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A D V B RT IS BM^J Wanted at Martinmas next on Loa7t ?? table Security, . a£ fc:' £1

... Fifteen Hundred Pounds Sterhog , t rl*| Any Perfon who has tlr.s Surr. then c' •* I Rate, will acquaint Patriclt Arthur i w , n j e who' win him where he win be fatuned ] ]011 l s ?? ■ di fa 23d of July inflant, tvill be Jold by way of K. atthe Great Room oppofite to St. John's Crofs in f ?? by Mr- William Robertfon AuEFtoner, ?? and valuable Coluaion of DRAWINGS, ' riO uAPS and PRINTS ...

Published: Thu 12 Jul 1750
Newspaper: Caledonian Mercury
County: Midlothian, Scotland
Type: Advertisement | Words: 1931 | Page: Page 2, 3, 4 | Tags: Classifieds 

ADVERTISEMENTS. WH ERE AS in my Weekly Paper, ofthe 6th Infianf, there was a Paragraph, reflecting upon the ..

... the Neighbourhood of Ajhburn: I beg Pardon for printing and publifhmg that Remark ; and do freely acknowledge, that I am entirely a Stranger to the whole Purport of it. S. Drewry. TAKEN up by Ralph Hodgkinson, of MnyfielJ near Ajbburn, in the County of Ds r by, a large PUPPY, ofthe Pointing Breed, with a Brown Head and Eats, and feveral Brown Spots upon the Body. Whoever has lofl the faid ...

Published: Fri 20 Jul 1750
Newspaper: Derby Mercury
County: Derbyshire, England
Type: Advertisement | Words: 306 | Page: Page 4 | Tags: Classifieds 

To be SOLD, With or without a Pair of Home ft, AN almolt new, light and faihionable Four-wheel'd C ti

... A 1 S Ej London built, with the firft Wheels yet on, and gl-out half wor»; the Box and Foot-board ate contrived to betaken off in fuch a Manner, that (when removed) no one can perceive theie i.« any belonging to the Machine. By this Method a Gentleman »ho likes to diive himfelf fits near his Hotles. The Whole little trie woife for life, and will be difpofed of for about half the prime Coft, at ...

Published: Sat 21 Jul 1750
Newspaper: Newcastle Courant
County: Northumberland, England
Type: Advertisement | Words: 6258 | Page: Page 3, 4 | Tags: Classifieds 

ADVERTISEMENTS. To I e Roups d and Sold by TOHN M* MICH AN, at the China Shop roi thin the

... Head of the Wefl bow, Edinburgh, A large Affortment of .TABLE arid TEA v HINA, full Setts of both, and D.fhes to m-Tch, with Bowls, Mugs s - Miik-pots and Tea-pots, &c. &c ——Great Choice of Eng- lifh 2nd Dutch Delft, Glafs and Ware, new come horre, good Rhenifb Wine at 2 s. 6 d. per Bottle, and heft Cyder ac 8 d. with Dicount to fuch as take a Quantity 5 alfo a large Parcel of [Scots Lawns and ...

Published: Mon 23 Jul 1750
Newspaper: Caledonian Mercury
County: Midlothian, Scotland
Type: Advertisement | Words: 1276 | Page: Page 3, 4 | Tags: Classifieds 

Il* ii, hlj .■■ . I- ?? Third

... -rtlic oiflent .Vi'-i n| ?? L. .1 il il'i. \- ■-l * . I.S. Demsii -. ASSI'.MI'.I.V ss il b-- „11 Mj.i., t „■ ?? „{ An. i.'b - the- ?? ?? ?? ?? ■•' c ?? -will ■'■ cs.tie-.ntly ?? *•' 'II '■ 'iMe-ii.-ii an.! I. , • 1 1 ■■ .- : ?? t'oil'l ?? TH ii v ...

Published: Sat 28 Jul 1750
Newspaper: Ipswich Journal
County: Suffolk, England
Type: Advertisement | Words: 3730 | Page: Page 3, 4 | Tags: Classifieds 

•f $f That the few remaining Copies of the following Books are to be fold, by J. Patoo, A. Kdncaid

... and A. Do* naldfon, G. Crawfurd, W. Gordon and J. Brown, viz. Folio Bibles printed by Watfon with Apocryphas, La 1 06 o Ditto without ApOcryphas, ■ — — — 1 04 o Sir George Mackenzie's Works, 2 Vol. — 210 o Ditto Volume 2d, ?? , 1 0$ o Dr. Mackenzie's Lives of the \cpts.Wr£ters,Vol. 3d, o 10 o ?? with Dr. Pttcairij's Method of curing the Small Pox, o ot 6 Buchanani Pfalmi notis Chytrai S3 ' ...

Published: Thu 05 Jul 1750
Newspaper: Caledonian Mercury
County: Midlothian, Scotland
Type: Advertisement | Words: 1017 | Page: Page 2 | Tags: Classifieds 

ADVERTISEMENTS. WANTED, AN open Single-Horfe CHAIR, and HARNESS, that is in pretty good Condition . Any Peifon ..

... one to difpofe of, may hear of a Purchafer, by applying to Mr. WuiiAft Fox, of /^/m upon Trent, In Derhyfbhe'. WHEREAS a PAPER PARCELwas miffing out of the Shop of Mr. John Bingham in DERBY, fuppos'd to be deliver'd through Miftake to fome Can ier, about the 10th of June lafi, and hath not fince been heard of; and was direfled for Mr. Edward Crefswell, Mercer in Loughborough'. In which Parcel ...

Published: Fri 13 Jul 1750
Newspaper: Derby Mercury
County: Derbyshire, England
Type: Advertisement | Words: 317 | Page: Page 4 | Tags: Classifieds 

THE Governors or the CHARITY for the Relief of the poor WIDOWS and ORPHANS of the Surraix Clkrgv, will hold

... their two annual General Courts, the fit ft on Tharfday the Twelfth Day of July in the Church of St Mary at Bury, the fecond on the Thurfday following in the Church of .St, .Mary Tower at Ipfwich, . By Order of the Governors, -- j Gi'.NEDEN. | R. CANNING. THE -M I D W'i F E that is lately come from Lon Jen, may be heard of at Mr. Borrett's, Silvsrfmith, near the Corn- Hill, Ipfwich. N. B, She ...

Published: Sat 07 Jul 1750
Newspaper: Ipswich Journal
County: Suffolk, England
Type: Advertisement | Words: 4388 | Page: Page 3, 4 | Tags: Classifieds 


... in DURHAM, on Fiiday nexr, at 11 o'Clock in the Morning, there will be a Concert of Musick: Tickets at 2s. 6d. each; to be had at the Assembly Room, and of Mr Garth in Sadler-street. Newcastle upon Tyne. Whereas several Quantities of Timber, and other Wood, landed upon the New Key, and left thereon, much longer than the Time limited for that Purpose have from Time to Time been removed and ...

Published: Sat 07 Jul 1750
Newspaper: Newcastle Courant
County: Northumberland, England
Type: Advertisement | Words: 6802 | Page: Page 2, 3, 4 | Tags: Classifieds 

•/, ?? SOLD /; ./ft. b/v .V. At tbe King'.-Arni. fi.-i.err. ii. Norvvi.h, . N.'onta, ?? ; ?? of July

... infi. mt, nt L',£ r ?? r r fi.'jfi- r _ Till, F.STATF I.T.e'iVir \;-r ?? m 1..v ?? , ceaied, 1/v.t. .n ?? ef I, ?? .: -, 11- '••/• ' ' M.b riilln t !i.!uNi.v».»! , ?? niiil.n.' .-l i_i ■-■ t ?? •• fi-j '•' ■' •' ■ ■••;' ah' ti.e A,-t -vt-t: : . ?? ?? I- ' - -'■ •» ' ' • j: ' ' ;l ?? ' - : ; exirt-msly ?? pl.,ntt I v.itli kp.-u V.i.ity .1 1.: t. .. -I *._■■.'■ l-iut • ||.» othti Int ?? ll ...

Published: Sat 14 Jul 1750
Newspaper: Ipswich Journal
County: Suffolk, England
Type: Advertisement | Words: 4504 | Page: Page 3, 4 | Tags: Classifieds 

ADVERTISEMENTS fC$ That upon the 6th of Auguft next, the CORNS upon; the Mains of Elphinglion, lately p. ?? by

... Mr. Andre* Bromfisld of Dur.craehill, are to be expofed t«i pubiiek Roup, in feveral Parcels or Lots. The Conditions M Roup. tobe fecn in the Hands o* 7 James Ramie in Elphingfron,. fohnßainie in Mites, and Archibald Forreft in Prefion- pans any time alter the ift Day of Auguft next. The Roup to begin at 12 ?? ofthe faid 6th Day of Augufi. precifely.. «J*«T WILLIAM TOLMIE, lately From ENGLAND, ...

Published: Thu 26 Jul 1750
Newspaper: Caledonian Mercury
County: Midlothian, Scotland
Type: Advertisement | Words: 1315 | Page: Page 3, 4 | Tags: Classifieds 

ATT H E GRAMMAR SCHOOL, On Wednefday Morning in the Aftize Week, there will be a. CONCERT of MUSICK, Which

... will begin at Eleven o'Clock, and continue till One. TICKETS at is. 6d. each, Tobchld at ?? Room, and at MiAvifon's inßofeniary-laue. Notice is hereby given, THAT at the POST-HOUSE in Barnardcaftle, all Gentlemen, Travellers, and Others, may be furnifh'd with genteel dole boded CHAI S E S and able HORSES to any **« of Grot Britain. flit bay are >**Vj#jtW, 'And fold by M. Bryfon in Newcaftle, I ...

Published: Sat 28 Jul 1750
Newspaper: Newcastle Courant
County: Northumberland, England
Type: Advertisement | Words: 5437 | Page: Page 3, 4 | Tags: Classifieds