garter Tavern, Portfmouth, on WzrDNEasAY, ?? of Decvna*er,:1799, atEle- . * Ven ?? irthie Forenoon, * A BOUT 20 Tons of clean Riga HEVMP,- A - 3 Tons of FLAX, . * I - 6o Bolts of CANVAS, g Ca/ksof OIL, And a quantity of damaged HEMP SEED,- Being the remainder of the cargS landed from the MALVINA, Captain John BZLL, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ?? of Kin (if any) of RICHARD .1 ?AY, late of Ilantver S trect, Town of Portfea, Hants, a S peramnsnated Boatfwain in the Royal Navy, deceared; are defired to apply at the Office 1I of Mr. Joux- RICH;AaD5, Attorney at Lawv, Portfesa, where whey will hear of fomething to their advantage. r PORTSIMOUTH, TOWN OF PQRTSEA, GOS- M PORT, ISLE OF WIGHT, ANDALLPLACES jg ADJACENT, - , * ?? D~rcc~'z~iii ...