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■Co be tctt. To enter to at Old May Day next. Situate in Wade-Lane, LEED E S. A Good H

... O U S E, three Stories high, five Rooms on a Floor, with a good Pack Kitchen, a Stable, a Garden, a Croft, and feveral other Convcnien- cies. Empire of Mr, Jowet, in Wade-Lane. TADCASTER tad SFLR V TU R NP J XL S. NOTICE is (jerebp stunt, TH A T the .efpefttve Tiuftets nf tbt abov R:ah intind to meet at tbi llo.fe cf 1 homas Moxou, bearing the Sign of the King's Arms 111 Lint, 3, on 1 ?? -day ...

Published: Tuesday 03 May 1757
Newspaper: Leeds Intelligencer
County: Yorkshire, England
Type: Advertisement | Words: 3760 | Page: Page 3, 4 | Tags: Classifieds 

TADCASTER and SELBY TURNPIKES. notice is* ijetebp gtben, THAT the refpeelive Truftees ofthe above Roads intend ..

... Hoitfe of Thomas Moxon, bearing the Sign of the King's Arms in Leedes, on Tuef- day the I -Jth Day of May hift. in order to borrow Mo- ney on the Tolls and Duties to be collected art tht faid Roads, after the Rate of four and a half per Cent. the Malay v;antedis as fcllovjs : £. On the Selbj Road, joo On ?? Road, 4 JO For further Particulars enquire of Mr: Barnard, Attorney at Laiu in Leedes. ...

Published: Tuesday 17 May 1757
Newspaper: Leeds Intelligencer
County: Yorkshire, England
Type: Advertisement | Words: 4191 | Page: Page 3, 4 | Tags: Classifieds 

This. DAY was publijh'd. Price is. 6 d. A SHORT but Suffic ent Confutation of the Reverend Dr. Warbttrton's ..

... Defence (as he cal is it ) of Chr.ftianity, in h s Divine Ligation of Mofes. In a Letter to the Right Reverend the Loi d E.fhop ol London. By William Law, M. A- Printed for, J. Richardfon, in Pater nofier Row, London ; and fold by all the Bookfellers in Town and Country. Where may _. had the following BOOKS wrote by the fame AUTHOR. 1. A Serious Cail to a Devout and Holy Life. The 4th Edit. ...

Published: Friday 20 May 1757
Newspaper: Derby Mercury
County: Derbyshire, England
Type: Advertisement | Words: 1617 | Page: Page 3, 4 | Tags: Classifieds 

TIIF FRENCH-MAST ER of \\ FREE-SCHOOL continues to take at Ten Potuidi a Year, excepting tne T.nn' r»i tion, which

... is to b.' paid bdulc.-., by tha.U wlmj To be SOLD, Afingk Horfe- Chair, Arid HARNESS, both in very ge-od Condition. Ks' KiKjuiitof the Printer of this Paper, All Ghnti. emen Volunteers, WHO are able- and willing to lii-ve hisMajclty KingOr.Oßcr.i,, |?s , + ..URe/munt ot foot, commanded by the Right Hun. the Ear', of Efiiitg- ham, are delircd to apply to Laaahl Union, at the Sign of the Sun, ...

Published: Tuesday 31 May 1757
Newspaper: Leeds Intelligencer
County: Yorkshire, England
Type: Advertisement | Words: 2546 | Page: Page 3, 4 | Tags: Classifieds 

No. s U N D A s O fore I s AFFAIRS, 7 -M-A CrE-fO, (Sp*i») Afrit u. HE Kingha>

... fcnt Orders to equip, with all Expedition, ix Men of War of the Line. . Majcfty has Mke wile given Orders, that'die Expor tation Coro fliouki for the prefent be prohibited. Vunn*, (Germany) Af'il xj.The Emprefs Qocen has fcnt-Ficid-mar- Count Brown full Power to give Battle to the Pruffians*, or to aft in fucb a Manner as he fhall think lit, in order to Hop the Progrefs they are making in ...

Published: Saturday 21 May 1757
Newspaper: Newcastle Courant
County: Northumberland, England
Type: Illustrated | Words: 869 | Page: Page 1 | Tags: Classifieds 

Qfnec’o abtiogment

... tt-mttt t tim ?? ?? 1 1 1 ti rt wt y ALL Perfons indebted to the Eftate of Mr. I Charles Subrwooo, late of Shippon in the County of I Berks, are hereby required to bring or fend an Account of tfceir ?? Debts to his Executor, at Mr. Robert Ridge's, at the Plow and Anchor, in Abingdon, Berkt, on Tuefday the 24th of this Inft. May, when and where all Perfons having any De- mand! on the faid ...

Published: Saturday 14 May 1757
Newspaper: Oxford Journal
County: Oxfordshire, England
Type: Article | Words: 4343 | Page: Page 3 | Tags: Classifieds 

TADCASTER and SELBY TURNPIKES. notice is* ijcieby ijiiicn, TH A T tht refpctifvt 1 1 ujtet s of tre ai-.-i

... t Peat's intend to meet ct the Houf of I lioma r Moxon, bearing the Sign of the King's Arms in l.eedcs. on Turf. day the IftbDuy of May Inft. in .rder to borrow Mo- nty OH the Tolls arid Duties to be Collided on t^t ftiid Roads, after the Rate of four and a half per ?? The Momy wanted is as follows : ?? On the Selby Road, coo On the Tada-pler Road, 450 Forfurther Particulars enquire of Mr. ...

Published: Tuesday 10 May 1757
Newspaper: Leeds Intelligencer
County: Yorkshire, England
Type: Advertisement | Words: 3032 | Page: Page 3, 4 | Tags: Classifieds 

The hcjl Grafs for Mares, and Irsfr Care taken

... Wllcreas tin Imu ol rcnrwiriji, the Suhfcriptions of One Shilling a Year, for ihc 'ion and Punilhincnt Murderers, Felon } Thieves, Sec, committed within County Oxkor d, commented at Lady-Day, 1757 Notice is hereby given all aic willing to take the Benefit of this Scheme, that they arc def.rcd to fend tiicir Chrifiian and Sir-Names, Place Abode, T'radc or Uccuyation, together with the ...

Published: Saturday 28 May 1757
Newspaper: Oxford Journal
County: Oxfordshire, England
Type: Article | Words: 320 | Page: Page 3 | Tags: Classifieds 

THERE will be no FAIR held at Bilderston on Holy Thursday next. T~~JfJLi

... Ha*les- ton on .Monday the 16th of May. TICKETS ta be bo*! at the He a? . ■' ~B EC'C LE S~ RACES in SuffSlk, 1757. WI LL be on Tv G s ti A v the 2 8 th , and Wed ; : _sd a y the? 2 yth. of jvse next. Sir John Fo.-i, Eart, (* v .^ f i s John Dade, J',lq; % Fcr Particulars, fee Xpfwich Journal rf April 23. To be LE T T at Midfumrner-Day iwyrr. PART of the Houfe wherein Thomas Alston. J inncn- ...

Published: Saturday 07 May 1757
Newspaper: Ipswich Journal
County: Suffolk, England
Type: Advertisement | Words: 7330 | Page: Page 1, 3, 4 | Tags: Classifieds 

This DAY was publijh'd, Dedicated to the Right Honourable William Pitt*, Efq; The Thrbk First Vol ?? QUARTO, ..

... Pounds Eighteen Shilling! and. Sixpence, in Boards, and Three Guineas bound) Adorned with three elegant FRONTISPIECES, Engraved by Grignion and Miller, THE COMPLETE HISTORY 0 F ENGLAND. Deduced from the Defcent of JULIUS CiESAR, to the Treaty of Aix la Chapjilli, 1748. Containing the Tranfaftions ol One Thoufand Eight Hundied and Three Years. By T. SMOLLETT, M.D. Printed for James Rivington ...

Published: Friday 06 May 1757
Newspaper: Derby Mercury
County: Derbyshire, England
Type: Advertisement | Words: 1111 | Page: Page 3, 4 | Tags: Classifieds 

[Bythe KING's AUTHORITY,] Now publifhing in Weekly Numbers, in large Oc- tavo, at Six-pence each No. containing ..

... of Letter-Prefs, and Four Copper- Plates, elegantly engraved, Twice the Quantity of any Weekly Publication whatever, ANEW and Complete DICTIONARY of ARTS and SCIENCES; comprehending all the Branches of ufeful Knowledge. With accurate Defcriptions as well of the various Machines, Instruments, Tools,, and Schemes necellary tor illullratiiig tbem, as ol the Cla-s- -ses, Kinds, ...

Published: Friday 27 May 1757
Newspaper: Derby Mercury
County: Derbyshire, England
Type: Advertisement | Words: 1396 | Page: Page 3, 4 | Tags: Classifieds