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Leeds, Yorkshire, England

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Auguft 12th, 1754. n T the Commiffioners of Charitable Ufes Jj for the Weft -Riding c/YORK, fitting at the Houfe

... of Thomas Moxon, the Kings-Arms in Leedes ; // ?? thit Day ordered. That Notice bt given to all Parijhes and Places within the fiaid Weft Riding of ' York, of the Commiffion, and the Power thereby given to tbe faid Commiffoners ; and that the fiaid Ctm- miff oners intend to fit on Friday the Thirteenth Day tf September next, by 1 1 ?? in the Forenoon, at the Place aforefaid, to receive ...

Published: Tuesday 27 August 1754
Newspaper: Leeds Intelligencer
County: Yorkshire, England
Type: Advertisement | Words: 208 | Page: Page 3 | Tags: Classifieds 

XX7H ER E A S feveral Petitions are ' v ». now- depending m Pal ?? for the following Purpofes,

... to wit, For a Bill for repairing the Roads from Leedes to. Otley in. the Weft-Riding of the County of York, thro' Skipton, Brtugbton, Gijlurn ?? to Pr'iffon in the County of Lancafler ; and from Broughi ton aforefaid thro' Thornton and KUlbrook to Cokexn the County of Lancafler ; and from Siipion aiorefaid over Pinna to Shaw-laneitiead ; and. from a Place 1 called Cocking- End, lying between ...

Published: Tuesday 31 December 1754
Newspaper: Leeds Intelligencer
County: Yorkshire, England
Type: Advertisement | Words: 355 | Page: Page 4 | Tags: Classifieds 

A. MACAU LEY, Has got down from the Eafl-India-Houfe, to his Tea-Warehoufe, in St. Anns-Square, near the ..

... VAriety ofall Sorts of Teas, Coffee, and Chocolate, which are extraordinary good, and fold for ready Money at the very lowefl London Pri- • ces. Thofe Shopkeepers that takeone hundred Pound Weight of Tea at a Time, have the full Trett allowed. The fmalleft Quantity may be had for Trial. Such Per- fons as pleafe to fend their Orders by the Carriers, or to their Acquaintance in Manchefier, may ...

Published: Tuesday 22 October 1754
Newspaper: Leeds Intelligencer
County: Yorkshire, England
Type: Advertisement | Words: 3089 | Page: Page 3, 4 | Tags: Classifieds 

Hull, Sept. 6th, i754 r Co fie QoKr* =; THE WHALS OIL brought home by the Hull Whale-Fifhery Company's Ships

... from Greenland, in Calks of different Sizes : The WHALE BONE of Three Fifh. Any Perfon inclined to Purchafe, may apply to the Dirtftors of the faid Fifhery, at their Office in Hull. JUST ARRIV'D, From the Great Wholefale Warehoule, London, A targe and Prefh Parcel of The SAME Dr. D A FF V's Original E L I X I R, Sold above Thirty Years at the late J, Lijttr** Printing- Office ; &3* Removed ...

Published: Tuesday 17 September 1754
Newspaper: Leeds Intelligencer
County: Yorkshire, England
Type: Advertisement | Words: 480 | Page: Page 3, 4 | Tags: Classifieds 

Co 6: ©OLD, AL L the Stock in Trade belong- ing to Robert Richardson, late of Otley, Grocer, confifting of

... a large Quantity of Hops, Tea, Tobacco, Pitch, Tarr, Sugars, and Manchefter Small Wares, csV.— The Sale to begin at his Shop in Otley, on Tburfday the 17th of Qdobe r next, and continue 'till all be fold. jv^* N. B. AH Perfons who have any Demands upon Robert Richardson aforefaid, are defired to lend in an Account of their refpective Demands : and all People indebted to the faid Robert ...

Published: Tuesday 24 September 1754
Newspaper: Leeds Intelligencer
County: Yorkshire, England
Type: Advertisement | Words: 880 | Page: Page 3, 4 | Tags: Classifieds 

July sth, 1754. n T the Commiffioners of Charitable Ufes /J for the Weft- Riding cf V O R X,

... fitting at the Houfe of Thomas Moxon, the Kings-A ims in Leedes } It is this Day ordered, That Notice be given to all Parifhes and Places ivithin the faid Weft -Riling of York, of the CommiJJion, and tbe Power thereby given to the faid Commiftiontrs ; and that the faid Com- mijjioners intend to fit on Monday the Twelfth Day of Auguft next, at the Place aforefaid, to rteeive Com- plaints, to ...

Published: Tuesday 23 July 1754
Newspaper: Leeds Intelligencer
County: Yorkshire, England
Type: Advertisement | Words: 359 | Page: Page 3 | Tags: Classifieds 

Leedes, July ?? 1754. For the SEASON, AC O A C H will fet out every Wednefday Morningfrom T. Spink's,

... Painter and Undertaker, in Kirkgate ; and take in Paffengers for Scarbrough: Alfo from Mr. Cais's the Talbot in Scarbrough, every Friday Morning, and take in Paf- fengers for York, Leedes, Wakefield, or Bradford. Of the faid T. Spink may be had, Hearsesj Mourning-Coaches, and Post-Chaise, with able Horfes, to any Part of England. ?? N. B. From Leedes to Harrogate, either with Coach or P oft ...

Published: Tuesday 16 July 1754
Newspaper: Leeds Intelligencer
County: Yorkshire, England
Type: Advertisement | Words: 829 | Page: Page 3, 4 | Tags: Classifieds 

€,0 be __mjl n, THE BOOT and SHOE INN in Kirkgate, Leedes; together with Four Houfes in the fame Yard

... — Enquire of Mr. Abram Craken thorpe, the Owner, who will attend at the Boot and Shoe, all this Week. LEEDES, Sept. id, 1754. To the. CURIOUS, Juft arrived in E N c l a n D, And is now to be feen -at the White-Hart near the Crofs, A wonderful and furprizing Double Cow, Alfoe, WHICH was brought from Madrafs in the E-ft-Indies, by Capt. Maples, and has been fhewn before his Royal Highnefsthe ...

Published: Tuesday 03 September 1754
Newspaper: Leeds Intelligencer
County: Yorkshire, England
Type: Advertisement | Words: 380 | Page: Page 3 | Tags: Classifieds 

In the PRESS, And fpeedily will be publifh'd, A CATALOGUE O F CHOICE BOOKS. Confilting of near One Thoufand ..

... To be fold' by Way of Auftion in HALIFAX Sept. 13, 1754. DT the Commijfioners of Charitable Ufts - 0 for tbe Weft- Riding of the County of YO RK, fitting at the Houfi of Mr. Thomas Moxon, the King's- Arms in Leedes, IT IS THIS DAY ORDERED, That Notice be given to all Parijhes and Places within the faid Weft-Riding of York, ofthe Commijjton and the Power thereby given to the faid Coinmiffioners ...

Published: Tuesday 08 October 1754
Newspaper: Leeds Intelligencer
County: Yorkshire, England
Type: Advertisement | Words: 992 | Page: Page 3, 4 | Tags: Classifieds 

S T O L E N Out ?? in HunfletLane, near L E EDE S ? in tbe Night on

... Tuefday the 20th of Nov. lafiy A Dark Grtfy M A RE, fix Years old, about thirteen Hands and a Half high, with a fhorf Marie, her far fore Foot white, and a bob Tail : ■A Saddle aod Bridle the fame Night were taken out of a Stable 'adjoining to the f.;id Clofe. b5» Whoever can give Notice of the laid Maj-e, fo as fhe may be had again, to Joseph Liversedge of Hunflet, the Owner, 'fhall have Half ...

Published: Tuesday 03 December 1754
Newspaper: Leeds Intelligencer
County: Yorkshire, England
Type: Advertisement | Words: 481 | Page: Page 4 | Tags: Classifieds 

On Saturday November td begun to btfild by Auaion, at the G E O R G E ;« Briggate, LE

... EDE S, COLLE C T I G N modern' BOOKS j Amongft ivhich are, ■ THE WORKS OF ADOISON. I SHAKESr-EAR. STEELE. MILTON. I GAY. HERVEY. PRIOR. - _ YOUNG. BEVERIDGE. SPENCER. 1 CHAMBERS. j SHERLOCK. PLUTARCH. [ROSCOMMON. BUCKINGHAM. POPE. j CLARKE. PRIDEAUX. SWIFT. \ VBRTOT. LOCKE. And a great many more of the beft Englifh Authors, all' in good Condition, moft of them being neatly bound, gilt, and ...

Published: Tuesday 05 November 1754
Newspaper: Leeds Intelligencer
County: Yorkshire, England
Type: Advertisement | Words: 252 | Page: Page 3 | Tags: Classifieds 

A % MACAU LET, Has got down from the Eaft-India-Houfe, to his Tta-Warehoufe, in St. Anri ' s-Square, near the

... New-Church, in Manchester, VAriety ofall Sorts of Teas, Coffee, and Chocolate, which are extraordinary good, and fold for ready Money at the very loweft London Pri- ces, Thofe Shopkeepers that takeone hundred Pound Weight of Tea at a Time, have the full Trett allowed, •i'hefmalleft Quantity may be had for Trial. Such Per- fons as pleafe to fend their Orders by the Carriers, or to their ...

Published: Tuesday 12 November 1754
Newspaper: Leeds Intelligencer
County: Yorkshire, England
Type: Advertisement | Words: 2422 | Page: Page 3, 4 | Tags: Classifieds