LONDON, Aug. 8

... Great Middle Ifle ; and as foon as it enters the Gates ofthe Choir, it will mount tbe Scaffold on feveral Step* prepared for that Purpofe. On the middle of the Scaffold, and direftly under the Cupola ofthe Abbey* a fmall Stage is elevated about two Feet ...

Published: Friday 07 August 1761
Newspaper: Derby Mercury
County: Derbyshire, England
Type: Article | Words: 471 | Page: 3 | Tags: none

C 0 U N T. R .Y.N E W S

... occafioned a very fudden and unequal Weight, fo that the Pillars or Supporters of the Scaffold gave. Way, andthe whole rufhed to the Ground; by Which one Woman was killed upon the Spot, one Man died on Friday, about 16 Perfons had each a Limb broken, be- ...

Published: Friday 08 July 1768
Newspaper: Derby Mercury
County: Derbyshire, England
Type: Article | Words: 373 | Page: 1 | Tags: none


... any Part ofthe Scaffolding creeled or to be ere£led on Accouut of the laid Corona lion, in Weftminller-Hall, the Abbey, or elfe- whire, upon any i'retenee ?? And i.i rale there fiiould be a Neceffity for Perfohs to go under the Scaffolding with Lights, ...

St L U K E’s H O E,

... Shillings; and every Non-freemen, for Scaffold One Guinea, and for a Tent or Hut Ten Shillings to the PciTon appointed to colictft the fame, before Scaffold, Tent, Hut, be fet up. Aud every Perfon who fliall have Scaffold, Hut, Tent, fliall within three Days ...

Published: Saturday 24 May 1766
Newspaper: Newcastle Chronicle
County: Northumberland, England
Type: | Words: 868 | Page: 3 | Tags: none

Wednefday’i and Thurfday’ POSTS Arrived the Mails from Holland and Flanders tlje Duffielaorp July 26 Soubife’s ..

... taken 23 Artillery Horfes killed Brunfwick 2 Rank and File killed 3 Rank and File wounded 7 Artillery Horfes killed HeJJian i Rank and File killed 1 Officer 1 Non-Commiffioned Officer Rank and File wounded Non-Com- Young killed ift Battalion ...

Published: Tuesday 11 August 1761
Newspaper: Gloucester Journal
County: Gloucestershire, England
Type: Article | Words: 1911 | Page: 1 | Tags: none

e Th two, 2od e Lldam tobe got. Feery wp .rO ‘Tz Scurvy, and putrid Fevers, the Confequence of kiling

... had 17 killed outright, and 113 woanded. The Thetis came up with the Bouffon at Seven in the Morning and the A&lion lafted 36 Minutes. The Bouffon hud 3z Men killed, and 38 wounded, wany of whom are fince dead: The Thetis had no Men either killed or wounded ...

Published: Monday 24 August 1761
Newspaper: Coventry Standard
County: Warwickshire, England
Type: Article | Words: 1143 | Page: 3 | Tags: none

XljutSbap’B 000. Daj arrivtd the Mail from Flamkrs. Rem;,, Auguft *B, WWVWI.S Holineft. Account of the V Dearth ..

... Millions [of Livres.J COUNTRY NEWS. Bath, Sept. 15. On Saturday laft Part of Scaffold, the Chapel now eredling in Milfom-Strect, fell down, which Accident one of the Workmen was killed the Spot, three had their Legs broken, and others were much bruifcd; all ...

Published: Saturday 20 September 1766
Newspaper: Oxford Journal
County: Oxfordshire, England
Type: Article | Words: 375 | Page: 3 | Tags: none

Wcdnefday Evening and Yelterday Morning fereral Mem* ber* of hi* Majefty’s Moft Hon, Privy-council, came to ..

... y told, is put off little longer; it is laid to the fixth of OClobcr, in order to give more Time to the Workmen, &c. The Scaffold in St Margaret’s Church-yard, to fee the Coronation, is raifed 16 Seats one above another, and fome of the old Houfes have ...

Published: Saturday 22 August 1761
Newspaper: Newcastle Courant
County: Northumberland, England
Type: Article | Words: 1043 | Page: 2 | Tags: none

Vasa in King Henry Vll's is Feet long and :6 'mad e , built Jo► the Atrophy, of the nil',

... with Crape, and the Drumled along the Scaffolding, beating a dead March during Son ; the Hoofhold Trumpeters and Fifes walked in g, with black Jockeys Caps. Rocket was thrown up when the Royal Corps entered Scaffolding, and another when the Proceffion returned ...

Published: Tuesday 18 November 1760
Newspaper: Chester Courant
County: Cheshire, England
Type: Article | Words: 2076 | Page: 2 | Tags: none

Loudon, _*rprrmiuT ...'

... Majeltitsas they palled in Proceiiion. Wr jn'.t now hear thnt one of the Scaffolds cre.tttl for leeing the P.oceffion, is fallen down, and that it's feared two or three Perfons are kill d. G,n. Ev. Poft. Good Authoi ity allures us, that Offers are already ...


... were flrcj.itig »ttr th edge of a coal-pit at Whitehall near this city, or*: „' them had die misfortune to fall in and was killed. Yefterday was committed to Newgate, Lydiajanc^ for ftealing four night caps, value as. ahd one ck_a bafon, value 6d. the ...