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AMERICA in New Engla

... AMERICA in New England, March 26. We hear that Mr. William Fotbilher, of this town, foap-boiler, has made a procefs with pot-alh in making the bell of hard foap, which has not hitherto been p radii led in England. Samples of which purpofes to fend home ...


... AMERICA Kenv-Teri, May 8. A play being advenifed to be affed on Monday evening laft, gave great offence to many of the inhabitants of this city, who thought it highly improper that fuch entertainments fliould exhibited at this time publick dillrefs, when ...


... AMERICA. Cohnnfey, in New Jerfey, Sept. We have had the dreadfuleft havock among our horfes with the diftemper, that was ever heard of ; by the moft reafonable computation, I do not think 2000 I. would repair the lofs to this one county ; it has taken ...


... AMERICA. Newport, Rhode-ljland, June 3. There is this town, a fam- P*. e cloth, made by a young lady here, which is equal in width, finenefs, and goodnefs, to Englilh plain of 6s. llcrling per yard, but coll, with every charge upon it, not quite 3s. gd ...


... AMERICA. Halifax, March 27. We hear that aperfon m a neighbouring Government lately refufing to pay debt for which he was attached, bccaufe the writ was not (lamped; the populace immediately upon hearing thereof affembled, and having the fellow before ...


... AMERICA New-Tork, Sept, 15. The tradefmen of this province met on the cth inftanl, and fubferibed writing. Containing feveral fefolaiions, fimilar thofe the people Bofton, not toP P u r chafe any goods imported from Europe; likcwife that they will endeavour ...


... AMERICA Ntav-Tirh, AW. ij. In confequence of the fcarcity and provifions in Europe, ue learn, that upwards of twenty fail of European arrived lall week in different ports of America, in order to pmehafe wheat; fome of which are come to this port, others ...


... AMERICA St. Chriflofher's, Nov. ig. On Saturday morning laft, Nicholas Jonnlon, the murderer and pyrate, was publickly racked, purfuant to his fentcnce St, Euftatius. About nine o’clock in the morning he was condutted out of the fort to tlie place appointed ...

An aft for farther encouraging the growth and culture of iw ftlk, his Majefty’s colonies or plantations in ..

... and culture of iw ftlk, his Majefty’s colonies or plantations in America. An to permit the free importation of certain raw hides and tins from Ireland, and the llritifh plantations in America, for a united time ; and for taking off the duties upon feal (kins ...

Containing its Rife, Progrefs, and Event, in Europe, Afia, Africa, and America. Interfperfed with the ..

... Containing its Rife, Progrefs, and Event, in Europe, Afia, Africa, and America. Interfperfed with the Charaflers of the Statefmen and Heroes, to whom are indebted for that Naval and Military Succefs, which not to be equalled in the Annals of this or of ...

been whifpered, that a certain part North America will be the objcft their expedition. The ftop which is ..

... been whifpered, that a certain part North America will be the objcft their expedition. The ftop which is expetlcd in a few days to prevent the ex portation of wheat, has already lowered the price at Bear-Key as. 6d. bulhel, and it ss reafonably expected ...