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Bath Chronicle and Weekly Gazette



Bath, Somerset, England

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Bath Chronicle and Weekly Gazette


... AMERICA. BOSTON , New-England, 'Juried. His Majefty's Council having, at therequeft of the Houfe of Reprefentativcs, in the prcfent fefiions, laid before them copies of divers letters received from London, very interefting to this colony, together with ...


... AMERICA. BOSTON, New England, Aug. 24.. The following reina. nonce was this day publilhed in the of this town : Where I have full evidence that HeniyH , Charles P , William B , and John R , Efquires, have frequently and lately treated the character ...


... America. Charles-Town, [South Carolina'] June 12. The lail advices trom Penlacola are dated the 2211 part, and inform us,, that the with the Creeks was to be opened there about the 28th. The important affairs tranfafted at the gieat congrefs which was ...


... AMERICA Philadelphia, 08. 6. Letters from Fort Pitt, of the »jth nit. fay, That on the 17th, Enfigns Hamilton and Trafey, having fome words, a challenge ciifiicd, and notwithstanding the endeavours of their brother Officers, they could not be prevented ...


... America. Nsw-Yona, Jan. 13. On Tuefday laft a great Number of Gentlemen affcmbled at the Houfe of Mr. Howard, in thii City, when tbey came to feveral Refolutiont for oppoiing the Exe- cution of the Stamp ASi ; Inch ss, that they would venture their Lives ...


... America. bly, by the Governor, Confequence il ltf Relolves cccalioneLl by the Stamp-Aft, theie been an of new Afleitibly which thtre was Exclulion of all thofe Members of the former Alleinbly, who did not affent to Relolves } but ihole in the Intercft ...


... America. Fort-Royal, in the West Inmes, On Wednesday lalf, about Eleven o Clock a Night, a moll terrible m the w.ndwardmoft Houfe in tlie Town Sauteure, burnt with great Fury, and cont.nued till twelve other Houfes were entirely deftroyed. Abou Twelve ...


... America. % v Fort !% S'l Peace between ruai the w h U . ch Fort on »L*®eft hi,. / Indians 1 ,h h of Britilh loterell, * * a p.. B°od and a plentiful The Mortar, a Heddman of the Creeks, always the Trench Intereft, is, with Party; ret well pleated with ...


... America. Boston, June 7. The following Affair which lately happened at Dan vers, in the County ofEffl-x, is related as three Children were firing the of Houfe, an Adder came from Pond that was about 20 Rods diftant, and leized the Hand one of the Children ...

Wednefday &Thurfday’s Pofts. ' AMERICA, Boston, (New England) Nov. 14. SE are affured that a Gentleman of the ..

... Wednefday &Thurfday’s Pofts. ' AMERICA, Boston, (New England) Nov. 14. SE are affured that a Gentleman of the County York is fummoned on title of land, after going through a courfe law there, and recoverine, to aniwer pn hearing before hit Majelty in ...

milihall, July it, 176?. The Commiflioners of his Majcfty's Cuftoms in NOl til-America having further ..

... milihall, July it, 176?. The Commiflioners of his Majcfty's Cuftoms in NOl til-America having further complaints obilrucliuns they and tneir nieel with in the exertion of their duty, I c.mmandc.l by hisMajelty to repeat to you, that it is ids royal pleafure ...

Huiley-burley which turned the Nation topfeyturvey ; neither would the Woods of America have been fet on Fire, ..

... Huiley-burley which turned the Nation topfeyturvey ; neither would the Woods of America have been fet on Fire, lam, Sir, yours, * Moses Wiseacre P. S. I had almoft forgot to tell you, that I have fome incomparable Cephalic, Ophtha mic SnufF, excellent ...