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... AMERICA. New-York, March 10. Capt. Brifon, who on Monday arrived here from Holland, but laft from Dover, informs that on Thurfday fe'nnight he fpoke with a Schooner from Santa Croix for Salem, the Mafter of which informed him, that the Crew of one of ...

Published: Friday 23 May 1766
Newspaper: Derby Mercury
County: Derbyshire, England
Type: Article | Words: 95 | Page: 2 | Tags: none


... AMERICA. Extract ofa Letter from St. Jagcl de la Vega, (Jamaica) March 8. On the 25th ult. began the Sittings of the Supreme Court of Judicature of this Ifland held here; and on Saturday the Grand Jury prefented an Addrefs to his Excellency Governor ...

Published: Friday 16 May 1766
Newspaper: Derby Mercury
County: Derbyshire, England
Type: Article | Words: 599 | Page: 1 | Tags: none

(rt, altbrated oration of tht Great Commoner, a-very im* occa/ion, in mojl auguji ajjembly, continued from our ..

... ought to have profited. He ought to have debited from his projeft. The gentleman .U America is obllinate; America is alraoll in open hellion. I rejoice that America has refilled. Three millions of people, dead to all the feelings of liberty, as voluntarily ...


... I propofed to Tax America, I afked the Houfe, if any Gentle man would object to the Right; I repeatedly afked it, and no Man would attempt to deny it. Protection and Obedience are Reciprocal. Great Britain protects America; America is bound to yield Obedience ...

Published: Tuesday 20 May 1766
Newspaper: Manchester Mercury
County: Lancashire, England
Type: Article | Words: 3532 | Page: 2 | Tags: none

(The Remainder of the Political Debates, Se ix our R Pest iaid, in anfwer to Mr the In the cule

... repeatedly afked it, and no man would at- tempt to deny it. Proteétion and obedience are Gul. Great Britain proveé’s America ; America’ \s hound to yield abedience. If not, tel me when the were emancipa ed. When tiey want the affiitanes of this kingdom ...

Published: Thursday 22 May 1766
Newspaper: Stamford Mercury
County: Lincolnshire, England
Type: Article | Words: 2320 | Page: 1 | Tags: none

r- e tie hr e. SWEET LITTLE BET. New Sons. WHilft poets for bays,—the patriot praife. Scotus with fcandil befet

... ; the fame may be now fold for thirty. You owe this to America. This is the price that America pays you for her protection. ‘ good caafe, a found bottom, the force ofthiscmmtry can crulh America to atoms. I know the valour your troops. know the Ikill ...

Published: Saturday 17 May 1766
Newspaper: Newcastle Chronicle
County: Northumberland, England
Type: | Words: 947 | Page: 4 | Tags: none

As the Affairs of our Colonies are flill under th Confideration ?? Affembly,' and as a celebrated SPEECH, while the

... to have profited, He ought to have detilted from his Projeft. The Gentleman tells us, America is oblfinatej America is almolt in open Rebellion. I rejoice that America has refitted, Three Millions of People, fo dead to all the Feelings of Liberty, as v ...

Published: Friday 09 May 1766
Newspaper: Derby Mercury
County: Derbyshire, England
Type: Article | Words: 3380 | Page: 2 | Tags: none

fmport,. Ann and Mary, J. Richard, from Brrtofljjwith Vim, Linen, Clapboard, tec. . F.rmnuel, W- Huid^msi j| ..

... --- The idea of a virtual reprefentation of America in this houfe, 'm the moft contemptible idea that ever entered into the head of a man- -It does not deferve a ferious refutation . «• The commons of America, reprefented in their fe- veral afl-mblies ...

Published: Tuesday 20 May 1766
Newspaper: Leeds Intelligencer
County: Yorkshire, England
Type: Article | Words: 2598 | Page: 4 | Tags: none

nr OfWnvcn Way not pick a man of fuflkiem knowledge and expeliencc to make governor of a colony there. Kut

... crying injuftice, I am one of thofe who will lift up hands again)! it. In fuch a canfe, your fucccfs would hatar* dons. —America, tell, would tall like the llrong man. She would embrace the pillars ol the ftatc, and pull down the conftitution along with ...

Published: Saturday 17 May 1766
Newspaper: Newcastle Chronicle
County: Northumberland, England
Type: | Words: 424 | Page: 4 | Tags: none

POLITICAL ORATION. AS the affairs rica have lately been fo much the fubjerf of converfation, it is preliimetl ..

... to take I'uch part concerning America, as might afterwards fee fit. One word only cunli hot approve of ; an early is a word that dots not belong to the notice the minillry have given to parliament of the troubles in America. -a matter fnch importance, the ...

Published: Saturday 10 May 1766
Newspaper: Newcastle Chronicle
County: Northumberland, England
Type: | Words: 844 | Page: 4 | Tags: none

C O PEIiFiAGEN, (Denmark) April 22. It is affured that the Marriag e of the King with the Princefs of

... brought a Cork News Paper, n which was a P aragra ph, i n f or mi ng , Th at e ve r y Thi ng elatin g to t h e Affairs of America was fettled; that the StamptEl would be r epealed ; and Requifitions were to be made the refpeaive Colonies, for the Support ...

Published: Monday 12 May 1766
Newspaper: Aris's Birmingham Gazette
County: Warwickshire, England
Type: | Words: 834 | Page: 1 | Tags: none

CJucßrap'o J?off*

... of which brought n Cork News-Paper, in which was a Paragraph, in- forming, • That every Thing relating to the Affairs of America was fettled ; and Rcquifitions were to be made to ...

Published: Friday 09 May 1766
Newspaper: Derby Mercury
County: Derbyshire, England
Type: Article | Words: 135 | Page: 4 | Tags: none