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Bath, Somerset, England

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ON THE Nativity of CHRIST. AWAKE from Silence ev'ry Voice, Each chearful Pipe, and founding String ; Let ev'ry ..

... grnctoufy pleat dou toe zytb of November, 1755, to grant nte his Royal Letters Patent, fbr England and the Planta- tions in America: And, on repeated Reprefentations of tha great aud furprifing Cures daily perform'd hy my laid Jefuits Drops, has beenfiuce ...

' ~ , '. nn .-, ...... Slieet a , ?. 6*l. each Time, if fhprt- longer Ones in Proportion

... Expedition will bei On_ Thing, however, is as clear as any Propofition in Euclid, vir. that we mny as well Part with all No irh America, the Value- of which we ure no Strangers to ; and therefore, if we intend to keep the o.ic, v.c limit not part ihe other ...

i-Ottdon, December 30,

... Force of France will fail early in the Spring for Martinico, to pre- vent, if poflible, the French from being expelled out of America. It is faid that if a Peace fhould not take Place befme Summer, a Fleet of 40 Ships of the Line, under four Commanders, to ...


... we Wtrt Itt many Jtr ibtm then ; we beat ibeir Fleeti, we defeated tbtir Armits, we conquer' d tbtir Dtminioni in North America, wt reduced Gttada- htft, nve dtfrrv'd them tf wbat tbey had in Africa, and *u» bave very ntar dtnt as mttcb in Afia. In fbort ...

iLoudoii- lanunrp 15

... in North Ame- nta and the Weft -Indies, at well to the French lllands as to the French Settlements on the Con- tinent of America, and particularly to the Rivers Mobile and Milfilippi ; by which the Enemies, to the great Reproach and Detriment of Government ...

?? - ?? :■ rs for ihi« Paper are taken in at the Printing-Office in Stall-Street, at -jt, 6d. each

... P.mbelli-h'd with ihirt ?? -Plate Cuts, con- ditio? of eight Mips, Charts, Sec. among which are thofe of theWorid, North- America, Europe, Martinico, Qucheck, &c. With nineteen Heads of the moft famous Englifh Admirals and Sea Commanders. Either ofthe ...

To tbe Printer, fcfr

... returning to ir im- mediately ? We cnteied into the War upon juft Motives, viz. to prevent the Encroachments of ths French in America, and it has been carried om with a Spirit and Succefs worthy the Courage of the Bi itiih Nation, ar.d the great Talents of ...

Dcatiii. The Right H

... Right Hon. Alen^mler Colville, Captain ofthc Nortliumbeiland Man of War, and Commander in Chief of his Majefty^e Ships in America. ?? At York, Litfy Swinburq, Relict of the late Sir John Swinburn, of Caphea*- ton, Northumberland, and Sifter of the date ...

To tbe Printer, 6?f

... been ?? fot them to have built Foits, or cftablilhcd them- leltts thcic , but lb little Regard bad we to what w it doing in America, that the grand Fort called Crown-Point, wst built miny Years before our Ga err.iiuiit thought it a Matter of any Cnnic- quencc ...

•_*• Adv •RTiti.MfMTt forthis Papei ire taken in at the Printing-office in Stall- Sireet, at js. 6d. each Time, if

... Commanders at Sea. Embellifh'd with ?? Cuts, con- Cfting of eight Maps, Charts, c*c. among which are thofe of the World, North- America, Europe, Martinico, Quebcck, &■._ With nineteen Heads of the moft tamous Englifh Admirals and Sea Commanders. Either of the ...

*%• Advertisement?/ f.n* this Paper are taken in at the Printii^-Office in Stall-Street, at 3s. 6d. each Time, ..

... gradoujh pitas' don the iqtb of November, 17 jj, ta grant nu hit Royat Letters Patent, for England and tbt Planta- tions tn America 1 And, on repeated Reprefentations ef tht great and furpiifing Cures daily perform 'd by my /«i./Jeluits Drops, has been fmce ...