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South East, England


Kent, England

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treat Seal to the Governors of Our raid Colenies rc fketlively, to ereet and conflitute, with the Advice of Coir

... Provinces on the Continent of North America, to grent, v dhoet Fee or Reward, to fuch Reduced Officers as have ferved in /\ urch America during the late War, and to Inch Private Soldiers as been or DWI be disbanded in America, and are actually reioung there ...

irrcm 1k Caddie, OIL 3. By the KING, A PROCLAMATION. GEORGE R. WHEREAS We have taken into Our Royal Confideration

... Acquifitions in America, fecured to Our Crown by the late Definitive Treaty of Peace concluded at Paris the loth Day of February laR ; and being defirous i that all Our loving Subjetts, as well of Our Kingdoms as of Our Colonies in America, may avail diemfelves ...

c Charing

... Amherft has demapded a reinforcement of three Regiments, to enable him to maintain his footing in or new acquifitions in America. We hear from Tunbridge-Wefts that on Wednefday the 27th nit. the Right Hon. the Earl of Shaftesbury gave a publick tea drinking ...

iriterefis, and to t

... Majefty's Province of Quebec in America. The King has been pleafed to conftitute and appoint Jaws Grant, Efq ; to be his Majefty's Captain-General and Governor in Chief in and over his Majefty's Province of Eaft-Florida America. The King has been pleafed to ...

LONDON, oa. 6. ESTER DAY it was refolved in Council, that the Parl:a-matt than meet for the Difpateh of bnfinefs

... for the isth of November, is the fettling the feveral revenue-laws, which are to refpett the new acquifitions in North- America. HE Gentlemen, Clergy, and Freeholders of the County of Kent, are defircd to meet at the Kuig's Head in the City of Canterbury ...

Printed for D. it St. John's Gift. When may be Mk c.kts Sets. ie 3 0 eh( a aa •

... col inlet in America. Orion of arts, due, dad cieJ institutions is the Bail. account of Shrewebruy of .vise Belay/ hmther to Nana the Gnat. An eaiy and ezparisseed inetiod of recosering 4emone4petfon'. Gaeta account if the opetauone is America. Virtues if ...

From the London Gated te, :dd. 27. Old-fireet, by two men on hnriel.ack, uho robbed Ifni of four Millings and

... in regimentals, which to Sir John Fielding, by whole means it is hoped fome of thefe viimay probably extend all over North America. 1 , lains will loon be detected, and brought to their deferved punith- The - Independent Company which has lately been reduced ...

tie Limits Casette,

... by which means the rider had the mimile of treaking his thigh. Two regiments are ordered to be immediately fent to North. America, to check the ravages and depredation l or the Indians. Governor Piggot is arrived in the Drake Ealt-Indiaman from Bengal ...

this 0ccaG99.,44v.ed

... beitig - charged on PA the Wife of Thomei with Ruling at Hooliantoo. * Brittol, Dec. io. Arrived in ee days from the of America, part of Sugervlaindryraboot Afty weight, the of the ruins of his' battalion This corps had primarey.ol the Them. , * t h ...

Frost tSe Leder Gatettt, bp. St. lames's, September 24. The following Addrefs of the Srit:ih 'AL.:I-chants and ..

... thou4h valuable in itfelf, is far more to, from the Securky it affords your Majefty's Subjeds in the other Provinces in North America ; whore Lives and Properties will no longer be endangered from the ambitious Views and infidious Defigns of their Neighbours ...

/ter: the Lottien Cogent, yutte tg. At the Coto. at St. the tsth Day of 7ame, 1763, Precut, he King's

... Publick 1 ranquillity, and the jolt Praife of your Majefty's Reign. The large Acceflions, made to your Majefty'sEmpire in America, not only promife an Increafe of Commerce, .with its Attendants, Wealth and Power, but likewife open a Way for diffufing Freedom ...