Expectation a general next Summer grows (Irong, that Gentleman, we hear, are Uircady gone (iown to Salifbury ..

... Ships. J ,atl Night bis Majcfly, the Prince Wales, Duke Cumberland, Prince Edward, Princefs Amelia, went the Theatre in Drury Lane, to fee the Comedy The the H'orU. His Majelfy attended hy the Mantnis H.ati igton, and the Eiarl of WaUcgrave, tlte Prince ...

\vete an Yefteiday Atornii*, about Nine the Iceepea•ef the Rotindaheuire geina in tattle Gentleriaan, - ..

... rerfon.l.Yere.takFli up, for coining and , buying Half pence, four of thern at ha PubliO:c- Hotife in Wild Street, near Drury ! -Lane, and 'the ether two in Well-Street, Rag-Fair. Alexander .Adams ,his ; Wife were committed to Nawgate, and Patten and his ...

Published: Mon 18 Mar 1751
Newspaper: Aris's Birmingham Gazette
County: Warwickshire, England
Type: | Words: 935 | Page: 2 | Tags: none

LONDON, January ai

... Gatehoufe. Ie is credibly aflerted, tbat an old Lady of 68, of great Fortune, fell deeply in Love laft Thurfday Night at Drury- lane Play-houfe with a young Gentleman of about 22. — The old Lady, in the Courfe ofthe Play, took many Op- portunities of obliging ...

Published: Sat 19 Jan 1751
Newspaper: Newcastle Courant
County: Northumberland, England
Type: Article | Words: 761 | Page: 2 | Tags: none

LONDON, Dectmbtr 3

... Majefty, attended bythe Marquis of Hartington, the Earls of Waldegrave and Lincoln, Lord Cadogan and Lord Delawar, went to Drury- Lane Play- houfe, to fee the Play of Every Man in his Humour. On Saturday died, advanced in Years, the Countefs- Dowager of Dartmouth ...

Published: Fri 29 Nov 1751
Newspaper: Derby Mercury
County: Derbyshire, England
Type: Article | Words: 864 | Page: 4 | Tags: none

[N°. 630.- in a Kill for the Recovery of Debts, 0 tfe J* * Footinc *' WeftniMiftct and Southwark, »s

... Theatre in the Hay-Market, by (cveral P» - font Quality and Dillindlicn, is, we hear, to be afted nn 1 burlday N ght next Drury Lane Houfc; Mr.Garrhk having complimented them thetewnh for that Night. The DrcfTet provid.d tor this Occafton, arc the richelt ...

Published: Sat 09 Mar 1751
Newspaper: Ipswich Journal
County: Suffolk, England
Type: Illustrated | Words: 850 | Page: 1 | Tags: none

* TirtfitHj Jan. ij. Count Keyferling, the 'Ruffian Envoy, has declared td our Miniftry, that the Emprefs, his ..

... has refigned. It is credibly aflerted, that an old Lady of 68 of great Fortune, fell deeply in Love laft Thurfday Night at Drury Lane Playhoufe with a young Gentleman of about: ia.—- The old Lady in the Courfe of the Play, took many Opportunities of hgling ...

Published: Tue 29 Jan 1751
Newspaper: Aberdeen Press and Journal
County: Aberdeenshire, Scotland
Type: Article | Words: 952 | Page: 4 | Tags: none

D'r_ ,tation on Dumb Rhetoric: Language of ihc Limbs, ivilb fame Account of Mab, ncbills i: -ju ncJutg nxitb ..

... Language of ihc Limbs, ivilb fame Account of Mab, ncbills i: -ju ncJutg nxitb alloniihing Alflaiijf, cit the lieatrc»Royal, in Drury Lane. By Mrs. Miumciit. A T U E cltfianir.g Man for ji focial and cOnverfib'c Creature, gave imn diverfe Methods of expref- Ung ...

LONDON, Ofioher 17

... Benefit of the General Hofpital in char City 5 when t following Prologue was fpoken, by Mi. Lacey, tom Theatre-Royal in Drury Lane. IT El what mild Luftre does this Circle thine? \ Good are your Hearts, aod pious your Detign The Poo, the Sick, the and ...

flioyl4 det the itee

... and Cummins, two notorious Offenders, who have committed divers Robberies in Middlefex, Surry, were taken at the Fox in Drury Lane, and carried before Wit. am Hammond, Efq; who committed Pendicraft for further Examination, and Cummins, being charged on ...

ftUetmcffcap’s jpoft

... 2. Lalt Night his Mtjefiy, the Prince of Wales, Duke of Cumberland, Prince Edward, and Amelia, went the Theatre Royal Drury -Lane. 3. The that prevail’d fo flrorgly in the Suafter, that the Bufiuefs of the Plantaiicm would be thrown into a pparate Department ...

Published: Sat 02 Nov 1751
Newspaper: Ipswich Journal
County: Suffolk, England
Type: Article | Words: 1437 | Page: 2 | Tags: none


... apei, hi wh.ch be is futcetded the Rev. Mr. Stephen Duck. We hear that Mr. Barry and Mrs. Cibber are engaged perform at Drury Lane Theatre next Scafon. And that Mr. Beard will perform no more in pobhek. P. 13 A few Days fit.ee ieverai Italian and French ...

Published: Sat 17 Aug 1751
Newspaper: Ipswich Journal
County: Suffolk, England
Type: Article | Words: 1421 | Page: 2 | Tags: none