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Bath Chronicle and Weekly Gazette



Bath, Somerset, England

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Bath Chronicle and Weekly Gazette


... AMERICA. Boston, Auy;. 4. Laft week two vcfTel* arrived here from the Mount, by whom we have a confirma- tion that the trade with the F.ri^Wfc to that place it wholly broke up 1 That a brig from thi* port arrived there the latter end of June, but as foon ...


... AMERICA. BOSTON, (New -England) Nov. 3. This morning Mr. Arodi Thayer, Marlhal of the court admiralty for three provinces, with a hanger at his fide, came to thehoufe of John Hancock, Efq; to ferve him with a precept for 90001. fterling, and having arretted ...


... America. Charles-Town, June 27. The Spanifh Guarda-Coftas about Cuba have lately been very vigilant, that fcarce an Englifh vcffel trailing any part of the iliand can efcapc ihem. The Providence people particularly have recently had feveral of their vclfcls ...


... AMERICA. Boston, Nov. 3. Thi* day Governor Bernard iffued a proclamation for a public thankfgiving, to be obferved on the id of December. Boston, New-England, Nov. 7. Friday laftCapt. Vincent arrived here from Jamaica, by whom we have advice, that on ...


... AMERICA. Boston, (New-England) Ntv. j. This mor- ning Mr. Arodi Thayer, Marlhal of the court of ad- miralty for three provinces, with a hanger at his fide, came to the houfe of John Hancock, Efq; to ferve him with a precept for 90001. ftcrling, and having ...


... America. New-York, April 29. On the 21ft of March laft died, at], Dutchefs County, in the 128 th Year of his Age, Mr. Edglebert HofF. He was born in Norway, and could help himfelf without Afliftance, 'till within about ten Days before he died ...


... AMERICA. WILLIAMSBURGH, in Virginia, April 17. Yefterday the Houfe of Burgefles came to feveral refolutions, con. as follows, viz. That the fole right of impeding taxes on the inhabitants thin his lony is now and ever hath been legally and conftitutionally ...


... America. Philadelphia, May 30. From the Havannah we learn, that they had lately there an 80 gun Ihip, and three frigates in the harbour, hefides 74. and an gun fliip on the ftocks. That they had about 6000 regular troops ; were very in fortifying the ...


... America. Ntw-Yoak. Jan. ta,; By Cant Dobfon, from New-Orleans, .we have advice, that though a Spapifh governor, with about toa men, had arrived there fome time; ago, yet that the garrifon and ifland were ftill in-tho poflcflion of the French ; who were ...


... America. Philadelphia, July 8. \Tuefday arrived here the Brig Sufannah, Captain Shutton, from Jamaica, who informs us, that he left the Convoy the June off the Havannah, where he faw our Army firing againlt the Spanilh Forts, &c. and that the Spaniards ...


... America. Boston, July Phillips who wived here laft Friday Days from New. foundland, we learn, that there are four Englifti Men of War, and two French, on that otation, for the Proteflion Trade ; and that one of the Tenders belonging to the going into ...


... America. Newbirn, [is Pirginia] Sept. 13. We hear ro Dobb's County, that a moft melancholy Accident befel a poor Family there lately. Some Time in the Night, the Family being afleep, and the Children fpread on Lodgings on the Floor, two Rattlefnakes, ...