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Yorkshire and the Humber, England


Yorkshire, England


Leeds, Yorkshire, England

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Public Tags

NOTICE is hereby given, TH A T a young Man is wanting who is qualify'd ro initrirdt in Enilijh. Latin,

... Writing, and Arithmeti.k for further Particiilarscnqurrc ot the Rev*) Mr Bainbiiio-e, Vicar of Hempjihwaitc ; or ot Peter Lax, ni We (I fike -Green, nigh Htmpfthwaiti N.B. Thefaid young Man is expe'ted on or betwixt the 12th of May next, or fo foon after as polfibly may be. This is to inform the PUB LIC, THAT MATTHEW LEEyin Klirl-jr-ire, Lee^es prints a'l Sorts pf COPPER- PLATES, as' clean ...

Published: Tuesday 29 April 1755
Newspaper: Leeds Intelligencer
County: Yorkshire, England
Type: Advertisement | Words: 3473 | Page: Page 3, 4 | Tags: Classifieds 

With all convenient Speed, will Be publijb\i, A CATALOGUE Of a very neat and choice COLLECTION O F BO O

... X S, Which will be fold by Auction st HALIFAX. Catalogues (when printed) may be hsd gratis of Wil- liam EoWAnns, Hookfeller in Halifax, who gives Ready Money forany Library or Parcel of old Books. HALIFAX. WHEREAS Thomas'/Ogden, jun' Watch-makc^, is remov'd to the CUckface, in the Lower- Shambles, wiir.rcl^entlemcn, Tradcfmer, Sec. may be fcrv'd, on cafv Terms, with Gold, Silver, Shn'retn, or ...

Published: Tuesday 16 September 1755
Newspaper: Leeds Intelligencer
County: Yorkshire, England
Type: Advertisement | Words: 3792 | Page: Page 3, 4 | Tags: Classifieds 

LEEDES, Nov. 11, 175

... 5. NOT I C Eis hereby given, THAT at a Vcffry-Mecting in Trinity Chi'-el on unday in I, inlawing he. 11 refolved and limly iltit mined :har tht Pu n ' fhall remain in its .indent Place, the I'tws in the South Gti'Ury w.ll begin to be lifpofcd of to the higher! Hidden, ar the Foufe ul MiTh_Ma MoxoN.atthe K'ng's yf-w.nn Mon- day tiie 17th Inltant at two ?? in the Mrcmoon, tho Sale heing to be ...

Published: Tuesday 11 November 1755
Newspaper: Leeds Intelligencer
County: Yorkshire, England
Type: Advertisement | Words: 3159 | Page: Page 3, 4 | Tags: Classifieds 

Co be ®oID, ToGETHERor in Parcels, ALL the ESTATES of Robert Stansfif.ld, Efq; lituare and being in the feve- ttl

... Towns or Townlhips of Bradford, Balloon, Bingley, Bowling, Horton, Carlcren, Hellfiekl, Tlnulhrield, Graf- lington, Ottcrburn, CoaiffoncolJ, Long-Prcifon, WiH'dcn, Noithowram, Sowerby, Gargrave, and Windhill, in tie County of York, being of the yearly Value of uool. and Upwards, and capable of very large Improvements- Pur I'm titer Pert ictilari enquire ot' John Stanhope, Efqi •ar Hursfnrih- ...

Published: Tuesday 17 June 1755
Newspaper: Leeds Intelligencer
County: Yorkshire, England
Type: Advertisement | Words: 3006 | Page: Page 3, 4 | Tags: Classifieds 

WHEREAS on Mmday the 10th In, unt tiic Houfe ol VVilliavi Micitobl, i>i Kit hitalt-Brldgc, wti biuhe open, and the

... Stnn ofjjil, I'js. CA. and a (.old King, ilolc our „l a Lesk .- And where-. John ?? a labouring ?? oi Bramlty, nut* Leeti t, isinl'pcwtcd .v have Itolen the lame,— liie I ml Jdn ii C ii ili) it a Pcrfon ot a fair Complexion, about hie- K'tc eight Inches high, and had on when he went off, a dark coh. itr'd Wig imd Coat, a blue ?? Woiflcoat, a Pair of Leather Brecchci, and blue ?? .\Mhn- ever ...

Published: Tuesday 18 November 1755
Newspaper: Leeds Intelligencer
County: Yorkshire, England
Type: Advertisement | Words: 2719 | Page: Page 3, 4 | Tags: Classifieds 

This Day is Publilh'd, Pre.* 6i. And Sold by the Printer of this Paper; alfc* b the Bookfellers of Leeaes,

... Wai field, Halifax, Bradjti , Huddersfield, Rochdale; tjfe. S E R \l O N treach'o at H 0 L B E C A, In the Parifli ofLEEDES, On Sunday the ifh l)jy of September, 1 7 v+ , oein^ rbe firlt fime the Author pmch'd there after his Aduu.iion to the Curacy. Together with A PREFACE, Giving fome Reafons wby he ehofe to refign riiar Curacy, By RIC H A R D FAWC E T T, M. .1. Co be Lett, To be entered n ...

Published: Tuesday 05 August 1755
Newspaper: Leeds Intelligencer
County: Yorkshire, England
Type: Advertisement | Words: 3505 | Page: Page 3, 4 | Tags: Classifieds 

Leedes, June 24, 17;-. To the Reverend the CLERGY witmn the Call to the Visitation at Leedes, IN purfuance of

... an Intimation from his Grace the Lord Archbifhop of York, You are de/ired to in Thurfday the tenth Day of July n>xt, at Mr Moxons the Kings- Arms in Leedes, immediately after Morning Prayer, to ?? of a Propofal lately publilbed, for an Application to Parliament, for the better Maintenance and Relief of Clergymen s ll'idcws and Children. WANTED AN APPRENTICE to a Groce r, in Lccdes .« - ...

Published: Tuesday 24 June 1755
Newspaper: Leeds Intelligencer
County: Yorkshire, England
Type: Advertisement | Words: 2040 | Page: Page 3, 4 | Tags: Classifieds 

WANTED in LEEDES, AN Apprentice toa GROCER. — For Particulars apply to Mr. Samuel Bri/eoe, Grocer in Leeda ..

... be JLett, To enter to immediately, fituate in Slip-in- Yard, near the Moot-hall, in Briggate, Leedes, AH O US E, confifting of two low Booms and three Chambers,a good Celler and Brewhoufe, with the Ufe of the Brewing- Vefiels, and all other Conveniences necel&ry either for a public or private Family. . Alfi to be LETT, at Claypitt-Houfe, Several very good Rooms, with Convenience* for a ...

Published: Tuesday 04 February 1755
Newspaper: Leeds Intelligencer
County: Yorkshire, England
Type: Advertisement | Words: 502 | Page: Page 3, 4 | Tags: Classifieds 

LEEDES 5th Oct. 1755

... . STOLEN In the Night of Friday the 2d Infant, from the Tenters of Mr. Alderman SMITHSON, SEVEN Yards of Broad Woollen- Cloth, ofa brown Colour ,-abouc 3 1. per Yard, and on the lame Nighr, liven Yards and a Half of drib colour J Cloth, from the Tenter! of fosiitM Kay, and being about is. 6e\. per Yard.? ? lf any I'crlOri fhui.l 1 o >lei ve- ?? like Pieces of Cloth enpos'd to Sale, or m ?? of ...

Published: Tuesday 07 October 1755
Newspaper: Leeds Intelligencer
County: Yorkshire, England
Type: Advertisement | Words: 3515 | Page: Page 3, 4 | Tags: Classifieds 

Co be @oiu, At the Houfe'ofMrs Mary Whiteley, the Sign of the Angel in Halifax, in the County s/YORK, on

... Thurfday tht eleventh Day of September next, A FREEHOLD ESTATE of In- heritance, call'd High Popplewcll in the ToWn* Ihip of Clack- Heaton and Parifh of Biirflal, lying four Miles fom Halitac, four Miles from Bradford, eight Miles from Lecdes, and eight Miles from Wakefield, all in the faid County of York, confiding of a good Dwell ing- Floufe and OnMioiifes, a very wnll-built Malt-hoiife and ...

Published: Tuesday 12 August 1755
Newspaper: Leeds Intelligencer
County: Yorkshire, England
Type: Advertisement | Words: 1161 | Page: Page 3, 4 | Tags: Classifieds 

Eo lie At Mr, Joseph Thurlstons'j in Leedes, SEVERAL Pipes of Strong London-Maderia WINE from the Weft-Indus ai ..

... Pounds per Pipe, or Ten Shillings per Gallon, lately brought from Jamaica by Mr. WADE ( Captain of the Prince Engene of Liverpool ) the Owner. Alfo a Good Quantity of the Befi Flavour' d Olo JAMAICARuMat Nine Shillings ?? per Gallon. N. B. The Wine and Rum are perfectly neat as they came from Jamaica. BENJAMIN ANSLET^ Next Door to the XI N G's -AR M S, in Brig' gate, LEEDES, T S Removing to ...

Published: Tuesday 19 August 1755
Newspaper: Leeds Intelligencer
County: Yorkshire, England
Type: Advertisement | Words: 3074 | Page: Page 3, 4 | Tags: Classifieds