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Kent, England


Canterbury, Kent, England

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flioyl4 det the itee

... and Cummins, two notorious Offenders, who have committed divers Robberies in Middlefex, Surry, were taken at the Fox in Drury Lane, and carried before Wit. am Hammond, Efq; who committed Pendicraft for further Examination, and Cummins, being charged on ...

A se. 0.1 I*sa Gisztits,. Mara The Govetninent continues itt Delibtrae t.ocit upion the Affairs of Corfica, but ..

... by the Samuel, Capt. Keltafh. Late on Saturday Night, a Foreigner, a French Officer, sho followed one of the Dancers at Drury. Lane Theatre from and ruined his Fortune in fupporting her, was, on not giving to hecOath of the Peace againft him, committed ...

From SATURDAV It, to WEDNESDAY Ocroitrit 66. 1751

... and Reputation. On Satuiday Morning diedortet a long inners, Mr. Hods tines. one of the Comedian! to the Tneatre knot In Drury-. Lane. La ft Satuiday five Street kubh:ts Aver. tak N4htingale-.. I.ane: They had robbed a- Gentleman of his - Money and Silver ...

For MARCH, 1751

... A few bars ago deed near St. Ornces in Flanders, aged 8o Year?, Mr. Thomas Metcalfe, formetly an eminent Bookieller in Drury— Lane; who having acquired a large Fo:tune, relied from Bufinc il Itsme Years ago._ On Tuefda — y Night died at Greenwich, much ...

B A NK RUP 7: Charlet Lutes, of Saito Mildred, in the Poultry, Loam, Dealer and Cbatmom

... in the County of Bucks, where he was born. Friday Evening, as a young Gentleman was handing a Lady to her Coach, out of Drury. Lane Play-Houfe, he was robbed of his Watch, upon which the Gentleman drew his Sword and purfued the Thief, and after an obliinate ...

By the ;! tt, a! rsent:l C: .1 1!! Part of the Mand of ti Martin, one of the Carrbaces,

... Qtrantity of Gigs Bottles, the Property of Mr. land Vanhorn of St. Saviour, Southwark; and John by, of White-Horfe Yard, Drury-Lane, and Samuel Dodd, of Orange Court, Leicetter-Field ' ! for buyirK and receiving the fame, knowing them to he felonioully ...

THE Ruyal Magazine:

... fhew fame Marks of a Seale of his unhappy 2. Anthony Byrne, for Houle-breaking, aged , was bore in 'White-Horfe-Yard, near Drury-Lane, of honeff and creditablei Parents. At his own Defire he went Apprentice to a Sawyer ifier three Years Trial not liking ...

kets, an: f•• • beit.; he I th h:rn : The Ku:ban thit he;d hearth?, there was more Booty, cot

... would take him to an honeft Houle, which the faithfully promifed ; but indeed of that (he led him to Bawdyhoufe in Upper Drury-lane, where they were let in by an old Bawd, whom Mils called Aunt, and after (upping went to Bed together. The Youth awak'd ...


... refu fed to accapt of the Indulgence intended him. Yellerday an Order of Permiffion came to the Managers of Theatres of Drury-Lane and Covent-Garden, from the Lord , berlain's Office, with Leave for them to open and exhibit their ral Entertainments, on ...

Pou:try in City Irobt, Chapmau. Curb/4st (4.'t, Litt ef tht 77;:en and County 431V,/.'ant. L 0 N D 0 N

... Princefs Augutta, with greateft Number of Nobility, Foreign Miniiters, and Gentry, both Sexes, went to the Theatre Royal in Drury-Lane, to fee Play of Othello adted by feveral Gentlemen and Ladies for their . verfion. The C4rr.pany was the molt brilliant ...

Be cirri-id to ask far CHAMBERS's orcriokußr

... both robb'd by two Highwaymen. On Monday one Thomas Talbot and Margaret Bulger, alias Talbot, Sic. were taken at a Houle in Drury-Lane, and committed to theGatehnufe for returning from Tran(portation. The fame Day Thomas Dowdle and Thomas Gwynn were alto ...