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Advertisements & Notices

... This Day is Publifhled, by A. BROWN, .omern's Head, Br oartl/ireet, Aberadeen, I .g-'i.'' ~ In one vol 4to. price Onle Guinea t v 1 .'.^w:9,j k in boards, F RAGMENTS SCOT2 SH IIISTr Rr. t y a MemJlkber of the raralety oJ' Ad-voctefs. ----Cumn altera lux venit, s Jan cras hefnltrom caonfumspfirmis: ecce aliud cas .1 Egusit ho* annos, et femper paulmum erit ultra. e PER Msus. CONTAINING 1. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... mi~chievouls enern. b MtARISCHAL. COL.LEG;E.r IOiN Tucfday November 6, at 7 o'clock in the rvcn- d j Q i PRt>ESSOR COPLAND will begin a _ pvitatc Courfe of 'ecltcles, in which the ?? of of i'dccbaerc', 1-ydv falics, PlanemalicS, Opics, .A fagnr- ra I i/i'n, and P2&7rcih. , will be explained io a wanner, vi vthich, li hopes, may render them follicientlY iitel- Pz gible to thofc who have not ...

Advertisements & Notices

... DRAWING. A RO BERTSON has opened a CLASS for A . Young Ladies, from ro till rca; ahd fot Gen- tlemen, from It till a ?? Mohdays, Wednefdays, and Ftidays,at Mr Rultel's, Q Keenl fireet. 16th April, r798 CATTLE, FARMING UTENSILS, AND HOUSE- HOLD FURNITURE To be SOLD by public tonip at Mill of Durno, parilla of Chapel Garioch, on Tueflay the 24t1 curt. be- ing the day before Donand Fair at ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 7- the ?? able tbhe Cflonrf/oner of > I py cjfthe County of Abherdeen. Gcntlernelz, d° ?? o ftiner- e anod beart-felt gratitude I V I' tk yon in the evrvnl-m irnannerfor your liri- efo,,n a d generous Jai vo.s 'whih 1 Pave conjalnaly d experienced for tuealty-'fosr years ijf, and 'which ?? retabiu deePe!' imp; r-efed o'on lay mind to the taft t- monoment o1/wye esj/iene. s If I had meant to ...


... OF POI.CE, For the CITY of AIBERDEEN. T'bere will be expofed to public roup on Friday next, at twelve o'clock 1noun , Tri.IE DUNG of the public ftreets, in the different fituations wshere it ics, viz. In the North fhcet, at the back of the Mtal Mar- ket - At Pow-creek -- and At the Dunghill near the old Saw Mill. Application may be made to Mr Alexander Smith i;:ur. Caflelltreet, clerk to the ...

Advertisements & Notices

... FOR READY MONEY ONLY: u To FAMILIES, DEALERS, AND OTHERS. V (ONGOU TEAS, 4s. 4s. 4d. and 4s.8d. h _ per lb. Green Tea 4s. Sd. per lb. capital 5s. per n lb. Souchong and Green Teas, every leaf genuine ti Souchong, and TWankey Teas, and equal to What is c now fold at 6s. per lb. capital 6s. per lb. Hyfon Tea, every leaf genuie Hyfotn Tea, and equal to what is now fold at 7s. and Ss. per lb. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ESTATE OF DELGATY FOR SALE. To ies SOLD by public roup, within the Royal Ex- change Coffet-boufe, Edinburgh, the zoth day of Angull 1798 (if not previoufly fold by private bar- gain), 7~1-E LANDS, BARONY, and ESTATE of i. DELGATY (except that part to the Weft and Nias; ti: of the burn of Knockyrnilo, and a line dividing Biumnfide from Hilltown, and running from the head Of fiid burn northward ...

Advertisements & Notices

... NEW GROCERY, AND IRONM4ONGER 1 0 SHOP, ire rire GALLOWGATE or ABERDEEN. ALEXiAVDFR BOOTH!, GROCER, Uc. MIDDLE OF sxoADSTreer, 7. IOST refpeftfully informs the public, that be jv'fl Ii`Lnow ocaupies that large ihop in the Gallowgate, a i iv le below St. Paulrs chapel, belonging to thc heirs of tire late Baillie Geo. rorbes-where he has for fale,an s:S& ,rtment of the undernoted articles, and ...

Advertisements & Notices

... D;-- ivV~-i Ts's ce/ebra-d; fi I in Aoedicale, In the fuinmof GtNGeklI.tEAD N uIS. 't HEefficacy, and onfeqnentpopIdaeityofthisin- T eflimable preparation (which has no tafe of phyfic) is fo well known, not only in all disorders occafioned by Worms, whether in Children or Adults, Pand in tite total extipation of thofe horrid vermin a vith their caufe, but alfo in all ncbvous, dropfical and ...

Advertisements & Notices

... HIGHLAND SOCIETY HALL, Edinburgh, Feb. 23, 1798. 'f)REMIUMS to be given by the HIGHLAND 1 SOCIETY of SCOTLAND, for encouraging Improvements in Agriculture, and Mending the Bi eed of Black Cattle in the year 1798.-Conthnued from this paper of the 13th of March. C&af Tbird. P1remiums for IMPROVING the BREED of BLACK CATTLE in the counties of Rofs and Cro- marty, Sutherland and Caitbnefs, and the ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Tb thie loblemen and Gentleelzf, Commriners of 1Y 01 Stpply for the County of Aber-deen. My Lords and Gentlemen, poffef AS 'we intend to offter onrfel'oes joint candidates for to be A the office of Colleltor of the Land Tax, f7c. for Auqo tbis rouqty, on the 30th of April next, being the day and J of eletl ion, we beg leave to ?? on the IX. oecafon. Wef'te If we arefo .apnpPyas to obtain it, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... d The pi ruot Ea'Tl~lj State Lottery eowitais outJ c 50o,ooo tickets, and )tot two's blaniks to aruisv', -t.lzi- i. rdCeIs tije Srl.'rmo;e ocr' bcacjicial to fioacrafcrs, Ie- f j_ orfe, ities lotte)-;' A0b1.d4 they only obtainel fil/i c pe iz of L. 2o, the dzi-antaje will be 5;. t . :,i-' Money for the prizes paid on demand, wle- I th1r I. 20, ol a 1. 2a0or). r ENGLISH SrA-lFE LOTTERY, ...