* fi«»£** ?? ?? *!» Al ALEXANDER PALMER's Wright and \ p'i-hire-tramer, fouth end of the Potter- •£* „n o

... w f tobe SOLD (price Half a Guinea) rt T/ine WHOLE LENGTH PRINT O F L ORO BUTE, toman Original Painting by Mr. Ramsat. At lame place my be bad, \ variety of other prints ; as alfo, (ready made -id a-r very reafonable rates) all kinds of CABI- «£f WORK, in the beft and finefl mahogony, fee &c If paintings, pictures, &c are entruft- ?? to be framed (gilt or carved) he hopes 10 be able to da them ...

Published: Monday 25 April 1763
Newspaper: Caledonian Mercury
County: Midlothian, Scotland
Type: Advertisement | Words: 3994 | Page: Page 3, 4 | Tags: Classifieds 

WANTED at LEEDES, A Master of the Workhoufe. ANY Perlbn properly qualified, and willing to engage in fuch an ..

... may fend in their Propofall to the Committee cf the faid Workhoufc any Wed- nefday in the Afternoon, on, or before the firft ol June next. Ks* All Perfons who have any Demands upon the Com- mittee on account of the Workhoufe, arc defued to bring in the fame, on, or before the 4-tli of May next. Mr. HERS CHEL, TAKES this Opportunity of returning Thanks to his Friends (or the gieat and many Fa- ...

Published: Tuesday 26 April 1763
Newspaper: Leeds Intelligencer
County: Yorkshire, England
Type: Advertisement | Words: 4749 | Page: Page 2, 3, 4 | Tags: Classifieds 

Sunday's and Monday's Posts

... From the LONDON GAZETTE. Berlin, April 9. . the 7th Inft. his Pruflian Majefty wJ reviewed the Corps Artilleiy, O which amounts to fix Battalions, that 1 * are to uarte,e ...

TOtttifement& €U$ tt to fffte Brtice, . THAT the COMMISSIONERS for carrying into Execution an Act of Parliament ..

... and Inclofing the Commons, common Pafture- , and common Fields, in the Manor of Litton, in the Parifh of Tidefwell, in the County of Derby, intend to meet at the George Inn in TidefweU, on the 24th Day of May Inftanr, by Two of the Clock in the Afternoon. ?? ■$ W te ta fcfte aottce. THAT the COMMISSIONERS for carrying into Execution an Act of Parliament for Dividing and Inclofing a Common ...

Published: Friday 29 April 1763
Newspaper: Derby Mercury
County: Derbyshire, England
Type: Advertisement | Words: 992 | Page: Page 4 | Tags: Classifieds 

ASTtr. April 21, tttHfrfas' of late, {rreat DAMAGE, guilty of any tne above Offtnres, »iU be immediately pwie C for

... the f-me. JOHN LITTLE, BREtCHES-AKLR, « .he the ar.d v ►, .he Hk*i> .he t, N kwcastie, MAkes and S 11. ls aU Sorts of BUCK and UOk-SKIN BR.EICH»S, tu.ia.ed .he neateft and moft ,^ ‘; * Mannc.j alfoCoionatu BICLECHfcS and i.OVES, Whoitlale Retail, on .he ableTemu. He alio fells LAT T.U CJC L S SPURS, with leteial oihet Art.c i a HARDWARE. ...

Published: Saturday 30 April 1763
Newspaper: Newcastle Courant
County: Northumberland, England
Type: Illustrated | Words: 83 | Page: Page 2 | Tags: Classifieds 

To be S U L O,

... To the NORTH BRITON. Pleafc to ftate the following Fa&, which is of a Nature alriioft entirely new, and I foon trouble you with my Obfervati- ons On fo remarkable a Proceeding. By the Right Honourable Wclbore Ellis, His Majef/y's Secretary at War. HAVING received his Majefty's Com- mands, do hereby difchargs Anthony Nichols, a private Man, from the Ctddftream Regiment of Foot-Guards, commanded ...

Published: Saturday 30 April 1763
Newspaper: Oxford Journal
County: Oxfordshire, England
Type: Article | Words: 6280 | Page: Page 3 | Tags: Classifieds 

ORP HA N HO SPI TA I THE feveral Members of the Corpora: ?? Orphan Holpital and Work ho;: Edinburgh,

... are defired ro meet in the Britifti feehoufe, in Forrefter's wynd, upon Tuefi loth of May next, at rwclve o'clcck mid- when a matter of confequence to the hoi..' be laid before them. qpHE Reftor fhip of the Gnmr jL fchool of Cupar in Fife in prefer:!; cant by the tranlportation of Mr. John Ks and is to be filled up on Monday, the 161I1.V: 1763. — The falary is 20 I. fterliug fper 11ns befides ...

Published: Saturday 30 April 1763
Newspaper: Caledonian Mercury
County: Midlothian, Scotland
Type: Advertisement | Words: 4628 | Page: Page 2, 3, 4 | Tags: Classifieds 

A To be SOLD, at Harwich in EfTex. Large Aflbrtment of OAK and FIR Wreck Plank, Timbers, &c. at reafonable

... Prices. * For Particulars pleafe to apply to Mr. Tho. B. Bryant, or Mr. Jams* Clements, pan, at the faid Place. . To he SCfLD. A Good and commodious Freehold Dwelling-Houfe. with -TX a good Garden, and other Conveniences, in the Occupation of Mrs. Stisted, fituate in Broo_ Street in Ipswich. For Particulars enquire of Mr. Knight of Ipfwich. N. B. This will be advertifed no more. To be LETT and ...

Published: Saturday 30 April 1763
Newspaper: Ipswich Journal
County: Suffolk, England
Type: Advertisement | Words: 7168 | Page: Page 1, 3, 4 | Tags: Classifieds 

h, A ROUPING of 'JttSHOLD FURNITURE, JfON Thurfday the 12th of May current, in J Z* Turk's clofe, Lawn marker,

... fourth fto- ?? eft hand door of the flat, all forts of HOUS- j* and KITCHEN FURNITURE, beds, |- ts >. chairs, grates, a good collection of the i r ] n 's and landskips, among which are feve- L Mr. Strange's performances, an 1 all of bis t bi a mahogony book-cafe, with a Cbinefe 'Own p.lafs, and a desk and five drawers ?? ! °i' Holding cioaths, of the beft work, and tode, only a foot tbick ...

Published: Monday 02 May 1763
Newspaper: Caledonian Mercury
County: Midlothian, Scotland
Type: Advertisement | Words: 3330 | Page: Page 3, 4 | Tags: Classifieds 

Tbis Day is Publifhed, Price 6d. ( And fold by all the Book fellers in Town and Country } CHRIST

... the Joy of the Chriftian's Life, and Death his Gain : TH E Subftance of a SERMON preached April 10th, 176}, in Haworth Church, on the Death of the Rev. Mr WILLIAM GRIMS H A W, A B. Minilter oft hat Parifh, and ?? at ihe Requeft of his Friends. To which is added, A Sketch of his LIFE and MINISTRY. By H. VENN, A. M Vicar of Huddeisfield, in the V\ ell R-d./if. a' Yorkfhire. CHRIST is ali, and in ...

Published: Tuesday 03 May 1763
Newspaper: Leeds Intelligencer
County: Yorkshire, England
Type: Advertisement | Words: 5411 | Page: Page 2, 3, 4 | Tags: Classifieds 

A H V ERTISE M ENTS. Synod of Lothian and T wecddah. Edinburgh, rhe 3d day of May, 1763. I^KrL

... SYNOD c'f LOTHIAN, met thisday, and coniidering that there were very few members prefent, andthat the greateft part could not atlend the Synod at this time, by reafon of the public thankfgiving, to be obferved ori Thurf- day next, did therefore adjourn for all bufinefs, tiil Tuefday the renth inftanr, at the ufual time and place of meeting, whereof all having intercity are delired ro take ...

Published: Wednesday 04 May 1763
Newspaper: Caledonian Mercury
County: Midlothian, Scotland
Type: Advertisement | Words: 5843 | Page: Page 1, 2, 3, 4 | Tags: Classifieds