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Ready-Furnifh'd, A Convenient Compleat Finiffi'd HOUSE, At Mr. AINSLIE's, Belvidere, Lanfdown-Road, BATH. ..

... Convenient Compleat Finiffi'd HOUSE, At Mr. AINSLIE's, Belvidere, Lanfdown-Road, BATH. Wanted, a MAN Servant, Who lias had the Small-Pox 5 can inow well, and look after Garden ; and wait at Table.—To be in Livery, 01 out. A'fo, WOMAN Servant, look after a ...


... fome Traders lately arrived there from the Creek Country fay, that Chickefaws, and 1500 Choftatvs, are litely dead of the Small-Pox; and that the Creeks f3y, the Indians alway catch fome dreadful Diforder when they go to meet the White People. ...

W A T s 0 N ' S, Coach and Harnefs-Makers, From LONDON, Beg Leave acquaint the Nobility and Gentry,

... Carriage free, (not leis than a Gallon) board of any Veffel, or to any Inn Place in or near London. Dr. POWDER For Fevers, the Small-Pox, Meafles, Pleurilies, Quinfies, acute Rheumatifms, Colds, and all Inflammatory Diforders; as well as for which are called ...

TRESILIAN'S, and Comp. Jewellers and Diamond-Merchants, London, and Foreign Parts, In KING VMEAD-STREET, Bath, ..

... Reynolds; Countrywomen, Mrs. Martin, Mrs. Quelch, &c. To conclude with a Countrv-Dance. Dr. James's POWDER For Fevers, the Small-Pox, Meafles, Pleurifies, Quinfies, acute Rheumatifms, Colds, and all Inflammatory Diforders; as well as for thofe which are ...

IRISH LINENS having had Fall, will be fold much cheaper than ufua!.-.R uffia and Bromfgrove Sheeting, &c. ..

... neatly-engraved Memorandum-Books for 1765, are done and fold by the above J. SpiJfbury. Dr. James's POWDER For Fevers, the Small-Pox, Meafles, Pleurifies, Quinfies, acute Rheumatifms, Colds, and all Inflammatory Diforders; as well as for thofe which are ...

LONDON. At James A.shley and Son s Houfe, Ware-Houfe, Vaults and Cellars, on Ludgate-HilU And at their other ..

... lels than Gallon) on board of any VeflTel, or to any Inn or Place in or near London. Dr. James s P O W DER, For Fevers, the Small-Pox, Meaftes,Pleurifies, Quinfies, acute Rheumatilins, Colds, and all Inflammatory Diforders; as well as for thofe which are ...

SAMUEL HANCOCK, Begs Leave to acquaint the Nobility, Gentry, and Others, THAT he has taken and enter'd upon the ..

... aforefaid, Labourer, aged about Years, about 5 Feet 6 Inches high, fwarthy Completion, fhort black Hair, and pitted with the Small-Pox. James Sparks, of Walcot aforefaid,Gardener, aged about 20 Years, about 5 Feet 9 Inches high, freckled Completion, dark brown ...

BATH and EXETER Flying Machine, in one Day, * (Hung on Steel Springs) fetting ont from the London Inn, Exeter,

... for making the Hair grow thick and faft to Admira.- • preventing it from growing grey, fiom ' falling off after Fevers, Small-Pox, See. Price . as. a Bottle. His Milk of Rofes, for cleanfing, cleaving, and ibftening the Skin, being the molt elegant and ...

By hi* Majesty's Royal Letters Patent, for Great-Britain and the Plantation?. PIKE's GRAND ANTIDOTE for the ..

... of Purges to cleanfe the Body of all grofs and vicious Humours contracted by hard Drinking, Surfeits, Colds, Meafles, or Small-Pox. It defiroys all Manner of IVorms in Children or grown Perfons, gives prefent Eafe in the Cholick, expells Wind, and cures ...

his Majesty's Royal Letters Patent, for Great-Britain and the Plantations. PIKE's GRAND ANTIDOTE for the Itch, ..

... of Purges to cleanfe the body of all grofs and vicious Humours contracted by hard Drinking, Surfeits, Colds, Meajles, or Small-Pox. It dejlroys all Manner of Worms in Children or grown Perfons, gives prefent Eafe in the Cholick, expells Wind, and cures ...

London, Dacover 15

... (hemfelve* up, together with all on board. A letter from Augufta fays, the Nation has received dreadful a Diminution from the Small-Pox, that there are not one hundred Maies of them remaining alive. It is expe&ed the Port London, for the Importation of foreign ...

By his Majesty's Royal Letters Patent, for Great-Britain and the Plantations. PIKE's GRAND ANTIDOTE for the ..

... of Purges to cleanfe the body of all grofs and vicious Humours contracted by hard Drinking, Surfeits, Colds, Meafles, or Small-Pox. It defiroys all Manner of Worms in Children or grown Perfons, gives prefent Eafe in the Cholick, expells Wind, and cures ...