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Ipswich, Suffolk, England

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K O R F 0 r, K

... F K. THESE are to d:f;re tie Creditors of Pajtos He of Barninghim Norfolk, Efquire, rieceafed, c( pre Cent ErWAiin Patton, Efq; to bring their refpeftive Peroandt, aflfoaio? his Real Eflate, to Mr Maire’s I h.msbers in t.ray $ Inn London or Mr. John Lens or Mr. (ermy Harcouit in Norwich ; order to tome at a tr«e Account ®f luch Debts, the Lilate nj upon Sale, R T H-V/ A i, A M, ...

Published: Sat 26 Jan 1751
Newspaper: Ipswich Journal
County: Suffolk, England
Type: Article | Words: 1067 | Page: Page 4 | Tags: Classifieds 

Bo LETT at Lady-Day next, at Wimbotftiam in the County of Norfo.k. AVery good D*cliing-Houle, with genteel ..

... Rooms on a Floor, with very good Chambers and Garrets over tlie fame, a Vault that will contain Hoglheads, with convenient Outhoufes, a Stable and Barn, with two Acres of Land adjoining to the Houfe, three Acres of good arable Land, and fix Acres of very fine Failure, lying at a little Diftanee from the Houfe. The Houfe is plea. fantly fituated in the great Road le.ding fram Market to Lynn, 11 ...

Published: Sat 23 Feb 1751
Newspaper: Ipswich Journal
County: Suffolk, England
Type: Article | Words: 258 | Page: Page 4 | Tags: Classifieds 

4. Tuefday Night the

... Earl of Orford arrived here from Pari*, ff'h. Ev. Pefl, &e.' _ 1 c. Lord Baltimore i* thought be much better. W.r,.r. 6. Haddock, Efq; Comptroller of the Navy, lies fo dangeroufly ill, that *tis feared he cannot recover. GEP. 7. Tbt follovoini NoiJt Perfons have died within the laft two Years. July 1749. Duke of Montagu. Lord Rolle, j Lord Carpenter, y ,k nt ?onyrale, Aug. Lord Coleraine, ...

Published: Sat 13 Apr 1751
Newspaper: Ipswich Journal
County: Suffolk, England
Type: Article | Words: 379 | Page: Page 2 | Tags: Classifieds 


... A Sober and honeft young Man, to be in a Merchant's Compting-Houfe at Yarmouth, that has feme Knowledge ef Acccmpts, and can be well recommended. Such a Perfon may hear of good Place by applying Wm. Eaton, Bookfeller, Yarmouth. N.B. Letters fent to be port-paid. JOS. LEE, Bookseller W Stations*, In High-Street, Lynn, Norfolk HAS juft come Home, a large Aflortment the neweft and nealeft ...

Published: Sat 04 May 1751
Newspaper: Ipswich Journal
County: Suffolk, England
Type: Article | Words: 347 | Page: Page 4 | Tags: Classifieds 

if* L

... ftflt Ottt unde upjfl ver Fieocli, Spa Miniftsrs he tun ; Tb ttat fame Settiei ftrvcd, chat Treaties tut foon m»dc luiely loiv’d the King giver pofe. L°' ! 3. We a fortunes, k»ve tame friftrvati Statutes as the Whole the Etui nv Duty, and meunibe 4. The time that Piece to tl midsb’.e e aitbout t ’ti* aiTure Fttnch, Marine, may be I Ships t> Mar: Four U Tonr L'Efprit Fcrm L’Efperar U Due Jude ...

Published: Sat 20 Jul 1751
Newspaper: Ipswich Journal
County: Suffolk, England
Type: Article | Words: 105 | Page: Page 4 | Tags: Classifieds 

SUFFOLK. Tat yox * ° L * be ’ft c• il»c *lh‘S Iwrtant *7s** , . /■_ ...a. u 1W

... the Uhv and Ctntitmcn that DalAlPo. ««• “F'. i « lur twoir Company u/5 heme Ferjens of Gontlm'n r-w-iu '['•nth and ..ift Moon SUBSCRIP HON this Inttant Edmund’s. 1 *** c- v/-' fit of Mr. JOSEPH GIPBs. A * n-.bvßom in Ipjw ich, Tburfflay the l’ttrume MUSICK, . u i«• •(.«» r,ofs Tavern, Potter s Cotteexi m«Y nan at Inc s', IPSWICH, Auguft 7, >7s'- A I indebted ibe and •R* a Bankrupt, arc ...

Published: Sat 10 Aug 1751
Newspaper: Ipswich Journal
County: Suffolk, England
Type: Article | Words: 859 | Page: Page 4 | Tags: Classifieds 


... retaining s«rvan;t. THE PETTY-SESSIONS for the Hurdrcd SamprcßD Will be held at the White Elm in on the Eleventh September, for hiring and « t « M S _ cr s i ;“'^ APCTTY SESSIONS will be den at the Sign of the Anoit Dibsaham, on Friday the Thirteenth of September next. WM - GOODRAM^ BLyTHING HUNDRED, SUFFOLK. ON Friday the i 01 S.purmbtr, 1751. t‘*ne i' 10 be a PETTY-SESSIONS held at the ...

Published: Sat 31 Aug 1751
Newspaper: Ipswich Journal
County: Suffolk, England
Type: Article | Words: 479 | Page: Page 4 | Tags: Classifieds