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Advertisements & Notices

... DUTCH FLAX. I IMPORTED in the Diamond, James Bothwell lo Imaftcr, from Hamburgh, s parcel of DUTCH ie FLAX, and to be fold by James Calder, in matts of is twenty heads each. es Sosreraa, 4th NXcsem'l, 1799. id TEAS, SPIRIrS, &e. - fs G EORGE THOMSON, head of the Shiprow, begs be G leave to return thanks to his friends and the pub- lic for paft favours-takes the liberty of acquainting them, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... CHNAPNISS UVNITED WITH ELEGANCE. Is the Prtes, and will be publifhedoa the firft of May, NiUMBERJ 1. NIEW AND BEAUTIFUL EDITION ROLLIN'S ANCIENT HISTORY; CO 55P I tx siNDI N G Tsa HISTORY 1F THE EGYP 'IANS, CARTHA- GINIANS, ASSYRIANS. BABYLONIANS, MEDES AND PERSIANS, MACEDONIANS, AND GRECIANS. CONVCNTS. A Defcription of the feveral Parts of Egypt, with its moft remarkable Curiofities, as ...

Advertisements & Notices

... JuRt Pubfified (Price Is.) tzy A. BROWN, Boce/'ller, Aernleen; Jf. Og',. Edin- barg/a; awd F. 1? C. Rivitmton, London, A CRITICAL DISSERTATION ON THE t XXII~ib OnaPter oftbe PROPHECrOfISAIAIIJ ; In which the Predictions contained in that chapter are Ihewn to he accomplilhed in f The Events of the PRESENT TIMES. The fablifance of which was preached at KINELLAR, on the *-th November 1798, the ...

Advertisements & Notices

... SALE OF A LEASE. B- authority of thc l.ords of Council ad Seflion, there will be fold by public roup, on Thurfday z3d May next, betwixt the hourrrs of a arid 2 f afternoon, within the houfe of Mrs Wallace, vintneerin Turriff, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Pachiac ?? K NOWING it to be their duty, as well as their Ka itercift, to ufe every exertion to merit a conti- ritiance of that diffinguilhed patronage which they hiave hitherto experienced from an indulgent public, feel no little pleafure in lieing able te offer for their i',6pelion, a flock of goods eqrally elegant and atahiotnable, but more valuable and extenlive, than %s.y former one. Dhe ...

Advertisements & Notices

... SALI. OF WOOD, iRON, OAKUM, &C. Thit there will hc fohl by publick toup, at G.Lirdin. flon, ncat BanSF, on TIhrrday thc loth day of Ja- nuary flCxt. HE-I' following GOCD:S, being pait of the Cargo of the RuElian Blig the St. Co:oflantie, viz. 0ooo Pieccsof Lath Wo.od, from 4 tO 8 feet long, Upwards of so hundrcd Dcals, from t z to rg~ id lo izths feet long, ix inches broad and a-5 to 3 inches ...

Advertisements & Notices

... SALE OF ILANDS IN AEERDEENSHIRE. To bz foil hv pibl.ic ro-.p (if not pieviouliv diipofed fI oF lby ,ili ate within the Nrew Inn of i'r Ah rdl. (:I, on thte znti of O61,ober' ntxt, at fix t-iteriiou, cii 0 l Iroether or iis lots, r 5 ds In inrry of EASrER and WES. ix i 'I'R ''1YRIES, irl iil g a frce yeally rent of Fi 1. 731. 9. tcIiili. 'lihey contain 3 ?? acrcs or therehy, and are ...

Advertisements & Notices

... WORD to the WISE, as a ferious caution to A all who, from the nature of their complaints, are obliged to have recourfe to that dangerous prepa. ration, Mercury.-Mercury is certainly, if taken with difcretion, a moft noble and ?? cure for every fpecics of Veneral Infeaion; but, on the other hand, there is not an artcle in the whole Materia Medical fo replete with danger. And, if a cold oc. curs ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ALRXANDER ANGUS, DRUGGIST, QUEESsTRrrT, T AIUES this opportunity of returning ilis thanks 1 to his friends and the public, w hofe patronage RT he has experienced fince lhe commenced lnfinefs; and w begs leave to afflure them, that no exertion Iball be mT wanting on his part, to merit a continuance of their et favours, by frrifl attention to bufinefs, and a parti- br cular catc of ferving themn ...

Advertisements & Notices

... n MUIRESK HOUSE NEAR TURRIFF. o b foild, a remarkable neat CilRRICLE, *.onl- ?? pleat; and alfo Shafts belonging to it to form into a Gig, Hariefs quite new. A Pair of black Cartiage HORSES, that have been 0 tved foi Chariot and Curticle. fix years old, good I1 goers, match well. fou id and Beady. Altir a large e dapple brown Riding HORSE, fit for the road or e field, five years old, able to ...

Advertisements & Notices

... N 0 T I C F. KA.LER, THOMSON AND CO. begleave rF W. _a give intimation, that on the 25th of Decem- I t rice of their POltl WINE will be advanced, in . , a,3doefNovnher 1799. TB B.1 BRIDGE OF DEE. - iz Ti ' 3 Bridge over Dee near Ballater, in the parifh Ne. . Truthichs, having been unfortunately carried Mj2 iby the great flood, on the 3011 of Auguft 1 799. Old At a gj. nral meeting of heritors ...

Advertisements & Notices

... NORTriAM BRIDGE AND ROADS. Db T)URSUANT to a Refolution of the Com- xva . mittee of Proprietors, at a Meeting this Day held 4 at the h.svlit-Houfe, Notice is hereby given, that at fuch Mtetinta call of Ten Pounds per Share and Half Ch Share was made'on the *everal Proprietors who have ?? to aclyance, over and above their original Shares, Co0 n additl na Share or Shares, or an additional Half ...