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... America. Niagara, May 30. The following Account received laft Night from Detroit, from the Commanding Officer, and Col. Vaughan ordered it to he made public. SIR, I received Intelligence lately of Pondiac's raifing a great many Nations of Indians, who ...


... America. Charles-Town, [South-Carolina] May 4. At the Choice and .Requeft of the Caiabas, his Honour the Lieutenant Governor has lent miflion appointing FROW to be their King the Room old King HAGLER, who was foot, fome Time ago, by their Enemy the Indians ...


... America. New-York, April 29. On the 21ft of March laft died, at], Dutchefs County, in the 128 th Year of his Age, Mr. Edglebert HofF. He was born in Norway, and could help himfelf without Afliftance, 'till within about ten Days before he died ...


... America. Philadelphia, May 30. From the Havannah we learn, that they had lately there an 80 gun Ihip, and three frigates in the harbour, hefides 74. and an gun fliip on the ftocks. That they had about 6000 regular troops ; were very in fortifying the ...


... America. Boston, July Phillips who wived here laft Friday Days from New. foundland, we learn, that there are four Englifti Men of War, and two French, on that otation, for the Proteflion Trade ; and that one of the Tenders belonging to the going into ...


... America. Newbirn, [is Pirginia] Sept. 13. We hear ro Dobb's County, that a moft melancholy Accident befel a poor Family there lately. Some Time in the Night, the Family being afleep, and the Children fpread on Lodgings on the Floor, two Rattlefnakes, ...


... America. Charles-Town, [South Carolina'] June 12. The lail advices trom Penlacola are dated the 2211 part, and inform us,, that the with the Creeks was to be opened there about the 28th. The important affairs tranfafted at the gieat congrefs which was ...


... America. bly, by the Governor, Confequence il ltf Relolves cccalioneLl by the Stamp-Aft, theie been an of new Afleitibly which thtre was Exclulion of all thofe Members of the former Alleinbly, who did not affent to Relolves } but ihole in the Intercft ...


... America. Fort-Royal, in the West Inmes, On Wednesday lalf, about Eleven o Clock a Night, a moll terrible m the w.ndwardmoft Houfe in tlie Town Sauteure, burnt with great Fury, and cont.nued till twelve other Houfes were entirely deftroyed. Abou Twelve ...

Containing its Rife, Progrefs, and Event, in Europe, Afia, Africa, and America. Interfperfed with the ..

... Containing its Rife, Progrefs, and Event, in Europe, Afia, Africa, and America. Interfperfed with the Charaflers of the Statefmen and Heroes, to whom are indebted for that Naval and Military Succefs, which not to be equalled in the Annals of this or of ...

AMERICA. Chnrlcs-To-Ma, Feb. 27. Gentleman of honour and veracity has furniffied with the following furpriiing ..

... AMERICA. Chnrlcs-To-Ma, Feb. 27. Gentleman of honour and veracity has furniffied with the following furpriiing inllance of the fertility of the fidl and mildnefs of the climate in thefe South American provinces, viz. He faw few days ago, in a Gentleman’s ...