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... HIGH COURT of JUSTICl4IRT. IrFriday, Dec. 12= TRIAL OF GEORGE MEALMAKER, Cleaver in Dundee. Wednefday, the Couit proceeded in the trial of George Mealmaker. The following is an abifrat of the indiftment againfi him. George, &c. Whereas it is humbly meant and complained to us, by our right trufty Robert Dundas, of Arnifton, Efq. our Advocate for our intereft, upon George Mealmaker, weaver in ...

Law Intelligence

... )LAVO gntelligenm . CCOURT or KING's BENCHi l the Kiiig v. William OWdPeld. Mr Juflice Affidurlt obferved, that the . defendant had been tried and found guilty s upon an Indicament, charging him with hav t ing kept an open G(rumiig Houfr, and fiffer- C ing perfons of all descriptions to refort there- ; to for the purpofe of playing at unlawful e games. The learned Judge faid, he had at- 0 ...

London, March 10

... -atiaflon, -AarcI - CHAIRGE of HIGH TREASON. Yefterday evening, at feven o'clock, the Privy Council again met at the Duke of Port- land's Office, when two perfons of the names of Claris and White, who were brought to town late on Tburfday evening from Canter- bury, were examined, and Mr White was difcharged; but Claris, who is in the wine trade, was remanded into the cuftody of the meffenger. ...

Law Intelligence

... Lab) Pteatomr. . COURT oF ?? BENCH. I STIAMP REC'ErPTS. SPAWtOkTil verfus ALTEANR. Mr Mingay Rated the aftior to be brought for two penaltie 'df iWl. each, the forfeiture of which the defendant had incurred, by writ- ing upon two feveral accounts, for goods on different days, the words 1 Settled, and figning the fame with his Initisis . -. i.. A- counts being for more than two pounds each, ...

Law Intelligence

... I Lawb3 potlleigee Of- I W; ?? - - COURT or KING's BENCH. otn the Both inft. Mr Jullice Grefe pro- .-,Ianced the fentence of the Court on Mr G. :-'7akefield, for the publication of a libel . osito aued in a letter to the- Bilhop of Landaff. - vtt was orderedtobeconfined-twvoyears in z' ?? bewer gaol, and to give fecurity for 3,- lbehaviour for five years, hi. H'ef io-500l. - zwo fsreties in ...

Edinburgh, Feb. 8

... etififourgi), SO. 8. to HIGH COURT of ?? to Monday, came on before the Court, the ofstrial of Thomas Coltherd, late fervant to r,- John Brodie, tenant in Wittiugham Mains, or- for murder or culpable homicide, in having re- driven his cart over fome children on his re- pri- turn from Haddington to his wuafer's houfe, it by which Janet Bertram, a girl about ten is years of ago, was killed. hat ...

Edinburgh, July 5

... coillbu-41)f ytp 5. HIGH COURT of YUSTICIARE On Tuefday, the Court had under confi- deration two references from the 1aa Circuit Court at Jedburgh. The firil was that of Janet Rarnfay, in- dweller in Eccles, Berwickfhire, accufed of child-murder. In this cafe the jury had re- turned a verdi&, all in one voice finding the pannel Guilty on her own confqfziov, and on that account they recommended ...

Edinburgh, March 15

... ebinburgi), Alard) 15--- GENERAYL COURT MARITIAL. On Monday lait, the 12th curt. a Gene- ral Court Martial began to fit in the Caftle of Edinburgh, Colonel Boulter Johnfton, of the 65th regiment of foot, Prefident, for the trial of Captain Yohn Canteron, of the North Fencible Highlanders, prosecuted at the inito ance of Licut Colonel Woodford, of the fame regiment, on the charges of ...


... COURT oF COMMON PLEii. I'l'Wednefi/av, December S. d* WSILSON V. POWnITCn. al- This was an a&ion of damages for a brearl ; of ofpromife of marriage, at the fuit of av .;un 7th Lady of Newcafile, agaiift the Capt. in (d, 2 Baltic fhip. re . From the evidence of the plaintiifs mu hei aen and brother, and fromi the defendanls per ters, it appeared that he h1d paid ha his dreffes to the lady fo ...


... FOR G ER T. On Monday morning laef, about ten a o'clock, Mr Barrett, of No. 7x, Cheapfide, a a wholefale dealer in the Manchefter line, v was apprehended by Lawrence, a city mar- S lbalman, at Mr Fowler's, the Crofs Keys, on b the Surrey fide of Blackfriar's Bridge, on a f charge of having forged, or being concerned r in forging feveral bills on the boufe of Mr fi Stanfield, in Watling-fireet, ...


... LAWP INTJELL IGENCE. to y( COURT OF KING'S-BENCH, NOv. 30. gcne - plac l5OOPER 5J. SUTTON, POP AN ASSAULT, verp It was flated on the profecution, that Plaintiff conf vwho is an old pyeman, was, without provocatiorij foiu ftruck by Detendant, who cut his face, and knocked Erle, out one of his teeth. It was on the other hand at Ih flated, that whilft Defcndant flood with his wife at his door, ...


... A On Wednefday, the Court of Seffion de- to cided a queflion of confiderable interefi to thc truflees on public roads, in a cafe between of the Hon. Henry Erfkine and others, on the bo. one fide, who ?? as a committee of the on trullees, under the ac of Parliament, for nut making the new road betwixt Edinburgh aud cee Glafgow, by Bathgate, and who borrowed 'o money to carry it on, againfl Lord ...