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... AMERICA. Boston, July 17. The Ren refcntatives of this Province have, in large Houle of upwards of an hundred Members, unamoufly rerron rated againft the adminillration of the Governor of this Province, as having been corrupt and arbitrary j and humbly ...


... other, as we have now no other Tl )e - , an y ence. America fccretly rejoice at the 111 ‘ell . we « vc met with in theEatMndies, as the fu- vcrinr* y deciding our differences and re,nS our trade with America, •11 * jCormeil that the tine* gentlemen vlin Ale ...


... AMERICA. Boston, Neuu-Engiand, June 16. HitMajefty’s Council having, at the requell of the Houfe of Keprelentativcs, in the prefent leffions, laid before them copies of divers letters received from London, very interelling to this colony, together with ...


... AMERICA. Boston, Mv. 3. This day Governor Bernard iffued a proclamation for public thankfgiving, to be obferved the ill of December. Boston, New-England, Nov. 7. Friday laftCapt. Vincent arrived here from Jamaica, by whom we have advice, that on the aid ...


... AMERICA. New-Yokk, Dec. i. On Thurfday laft a great number of freeholders and freemen of this city and county delivered inftrudions to Philip Livingfton, James Jauncey, James de Lancy, and Jacob Walton, Efqrs. their reprefentatives in the General Aflembly ...


... AMERICA. rmR!.BS-ToWN, Nov. tt. The General Af, lv of this Province met at the State Houfe on lad. On Wednefday they unanimoufly chofe -1 “Vpanigault, Efq; (who was Speaker to the lad to be their Speaker. On Thurfday they i-eftnted him to his Excellency ...


... AMERICA. Philadelphia, Ofl. 6. Letters from Fort Pitt, the 25th u!t. fay, That on the 17th, Enfigns Hamilton and Trafey, having fome words, a challenge and notwithftanding the endeavours their brother Officers, they could not he prevented taking their ...


... AMERICA. Williausburgh, in Virginia, April 17. Yefterosy the Honfe of Burgefles came to (everal relblutions, *m, an. at follows, vi*. That the foie right of impofing the inhabitant, hi. h&j.liy'. m 11 now and ever hath been legally and conftitutioiully ...


... America. Niagara, May 30. The following Account received laft Night from Detroit, from the Commanding Officer, and Col. Vaughan ordered it to he made public. SIR, I received Intelligence lately of Pondiac's raifing a great many Nations of Indians, who ...


... America. Charles-Town, [South-Carolina] May 4. At the Choice and .Requeft of the Caiabas, his Honour the Lieutenant Governor has lent miflion appointing FROW to be their King the Room old King HAGLER, who was foot, fome Time ago, by their Enemy the Indians ...


... AMERICA. Boston, Aug. 4. Laft week two vcifels arrived here from the Mount, by whom we have confirmation that the trade with the Erigirfh to that place * wholly broke up : That a brig from this pert arrivel there the latter end of June, but as foon as ...


... America. Charles-Town, 08. On the paft a Head-man from the Lower Creeks, accompanied by a Britifti Trader, arrived at Augulta with a long Talk, containing the ftrongeft Profefiions of Fricndftiip, and importing, That they, the Lower Creeks, were preparing ...