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Derby Mercury

On Saturday, February y, will be publijbed, Price Six-pence. Handfomely printed iri Quarto on' a fine Paper, to ..

... in about Forty Numbers at 6d. each, compiled NUMBU t. (Orna-mcrited with an elegant Frontifpiece, and containim* Three Sheets of Letter-Prefs, befides Title and Sc? ftitch'd in blue Paper) of iciacej A HARMONY ofthe FOUR GOSPEL^- QJn^Jt^r 1 0rder i?preW j* : ? By JAMES MACKNIGHT, D.& Subfcriptions are tskeh in by R, Horsfield, at tlic Crown, irf Ludgatc-llreec. Alio by ' Meff. Fletcher and ...

Published: Friday 21 January 1763
Newspaper: Derby Mercury
County: Derbyshire, England
Type: Advertisement | Words: 1481 | Page: Page 1, 4 | Tags: Classifieds 

CW ©a? # ?? ■ (Price SIX-PENCE.) AND SOLD BY SAMUEL FOX, Bookfeller in Derby, RECEIPTS for preparing and ..

... thi principal MEDICINES made ufe of by the lafeMr. WARD, together with an Introduction, &c. By JOHN PAGE, Efiji Member of Parliament for the City of Chkhefter. To whom Mr. WARD left his Book of SECRETS.' i At the above Place the late Mr. WARD'S NMrniciNES are appointed to be fold, and atthe following very moderate Prices i *'*• 1. s d WHITE DROPS, in a Bottle, containing one third' of an ...

Published: Friday 17 June 1763
Newspaper: Derby Mercury
County: Derbyshire, England
Type: Advertisement | Words: 2229 | Page: Page 1, 3, 4 | Tags: Classifieds 

The Perufal of the following Adyert/fement, is earneffl/ recommended to the PubUc. WALKER's Patent GfiHuiNß ..

... tff Health and Loks Lirrj, In Bottles of s s. or is, 6d. proportionable. NOTICE is hereby given to Perfim's of both Sexes afflicted with Gleets ?? of t the Semi- nal Veflels, of ever fo long ftaficlmg/ibt itfifft the Venereal Difeafe in all its different Stages* train the flighrcft to its molt malignant Infection, that, on Frid.y the 3jlt of Ciiober-ns*, his Majefty's Royal Letters-Patent ...

Published: Friday 16 September 1763
Newspaper: Derby Mercury
County: Derbyshire, England
Type: Advertisement | Words: 2009 | Page: Page 1, 2, 4 | Tags: Classifieds 

Sold by S. DREW R V, Printer in Der b y, ( who hath lately receiv'd a frejb Quantity )

... by J. SAL T hi Wirkfworth, W. ASH TON In Winfter; A\ MARTIN in Afliby, and N. HlCfc, Schcolmafiti lit Sheffield, at only One Shilling a Bottle. A Speedy and Certain CURE for the ITCH, BCURVEY, &rV. In any Part of ihe Body, which has been approved if by man) Years Experience ; being made from the Receipt of a late eminent Physician of DERBt. IT is an agreeable, clear, and excellent WATER, (to ...

Published: Friday 19 August 1763
Newspaper: Derby Mercury
County: Derbyshire, England
Type: Advertisement | Words: 1636 | Page: Page 3, 4 | Tags: Classifieds 

' ' . ?? . 1 . ,11. ?? The Pew/4/ of the , follow/ng Jdvertifement, is earneftty recommended

... to the Public. WALKER's Patent Genuine JESUITS DRO PS f ; Or, Ttie 13ROPS of: Health and IMo txjsj ?? •■ ■ . ■ tw - InljQttlesof ss. or ; as. 6d. proportionable. I NOTICE is hereby given to Perfons of WfV Sexes affliclcd with Gleets and Weaknefles of the Semi- nal Veffels, of ever fo long ftanding, 01 with the 'Venerea! Djfeafe in all its different Stages, from the flightclt to Us moft ...

Published: Friday 03 June 1763
Newspaper: Derby Mercury
County: Derbyshire, England
Type: Advertisement | Words: 2160 | Page: Page 1, 3, 4 | Tags: Classifieds 

«W' : Dai? » puWifteu, (Price SIX-PENCE.) AND SOLD BY SAMUEL FOX, Bookfeller in Derby, RECEIPTS for preparing ..

... the principal MEDICINES made ufc of by the lite Mr. WARD, together with an Introduction, &c. By JOHN PAGE, Efq; Member of Parliament for the City of Chichefler. To whom Mr. WARD left his Book of SECRETS. - At the above Place the late Mr. WARD'S Medjcwes are appointed to be fold, and at the following very moderate Prices, viz. I. s. d. WHITE DROPS, in a Bottle, containing one third of an Ounce, ...

Published: Friday 15 July 1763
Newspaper: Derby Mercury
County: Derbyshire, England
Type: Advertisement | Words: 2625 | Page: Page 1, 3, 4 | Tags: Classifieds 

On Saturday tbet6tbof February , 7 6 3> will be publijbed Price Six-Pence, The Whole to be comprifed in S

... 1 xt y Nftr hiW » 2 a*L- ' embelli^ Gwyn, and engraved by Hall. «cii b uea »y NUMB. I. Of A New and Impartial Hiftory of England, FROM THE Invafion of JULIUS C/ESAR, TO THE Signing of the PRE L [ M I N A R I E Sof PEACE, In the Year 1762. By JOHN BARROW, Efq; LONDON: Printed for j. Coote, atthe KinaVAr.ns irf Patcr-noJler-Rou;. and /old by all Bobkfcller and Si- Carners m Great-Britain and ...

Published: Friday 04 March 1763
Newspaper: Derby Mercury
County: Derbyshire, England
Type: Advertisement | Words: 2584 | Page: Page 1, 3, 4 | Tags: Classifieds 

By Authority of the K I N G% s Royal Patent, DR.. BATEMAN's Pectoral Drops, prepared! by DICEY and QK-ELL,

... in Bow-church-yard, London, whicH, for more than Fifty Years; have hecn univerfally known to be the fafeft and fufcft Relief inthe mbft acute Rheumatism: pains in the Breaft, Limbs and Joints; Fluxes, Agues, flow and latent feyers (preferable to any powders, arid new inventions; Bee.) a fingle dofe remarkably ftops the progrefs of a cold, and certainly prevenrsthe ill conleijuences ariiing ...

Published: Friday 23 September 1763
Newspaper: Derby Mercury
County: Derbyshire, England
Type: Advertisement | Words: 2030 | Page: Page 3, 4 | Tags: Classifieds 

NOiTICJE isi Hereby given, to; Perfons of both Sexes afflicted wirh the Venereal Dlfeafe, -or obftinate' and ..

... draining Weak'nefles, of ever fblongv ftanding, and whether occafioned by Venereal Complaints, Sclf- polJution, or other caufes, that the molt noble and incomparable Medicine, well known bj the Name of Br^CH Aiyp RO QK\ Xrue and Origmal JESUIT DR Of S, is jhpmoft certain, fafe,. efteftnal, and immediate Cine for the Diforders abpvementioned, and, in forty- five Years Praaice, , was never ...

Published: Friday 09 September 1763
Newspaper: Derby Mercury
County: Derbyshire, England
Type: Advertisement | Words: 1772 | Page: Page 3, 4 | Tags: Classifieds 

— ?? , — ; 7T' Sold by S. DREWRY, Printer in Derby, fafo hath lately received a frefb Quantity

... ) by J. SALT hi Wirkfworth, W. ASHTON in Winfter; A. MARTIN in Afhby, and N. HICK, Scboolaafier, in Sheffield, at only One Shilling a Bottle. A Speedy and Certain CUR E for the ITCH, SCUEIVEY, @V. In any Part of the Body, which has been approved of by m4njf Tears Experience j bring made from the Receipt of a late eminent Physician of DERBT. IT is an agreeable, clear, and excellent WATER, (to ...

Published: Friday 13 May 1763
Newspaper: Derby Mercury
County: Derbyshire, England
Type: Advertisement | Words: 2084 | Page: Page 3, 4 | Tags: Classifieds 

K^loa^L^^f^ b ?? A^K d ™^^vr he^^ •0 be %j) ©. The MANOR 6f BLORfi, ttS^' Afhbornd and very near

... feveral good Turnpike Roads,' pONSISTING ofthe MANOR Hnrfcu Pafiure *«# ™°% Meadow^ , ' extremely P |e fa S £ XkTald T W Cnce ' ft $P* and very ?? T;S tf T K he ' ffee ,s well Tenanted; which ?? f, g n EVery Part of J f he Elhcc » minaris. Mlri ° rals of Lead » Copper, arid Lapis Calal in^o^tS |i and of Mr ?? De T Striet ' M^Lane, London, ?? AtroVtlcy m #^»«aforcfaid. _ Derby, Dei. I. ...

Published: Friday 25 November 1763
Newspaper: Derby Mercury
County: Derbyshire, England
Type: Advertisement | Words: 1403 | Page: Page 1, 4 | Tags: Classifieds 

- luff ?? 7he Blejfednefs of the Peacemakers; A S E R M O N: ] Preached in the Parilh

... Church of St. WAR BURGH in DERBT, On Thursday May y, 170*3; Being the Day appointed for a General Thankfgiviiie to An mights GOD for the PEACE. •* By RICHARD BRERETON, M. A. Late Fellow of All-Souls College in Oxford. \ London: Printed for R. and ]. Doddsiev, and fold by S. Parkerjo Oxford; S. T rimer, in Derby, and R. Bond, at Gloucefier, 1 753. />«•«,* N. ff. The Profits arifin^ from the ...

Published: Friday 29 July 1763
Newspaper: Derby Mercury
County: Derbyshire, England
Type: Advertisement | Words: 1353 | Page: Page 1, 3, 4 | Tags: Classifieds