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Bath Chronicle and Weekly Gazette

Friday's and Saturday's POSTS

... holds, we may fee the whole Cherokee Nation, in tlie Way of Trade, clad in Regimentals, which may probably, all over North America. We learn from Berlin, Advices of the 15th, that his Majefty's Forces near that City, and in the Environs of Magdebotirg ...

London October 22

... upon the like Bufineis. We are informed that when the French quitted Canada, and the rett ot the conquered Provinces NOl th America, they infiuuated to the I dians, that their new Matters, the Englifh, were cruel iii their A£lions, nd had no other Defign ...

London September 13

... Employment to the maryThoufands of Soldiers lately reduced, and for the better fettling and improving our new Conquefts in America, a Scheme has been drawn up the Board Trade, which we hear will fpeedily take Place, and be made public by Koyal Proclamation ...

Friday's and Saturday's Posts

... Sailors, now out of Employ, deferves the molt ferious Confideration. There is Land enough for them to cultivate in North America and if fome Expedient or other is not thought of, the Conlequence that will enfue is too eatily forefeen for after having ...

London, September 27

... will foon take Place, with regard to the Conduct of our naval Officers, who are appointed to the Command Ibtion'd Ships in America and the Weft Indies. We hear that Orders have been given to pay off to Midfuramer laft the Arreais due to the feveral Officers ...

Friday's and Saturday's POSTS

... Public Entry 'till they arrive in their own Country. Orders are fent to the feveral Governors our Territories and Iflands America, to fend Home, foon as Conveniency offers, all the French Prifoners they have their It is faid all our People that were Prifoners ...

Friday's and Saturday's POSTS

... They are be manned from the Ships at the Havannah and Jamaica, and a Number of Soldiers will be put on board each Ship. The America, and the two Ships of War that were on the Stocks are burnt. The Dock-yards have b e en deftroy'd in fuch a Manner, as to ...

London, February 5

... in 'Ireland j fix (on the Irifli Eftablifhment) in Minorca; fix (on the Irifh Eftablifhment) at Gibraltar; and Twenty in America and the Weft-Indies. The laft Dutch Mails brought over great Orders from Holland, Virtue ot which very large Sums' have been ...

London, October 4

... reltricted. We are informed that the Court of France, defirous of fettling, to the belt Advantage, what they yet poffefs in America, have,offered very great Encouragement to their late Subjects Canada, on Condition of going thither; in conl'equence of of ...

llonoon, fi&rptfmbet 27

... take Place, witii regaid to the Conduct of our r i- vai Oflieeis, whs) are appointed to the Comni v.d cf lbt. on'sJ Ships in America aud the Welt ludiei. We hear that Oidc.s have heen given to payoff to Midfuininer la.t the Aireais due to the feve al Olntcrs ...

London, June 14

... Alexander Albanf Protestor cf the Kingdom of Scotland. They write from Exeter that, accoiding to fome Letters received there from America, the Indians the North and Weft Coaft of Newfoundland have commenced Hoftilities againft the Englifh Settlements made by John ...

London September 3

... was pretty well quelled, and the Reikis motliy difperled. hear that Sir JefFery Amherft is expected in England from North America, having had Leave to return for the Recovery of his Health, which is greatly impaired by the incetTant Fatigues he has undergone ...