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Bath Chronicle and Weekly Gazette

ISrifltol, jaotwmltfr 5

... Virginia. Ariiv'd, At Londonderry, the Sarah, Rolflone, from this Port; at the Grenadoet, the Loveday, Wills, from North America ; the Boyne, Brooke, J'rom St. Sebafttans jor this Port is put into Coombe. Er.tei d Out, The Hannah, Sawger, for Wa'.er- ...

London, March 1

... 5001. of it to propagating of the Gofpel in America, 5001. encouraging the Pro, teftant Working Schools in Ireland, and the remaining ioool. for the Ufe of the firft Bifliop that (hall be appointed in America, with the Intereft of the fame, provided fu'ch ...

lint a>olct, The Lantkorn HOUSE, CROSS-BATH. Enquire the Houfe.—lt has twelve Rooms, moft them thirteen Feet ..

... AUegorica; Dream on the Peace. The Gardeners Kalendar. Quakers and Di enting Minitters Addrefles. D'tctions for ordering Vines in America. rim, an Eaftem Tale. Dire&ionsrelative the Cyder Afl. the Infection of Tafte and Fafh;on A pir ilar W*y of recovering Perfons ...

The People were condemned to one Parliament during the Life of King George the Firft again, one Parliament ..

... Spain, by which almoft all the Acquisitions the War have been given again, but the Indians have commenced Hostilities in America againft us, ftimulated thereto by the Intrigues of the French, not aflitted by them. I« the Eaft-Indies, our good Friends ...

Published: Thursday 08 September 1763
Newspaper: Bath Chronicle and Weekly Gazette
County: Somerset, England
Type: Advertisement | Words: 563 | Page: 1 | Tags: none

London September 10

... Cornwall, to the Memory of Admiral Boicawen. It is faid that the Forces that are to be employed againft the Indians in North-America will amount to 10,000 Men, commanded by General Amherft. From Kent, Surry, and Worcefterfhire, wc hear they begun to pluck ...

London, November 24

... of pay off ihe Debts contraéted late War ;- one Mil- te pay the Arrears’ due to. the Troops who + féeved in Portugal and. America; and three Millicns to put their Marine on a refpectable Foorits g They write fem Madrid, that ra Cathol! c Maj-fy bos. much ...

A in the King's Circus, Late in Pofleffion of Lady HARTOP. Enquire of Mr. Thomas Jelly, Carpenter, or Mr

... Portraits of Qiieen Elizabeth, Mary Queen of Scots, Queen Mary, and Anne of Hulleyn, finely engraved by June; ThmMite's Map America, and Plan of the Rotherham Patent Plough, engrav'd on The Univefal MUSEUM, Or, Polite Magazine of Hiftory, Politics and Literature ...

London, August 25

... of the Town. We are told that two Battalions of Foot, iooo Men each, are forthwith to be raifed, order to be fent to North America j and additional Number of 500 Men, replace ths Sick arid Lnme, which are fhortly expe&ed home from thence. The Forces which ...

London, March 22

... Canada are felling their Eftates to Englifh Subje&s, in order to retire ei/her to France, or to of the 1 French Colonics America. Their Excellencies the Venetian Ambafladors will be entertained by his Majelty on the Day ' their Public Entry, the 18th ...

London, September 22

... Commander in Chief in North America, concerning the many late Irregularities committed the Indians, in the Back Settlements, on our People. It does not appear, that there are any Grounds for fending a Body of Troops from hence to America, Orders having been long ...

Bridgwater Turnpike. NY Perfon or well accuflomfH to the making; of Roads, and willing to undertake and ..

... baturalifls, namely, that of having vifited a variety countries, and examined the productions tf each upon the fpot. Whatever America or the parts of Africa have produced to excite cwiofity has been carefully olferved by him, and compared with the accounts ...